Ming Ming Wind Introduction

Powerful Love in Hell
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Your eyes were closed and your ears were perked up, listening for the all too familiar ring of the school bell. You were on the roof of the school and enjoying the sun and nice breeze. You looked like an ordinary college student taking a break, but there was one difference... You were floating.

That was the reason you were on the roof, you didn't want to frighten people by them seeing you floating. Your legs were crossed, your bag was slung over your shoulders. Your hands rested in your lap as you floated. Suddenly you heard the caw of a bird and you opened your eyes to see a blue bird flapping in front of your face in curiosity. You looked down at the school roof to see that you lost your focus and went a little too high. You looked down at the campus below and sighed in relief when you saw no one looking up and seeing you.

You concentrated intensely and it made a bead of sweat form on your forehead. To be honest you didn't have complete control over your powers, so you could lose control very quickly. Your powers relished in your emotions and reacted accordingly, against your wishes. When you were angry you made tornado's and hurricanes, when you were sad you made a chilling breeze blow through and when you were scared there was no wind at all. You were a very open and social person, but you didn't too close to any single person, one because they would find out about your power, second they might find out about your liv

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ss501rocks99 #1
loved it...too nice
excellent story.