DaeSung: SPIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big Bang Scenarios

DaeSung had come over to your place on Saturday to spend some time with you after finishing Big Bang's Japan tour. You guys missed each other so much, that he decided to surprise you by using the spare key you gave him to come to your place and hide until you came home about 20 minutes later. Of course you were shocked, terrified and happy all at the same time. After a while, you two decided to watch your favorite movies and dramas for the entire weekend. However, in the middle of watching the final episode of "Boys Over Flowers", you spot something moving by Dae's foot. It just happened to be the one thing you hate most....a spider. A Tarantula.

"O...o...op...opp...oppa" you managed to stutter out while pulling your legs into your arms, making sure the spider couldn't get anywhere near you first, while making sure you didn't startle him or the spider that was about to start crawling on his foot.

"Ne?" he said blankly, still consumed in Boys Over Flowers. He completely ignored you and started to yell at the actors/characters on the television screen

"Oppa...oppa...OPPA!!!!" you yelled, loud enough this time for him to hear and pay attention to you.

He looked at you in a daze. "Bwo?" he asked as you started to stand up on the couch. "What's wrong?"

He didn't even realize there was a spider starting to crawl up his leg. It was at the middle of his calf and then when it got to his knee, you flat out screamed. Your arachnaphobia had definitely got the best of you this time. Not only did you give DaeSung a shock, but the spider as well. It stopped in its tracks and just sat there near DaeSung's knee.

"Spid..sp...sp...spide..spider." you mumbled, a terrified look on your face. "Mworago?" he asked.

"Spider." you mumbled again. He could barely make out what you said. 

"Jagi~, I can't underst---" 

"Spider!" you cut him off, pointing to his leg. "There's a spider on your leg." He looked down to where you had been pointing and yelled. He managed to knock the spider off him before jumping onto the couch and holding on to you, shouting in the process. "Wah, Jagi~! That thing is huge!! Go kill it."

"YAH!!...You're my boyfriend! Aren't you the one who's supposed to protect me?!?" you said, trying to get him off you and push him off the couch so he could kill or at least capture the thing.

"So..." he said in an okay-so-you're-right-but-still tone.

"So go KILL IT DAE!!" you panicked as it started moving towards the couch again.

Finally after almost 10 minutes of you guys arguing about who needs to kill it and why, the spider is nearing the window and you manage to push DaeSung off the couch. He came back with a jar and a piece of paper a couple seconds later. Dae snuck up behind the spider and slammed the jar over then sliding the piece of paper under it so that when he picked up the jar, the spider couldn't get out not matter what. He picked up the jar and held the paper tightly over it then held the jar out the window. Dae pulled the paper from underneath and the spider fell out the jar and on to something and thankfully not someone. He turned around to face you and took a deep breath, feeling a sense of accomplishment rush through him. A big smile was on his face.

"Now. Where were we?" he said glancing around the room finally spotting the television. "Ah!! There we go..." he said walking over to the couch once again, picking up the remote to press play. Once again, he became consumed in the television. All you could do was look at him and scoff.  



So this is based off this morning. I have aracnaphobia and there happened to be a big enough spider in my room for me to deal with. I was like having a mental battle with it, we were like following each other's steps. It was very creepy. Sadly enough, Ihad no one there to help me...   :(

Comment and let me know what you guys think. (especially silent readers) Feedback really is important. I wanna know if you guys think I'm doing at LEAST and okay job at these. Constructive criticsm is really appreciated. I wanna know what you guys think.

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@Gina33 Lol i have a 4-day weekend so I shall try to<br />
Yay :)<br />
wah we're twins...We like the same people...<br />
LOL!Update soon!
@Gina33 it would but i like happy endings and thought he should get one and I will try to
wah!Thanks for that update!<br />
That would be really depressing if it happened for real...:(<br />
Well thatnks for the note!^^^<br />
Update soon!:)
Missy10 #5
omg i love it! ^^
Wah!Amazing!<br />
First commenter here!:)<br />
Like the 1st oneshot!<br />
keep on!I support ya!