JiYong: When He Proposes

Big Bang Scenarios


You wake up to the sight of the sun rising. Then you see him. Standing there on the balcony watching the sunrise. A cool breeze passes through the room. You get up and walk to the balcony and wrap your arms around his waist while resting your head on his shoulder(your just slightly shorter than him) peeking over to watch the sunrise with him. He leans his head back and rests it on top of yours.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked.

"Fine." you said, "and you?"

"I dreamt of you....and me......Us." he said as he turned to face you, holding you in his arms. He lightly brushed your cheek and put stray hairs back into their place, seeing as you still had a slight case of bedhead.

"I want to spend the rest of my time with you. The rest of my life with you." he says to you as you look up at him, somewhat perplexed, well more like shocked at what he's trying to say to you. Or at least what you think he's trying to say to you, however, you're not too sure.

He sees that lost look on your face and can tell that you're probably having some trouble following. He chuckles.

Another breeze surrounds you two. You close your eyes and take it all in. When you open your eyes again, he's gone. You turn around and search yet you don't see him. You run to the bedroom to look briefly but you still don't see him. You turn back to the balcony and when you do, he's there. On one knee, holding a small velour box tied with a bright teal ribbon. Your surprised/shocked expression makes him smile. A sweet smile. One you really only see when he's with you. It's your favorite smile. 

He unties the ribbon and opens the box. Your vision has start to become blurry because you're tearing up. You can't believe what's happening right now. You can't believe he's proposing to you. Kwon JiYong is proposing to you. G-Dragon is proposing to you. Big Bang's leader, G freaking Dragon is proposing to YOU. You're smiling from ear to ear, tears of joy building up, about to fall. You just can't believe it. "He's actually proposing to me!" you think. Then you hear him say:

"I love you with all my heart and I always will. I want us to be together forever no matter what..." He pauses for a moment then takes a deep breath.

"_________. Will you marry me?"

The tears start to fall as you slowly nod.

"Yes." you say breathlessly as you're holding your hand up to your mouth in shock, still trying to take in all that's happening at once.

"Yes!" you say again, running to him to hug him tightly. He holds you in his arms for a moment then he breaks the hug to put the ring on you. You hold your hand out and look at it. "It's beautiful." you say to him hugging each other once again. He nuzzles his face into your hair as he holds you in his arms. 

"You're beautiful." he says into your ear. He kissed you sweetly for a moment. "Thank you" he says.

"For what?"

"For saying yes. For agreeing to spend the rest of our lives together..." he paused. "For agreeing to love me no matter how hard it's been on you." "For loving me enough to not say no." he looked into your eyes.

After hearing this, you hold his face in your hands, gently rubbing his cheek with your thumb. You smile at him

"Ji" you say, "I wouldn't dream of it." you say still smiling. "Saranghae."




Annyeong~!!! ok so this is my first time writing and I think it's too sappy and bleh, but my friend loved it so i posted it. What do you think???

I'm working on some more but this just happened to be the only one that's finished for now.

I'm working on TaeYang's next. ^.^


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@Gina33 Lol i have a 4-day weekend so I shall try to<br />
Yay :)<br />
wah we're twins...We like the same people...<br />
LOL!Update soon!
@Gina33 it would but i like happy endings and thought he should get one and I will try to
wah!Thanks for that update!<br />
That would be really depressing if it happened for real...:(<br />
Well thatnks for the note!^^^<br />
Update soon!:)
Missy10 #5
omg i love it! ^^
Wah!Amazing!<br />
First commenter here!:)<br />
Like the 1st oneshot!<br />
keep on!I support ya!