So Boring.

An Old Friend
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The next morning the rain from the previous day had left without a trace. Byunghun was outside of the building, hopping from foot to foot. He wasn’t hopping out of the weather or the temperature, as only shining sun was left in the sky, but out of anxiety. Pulling his phone out of his pocket for, seemingly, the 15th time in the last half an hour, Byunghun took note of the time, 8:59 a.m., and resumed his nervous dance, letting his eyes hover over the cars that drove past.

He finally decided to go for it, quietly encouraging himself as he raised a hand to knock on the door. Before he did, he paused to pull out his phone once again but this time he used it to see his reflection and pinch at random sections of, already perfectly styled, hair. He swallowed and knocked a series of raps before he could back out.

He was not expecting a topless CAP to answer the door.

“Why, hello, young Byunghun,” Minsoo greeted cockily.

“Good morning,” Byunghun muttered as a reply. He pushed himself past the half-decent other and glanced around what he could see, for Chunji.

A dishevelled Niel emerged at the top of the stairs wearing rumpled pajamas and rubbing at his half-lidded eyes.

“Minsoo?” his voice croaked, “Oh, hey,” he lowered his hand at the sight of the skinny blonde in the hallway.

“Morning,” Byunghun answered shortly before turning his attention back to the eldest, “Is Chunji up?” he asked. Somehow, he felt more comfortable talking to CAP than to Niel although none of his encounters with either of them had been particularly desirable.

CAP replied with a knowing and cocky smile making the shorter squint his eyes in suspicion. “Chunji!” Minsoo’s voice boomed throughout the house, shocking Byunghun and making Niel wince, clutching his forehead.

“I’m coming! I’m coming!” The muffled voice of Chunji called out from upstairs. The 3 others heard shuffling and footsteps above them until Chunji emerged next to Niel on the set of stairs tugging his jumper down to cover his stomach having only just got dressed. “Hey, sorry, I wanted to get some study time in.” Chunji elaborated as he brushed past Niel who was rolling his eyes at his roommate’s dedication to school.

Byunghun smiled politely at Chunji as the older hopped off the last step. Chunji’s eyes turned to CAP noticing his half- state and he tutted like a mother would. “Please don’t tell me you answered the door like that.” Chunji despaired.

CAP just replied with a proud smile.

Chunji rolled his eyes, “Niel, why did you have to choose someone so vulgar?” he said with a laugh as he pushed past Minsoo to the coat hooks.

Minsoo laughed too, climbing half-way up the stairs and hooking an arm around his slim boyfriend’s waist. Niel stayed quiet to his roommate’s question and let himself get pulled into CAP’s said, a small smile played across his lips.

After Chunji pulled on a coat he turned to Bynghun who had been waiting, ever patiently. “You ready to go?” the elder asked, to which Byunghun just nodded.

Chunji had stepped outside, ahead of Byunghun, leaving the shorter to close the door. As he turned and grabbed for the handle he saw CAP tighten his fist as a “Hwaiting!” sign. Byunghun felt oddly empowered by the gesture and sent one last grateful smile back before softly clicking the door shut.


“I swear to god, I never meant for that to happen!” Chunji laughed loudly, brought his hand out of his coat pocket and fixed his fringe that lay on his forehead.

“I do not believe that in the slightest.” Byunghun smiled and his eyes turned into crescents as he watched Chunji’s profile. “Park SooMi?” the blonde boy leant forward as he walked to gain the taller’s attention. Chunji turned his eyes to his friend with an amused look. “You kissed Park SooMi?” Byunghun’s voice sounded as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“You know how much of a crush I had on her” Chunji chuckled and avoided the other’s eyes to watch his feet as they marched one after another.

“You? I had a crush on her too.” Byunghun replied. “Anyway, we had a deal.”

“What deal?” Chunji asked, genui

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Chapter 28: waaah~ I really enjoyed this story! Never thought I'd read so much ChunNiel ㅋㅋㅋ but I liked it though ^-^ so congrats for you to make me like it, author-nim xD It was just so sweet~
I really liked the way the boys acted and that the plot wasn't too rushed.

And really... the last two sentences were making me tear up.
Thanks for the great story~~ ^-^
Chapter 28: omg. I just found this today and spent this morning reading it, I loved the ending sososo much. it's so cute ;w;
I found this fic bcs of chunjoe, and I'm not really into chuniel so at first I wasn't too sure about continuing to read it, but I'm glad that in the end chunjoe got to be happy together! thanks so much for writing this, it was great !! ;www;
Rinininette #3
Chapter 29: Wow :) I really like the plot! With the Chunjoe and the Chuniel colliding x)
C.A.P had to endure it xD Maybe I wanted more ChangRick, but at least, we have some parts for them and they're married at the end :D yay~
And Chunjoe end... So sweet! And the repetitions of "Byunghun!" XD Seems like time didn't budge yet many years had flown and now they have a little girl *w*
Thanks for your fic! I really enjoyed it
Chapter 29: I just finished read story.
So sweet, so fluffy and nice story.
Scene of chunjoe not too much but it show how sweet they are (sorry for my bad english)
Anyway, thank you for sharing this story
hyangsu #5
Chapter 29: Super sweet and cute straight through, I loved it! Great story!
Chapter 28: aww, this was so lovely. there's a serious lack of good chunjoe fic out there, so i was really happy to find this. AHHH THE FLUFFY ENDING. uwu
Chapter 28: Aw ≧﹏≦
Cute ending ~~
Everyone is hapPy ~~

But o.o
Is that girl really their daughter?
And.only channie works?
As in.. byunghun the wife?
Chapter 28: I cant believe it ends now. Please make more chunjoe fic auhornim.