Trust Luhan

Dream Guy

Kris and Luhan were still throwing talks and all eyes were on them. I took this chance to slip away from the scene silently unnoticed.


I got two hours of free time today morning so I went to have a tour around the school alone.


“Where did _____________ go?” asked a guy in my class. Kris and Luhan stopped their competition and ran out from the class to look for me. Do they not have class?


Where am I? I’m on the school’s roof top. It’s so quiet and the wind is so cool. I’m getting used to be a loner now. Maybe I’ll just stay up here until Kris and Luhan is done. Or are they done already? How long would they take to tell each other how much they need to talk to me? They don’t even know me.


I’m curious though as to what Kris and Luhan wanted to talk about to me so badly. Luhan probably wanted to know more about how much of a killer best friend I am. Kris is probably mad at me for turning him down.


Should I go back down and see their progress? They should have stop by now, realizing that I’m missing. They are probably looking for me. I quickly turn my head to the door where I entered, to see if either Kris or Luhan might be standing there this whole time, looking at me.


There was none of them. But I was wrong about that, there was someone, I just didn’t get to see him. When Kris and Luhan ran out to search for me, the first place that Kris went was the roof top and he saw me. Standing at the corner, enjoying my view. I looked relaxed, he thought. That’s why he didn’t bother me and left. There will always be another time when he can talk to me.


5 more minutes and then I will go back down to the students’ lounge. I spin around to keep my eyes on the door and was shocked to see Luhan standing 5 feet away from me. I was so shocked that I took a sudden step back and almost throw myself off the roof.


If Luhan didn’t grab me, I could have died. Not only did he grab me by my hand, he pulled me to him just to ensure I don’t take another step back. But things happened so fast that I bumped on top of him.


“I am so so sorry” I really am. I quickly stood up.


“It’s okay. I won’t complain when a pretty girl hits on me” he joked. I didn’t get his joke. Unknowingly, horror was written all over my face. “Oh, it was a joke” he explained. My mouth formed an o shape.


“You went missing. We looked for you and I found you. Are you okay?” he asked.




“Kris and I. I’m sorry about what happened. You must have been surprised?”


“Yeah, especially about you and Kris saying you like me and that people were talking” the atmosphere is so awkward right now.


He cleared his throat “I didn’t mean it that way. I don’t like you” I watch him talking. “No, I don’t don’t like you. I like you but I don’t like you” he frowns.


“You are really bad at explaining, senior” I lighten up the situation. “Don’t worry, I understand what you’re trying to say. Besides, it would be really scary if you like like me when we just met. We’re kind of still a stranger with each other”


“Yeah, it would be scary…” he hesitated. “I only said that I like you in the class because I was hoping Kris would give up and leave you alone. I tried to help you”


“It didn’t work. There are a lot of witnesses during your confession” I quote the word confession.


“I’m sorry I made it worse. It was the only reason I could think of at that time”


“It’s okay, I might have to kill you right now” I hope he gets my joke. I’m so bad at it.


“You’re as bad as me in joking. You were joking right?”


Face palm…. “Me, killing my best friend, was an accident. But it happened and I’m a killer” I summarized. “And the girl earlier, Sulli, she and the others from my previous school island me after the incident. My parents convinced them not to tell anyone outside from our school about what happened”


“But my parents forget to convinced them that they should let the past go. Because, ever since Suzy died, everyone at school hates me” I continued.


“That’s quite bad luck” Luhan commented. Oh Luhan, there is so much more you don’t know about my luck. It’s not bad luck, it’s horrible. “Do you feel better now after letting it out?” he asked.


“I think so. You’re the 2nd person that I’ve told about it”


“2nd? Who’s the first?” I wanted to answer, Kris, but I couldn’t because I told the Kris in my dreams and not the Kris in my school.


“Let’s keep this confidential” I said and he zips and imaginary zipper on his lips. “Sealed” he said.


“Anyways, thank you for trying to save me from Kris and thank you for getting here instead of Kris. I’m not ready to face Kris yet”


“Yet?” he asked.


“We’re in the same school, he’s assigned to take care of a group which I’m in it and he knows where my homeroom is. We’re bound to meet again. It’s just a matter of time and place” I answered.


“You forgot something” Luhan said.


“What?” I forgot something? What can I possibly forget?


“You and me are in the same school, I’m also assigned to take care of you, I know which class you are in as well and I know where your hideout is” he winked. “I can look for you almost everywhere here. I’ll hide you from Kris, if you’d like”


I laughed. “Thank you for playing around and made me laugh”


“No problem. Been having lots of practice to make a pretty girl smile”


“You’re using your hitting skills on me as a practice?” I scoffed and playfully hit his arm.


“You’re literally hit me” he was surprised. I have nothing else to say so I just lifted my shoulders and smiled at him.


“Hey _________________. If it’s okay with you, do you want to be friends?” he asked me slowly. I look at him as if he just made another unfunny joke. Then the wind blew so hard that my hair was all over my face.


He chuckled and pushed my hair away and tucked them behind my ears.


“You’re serious? We barely know each other and yet you want us to immediately be friends. It just feels like a lot to take in, in such a short notice” I swear I think I was gasping while I talk.


“But we’re okay with each other right? You told me about your past and I guess you trust me. You trust me, do you? Do you not want a friend? I can help you a lot”


I took a while thinking. He’s right, I’ve trusted him with my past and I could trust him with my future. I’m going to have a friend. My chest feels a little light at the thought of having a friend.


“Sure, friend” I held out a hand for a handshake but he pulled me in for a hug instead.


“People say, a 20 seconds hug is a best way to gain a person’s trust and also somehow I feel like you need a hug” he whispered and I lost control of my feelings and I silently cried.








Anneyong! ^^ I'm really really sorry for my very long pending update TT it wasn't intentional. i forgotten my password..... but now that i'm here! there will be updates from now on kekeke. im really sorry for what happened and to keep you waiting :/ but good news is that while i was away, i wrote a few chapters and not to waste anymore of your time waiting for me and also to repay back you guys~ mianhe~ i'll be posting hmm lets say 5 more chapters? :D and im going to post it now. enjoy ^.^

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Yaya808 #1
Chapter 10: I really like how your story is developing author nim<3 Please update soon!!
jiinnii #2
Chapter 11: Thank you for the update and plz keep updating! ^^
jiinnii #3
Chapter 9: I like your story!^^ Please update soon! :)