Next Day Luhan

Powerful Love in Hell
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Luhan yawned and awoke with a slight pain coursing through his back. His palms instantly starting hitting and rubbing the sore spots.

Damn it...

He stretched and leaned to one end, trying his hardest to stretch out the tense muscles. As he stretched he went into the bathroom, taking a shower and getting his clothes on. He put on a simple X-Men comic shirt and a pair of dark blue shorts that led into some comic converse. He yawned and brushed his teeth, applying some face cream and downstairs. He saw that it was 6:30 and he pulled out all the boys schedules, setting them on the counter. He pulled out 11 plates and started their breakfast, eggs, bacon, and toast. As he was finishing the fifth plate a sleepy Kai came into the kitchen and waved to Luhan.

"Hey kid..." He yawned.

Kai was really only "nice" around Luhan. They had been best friends since they were little and so they knew each other better than anyone else.

"Hey Kai! Go take a shower and then come get some breakfast." Luhan smiled, flipping some of the bacon.

"Alright, I'll send the squirts a message." He nodded, walking over to the monitor in the corner of the kitchen.

"Don't worry about it. I'll do it, go take your shower." Luhan turned off the burner and ran over, shoving Kai to the stairs.

"Alright... I'll be back LuLu." He yawned again.

"Bye." Luhan waved and then ran over to the monitor, getting a message open to write.

He began tapping his fingers across the screen, typing in a simple message for the kids.

"Morning kids! I made some yummy breakfast to fill your tummies! :) I also have your schedules, come down before nine."

Luhan stared at his heart felt message, his finger hovering over the send button. He then remembered the fact that Kai was also going to receive this message and would call him a "" or "mother" for being too nice. Luhan quickly deleted the message.

"Wake the hell up es, food's downstairs and you get your god damn schedules, come take them off my hands."

Luhan sighed and deleted that one as well. There was no way in hell he could send something so mean. He settled for in between.

"Wakey Wakey ladies, Luhan's got eggs and bacey! P.S I have your schedules, come down to breakfast before nine to receive them."

He nodded and set what kind of alarm sound would go off. He sent it, pleased with his message and then returned to making their breakfast. He was done sooner than he thought he would be and ended up standing in the kitchen staring at the 11 plates.

Maybe I should've made them something nicer?

Before he could think any more on the subject, D.O walked in and stared at him strangely.

"Morning." D.O grumbled.

"Good morning D.O..." Luhan nodded, still looking at the plates.

Suddenly Kai came in and Luhan immediately straightened and looked stern.

"Morning Owl, how was your first night here?" Kai asked, pouring himself some orange juice.

Luhan awaited an answer from the obviously angry boy, but all that they got was a grunt and him nodding his head. Luhan and Kai exchanged looks before Sehun walked into the room.

"Hello Sehun." Luhan nodded to him, trying to get a response out of someone.

"Morning sir." Sehun grumbled, standing next to D.O.

The visible height difference between the two would make anyone laugh, but Luhan held it in.

"So Stone, how was your first night? Owl won't give me an answer." Kai asked, shooting a glare at D.O.

"Fine." Sehun nodded as emotionless as ever.

Kai was beyond annoyed and this made Luhan sigh and feel the comings of a headache. Whenever Kai was upset, it meant that everything would fall back on Luhan. Luhan HATED when everything fell on him, it was more work than he needed. Kai's temper was more work than Luhan needed.

"You guys are all ing weird! Can't get a simple answer out of anyone!" Kai yelled as he grabbed his breakfast and took it t

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ss501rocks99 #1
loved it...too nice
excellent story.