Oh !

Oh !

Sehun did not know what to do anymore, what is he suppose to do now? How is he going to tell this to his parents? How is he even going to tell.... Jongin? Is that his name? He doesn't even remember the father's name. Sehun felt like a total .  

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun finally left Sehun alone. And Sehun couldn't be more happy.  

He was home alone, he started rubbing his belly softly. Sehun thought about his parents reaction. They would be very disappointed, for the first time. The only heir of the company is pregnant and his only 18. They would most likely tell him to abort it, but Sehun doesn't like the idea of abortion. He always loathe it. Sehun sighed, how is he even going to tell Jongin that his pregnant because of him. He doesn't even know Jongin's last name or what he does or anything. He just know his first name, his iPod password, and that his a player. One night stand gone wrong. He lost his ity because he drank some weird drink and he seduce Jongin. So it was his fault... 


Its been weeks and Sehun hasn't told Jongin. Jongin might have forgotten about him, since it was just once considering how Jongin gets around. His Hyungs keep pestering about him not over working himself and should relax. Kyungsoo had blame himself about Sehun's pregnancy. He apologized millions of time, even though Sehun says it's okay. It was never okay, being pregnant at the age of 18 was never okay, but Sehun couldn't blame his Hyungs, his also in fault.  

He decided to go the doctor, his hyungs came with him for support. He was told to eat healthy and such, you know. That night he decided to tell Jongin, if Jongin didn't want anything to do with the baby that's okay, Sehun understand. He was dropped off by his driver at where Jongin is, it a fraternity house. Sehun knows he should have come earlier or tomorrow but he couldn't wait to just let it out. 

It was around 8 pm when Sehun rang the door bell, a tall guy opened the door. 

"Hi, can I help you on something?" the guy asked with a deep voice and creepily smiled at Sehun. 

"Is Jongin here?" Sehun nervously asked.  

The guy then looked at Sehun weird, "His busy." the guy finally said. He noticed the disappointment look on Sehun's face. "You can come in and wait." the guy made a way for Sehun to enter. "I'm Chanyeol by the way."  

Sehun smiled at him. "Sehun."  

They both sat down at the couch and Chanyeol right away offered beers. Sehun quickly denied it and ask for a water instead. Chanyeol came back with water and some pizza. Sehun can already feel his mouth watering. He knows he should healthy and stuff but eating one or two maybe three pizza wouldn't hurt, so he did. 

"Wow your really hungry, uh?" Chanyeol smiled at him while clapping. "Which frat are you from?"  

"Uhhh," Sehun doesn't know if he should say his still in high school. "I'm not in any." Which was not a lie,  Sehun is not in any group or fraternity and stuff. 

"You seemed cool, you should joined us." Chanyeol offered. 

"Maybe next year." Sehun smiled. 

"How did you know Jongin?" Chanyeol asked.  

Sehun doesn't know why but he feels like his being integrated.  

"I met him at a party you guys hosted weeks ago." Sehun says slowly trying to read Chanyeol. 

Chanyeol nodded. "Sehun I know this might sound harsh and all but-" chanyeol was cut off from noises up stairs. Both looks up finding a girl giggling while Jongin tickled her from behind with his kisses. Sehun can only watch them silently. Jongin kissed the girl goodnight and closed the door, he finally turned and found Chanyeol and Sehun in the living room. 

"Hey Yeol, hey Sehun." Jongin waves at them and walks up the stairs, he then stop and turned back, staring at Sehun. "Sehun?"  

Sehun didn't say anything, he didn't know what to say. So Chanyeol did. "He said he wanted to talk to you or something.  

Jongin nodded and motion his head telling Sehun to follow him up to his room, and Sehun did. 

Jongin sat down on his bed and phat it silently telling Sehun to sit next to him. 

When Sehun sat down Jongin asked right away. "What do you want to talk about?" 

Sehun doesn't know how to start, should he just say straight up or beat around the bush. He doesn't know. Sehun took a deep breath.  

"Jongin," Sehun was looking down at his feet as he plays with his hand. "I'm..." Sehun trails off. He somehow can't get the word out!  

"Your not in love with me are you?" Jongin says flatly. Sehun was speechless. "I know we had once or twice or more and it was great, I got to give it to you, but I don't-" 

"I'm pregnant you little !" Sehun says with fumes. How cocky is this little ! He can't believe he got pregnant because of this . 

"What?" Jongin finally let out. "No that can't be." Jongin says undenial.  

"Well I'm pregnant and it's yours."  

"Are you sure?"  

Sehun felt like he should slap Jongin, but he won't.  

"I mean how can you be sure-" 

"Your the only I slept with all my life! You took my ity!" Sehun stood up and took some deep breaths, trying to calm himself. 

Jongin went back to being quite again. "What are you going to do now?" 

Sehun furrowed. "What do you mean?"  

"Are you going to keep it?" Jongin asked in a low voice. 

Sehun scoff and rolled his eyes at Jongin. "Of course, it my baby. He deserves to live as much as anyone else."  

Jongin nodded. "What do you want me to do?"  

"You have a choice," Sehun whispered. "Do you want to take part of the baby's life or not." Jongin looked at Sehun. 

"Do I have to answer that now?"  



"What if I don't want to take part on the baby's life?"  


"Then don't."  

"That's it? Your not going to yell at me or something." 

Sehun shakes his head. "It's your choice." Jongin nodded. "I'm going." Sehun walked out. 

"Sehun," Sehun stop at the stairs. "Can you give me a week, to think about it?" sehun thought for a bit, it did took him a week or so to grasp the fact his really is pregnant. So he nodded. Jongin smiled in relief. "Can I have your number, then?" when Sehun agreed, Jongin took out his phone and gave it to sehun. He watched silent as Sehun puts his cell number down. "I want to be part of the baby's life."  

Sehun looks up. "What?" 

"I want to take responsibility, I can't just leave you like this. And about the one week thingy, that I just need to clear some stuff up."  

"You don't have to change yourself."  

Jongin frowned. "So you don't mind me sleeping around?" he teased. Sehun furrowed. "I thought so." Sehun gave Jongin his phone back. "I'll call you once everything is settled down."  


The next day Sehun went to school and his hyungs were waiting. "Good morning." He smiles weakly. Kyungsoo gave him a worried look. "Morning sickness."  

"Don't over stress yourself okay?" Kyungsoo says. 

"I won't."  

Baekhyun cleared his throat. "Have you told Jongin about your pregnancy?" Baekhyun asked in a low voice. They didn't want the whole school to know about it, that would ruin not only Sehun's reputation, but the whole Oh family.  

Sehun nodded, making Kyungsoo gape. "What did he say?" 

"At first he didn't believe me, he kept asking me if I was sure he was the father." Baekhyun rolled his eyes as Kyungsoo scoffed. "But he agreed to be part of the baby's life." Sehun smiled at the end. 

"That's good." Kyungsoo nodded. "Where is he now?"  

"School?" Sehun guessed. "I don't know, he said he needed a week to settle some stuff down." Baekhyun and Kyungsoo gave him a confusing look. "His trying to change his ways."  


Sehun was sitting down on the couch in his room eating salad. He was bored and feeling nauseous. He threw up almost everything he ate. His phone then vibrated, Jongin message him.  

Are you busy right now? - baby daddy  

No. Why? - Sehunie(?) 

Can I come over? - baby daddy  

Sehun thought for a moment, it hasn't been a week, did Jongin fixed everything he needed to to fix?  

Yeah,  sure. This is my address **************** - Sehunie(?)  

I'll be there in a bit. - baby daddy  

And Jongin did, Sehun expected Jongin to be all shock how big the house is but he wasn't he didn't even look around that much.  

"What's up with the suit?" Sehun asked as soon as they sat down in the living room.  

"I just finished work." Jongin says and drink his water. 


"Yeah, I took over the company." Jongin says as he let out a breath. 

"How's that working out for you?" Sehun knows Jongin is stressed about taking over the company, in such a young age too.  


No, his not fine. He's not even suppose to go back home and take over everything. But he can't support the baby and Sehun alone without his parents support. He knows Sehun got the money but he's also responsible. 

"What do you do?" Sehun asked. He was curious, he didn't know anything about Jongin, he should ask about his full name and such. 

"I'm a CEO of the hotel and casino." Sehun made a face. There are a lot of Hotel and Casino out there. "Black Pearl, I - my family owns the place. 

Sehun made an awe face. The Black Pearl Hotel and Casino is one no is the famous hotel there is all around the world. Celebrities, Government officials and people with riches goes and stays over there. Sehun stayed there once when his family decided to go to a vacation in San Francisco.  

Sehun doesn't not know what to say but "Wow."  

Jongin just shurgs.  

"Are you home by yourself?" Jongin looks around the house. Jongin doesn't like the idea of Sehun being by himself in the house. 

Sehun shooks his head. "No not really. Fifi comes around to cook and clean." Jongin made a face. "She's like a nanny?" Sehun doesn't  know. 

"Does she know about the pregnancy?" When Sehun shook his head, Jongin sighed. "Tell her so she can take care of you and cooks healthy food."  


There was an awkward silent. Both don't know what to say. 

"Did you get what you needed to be done?" Sehun asked slowly. 

At first Jongin thought he was being kick out buy he thought for a moment. "Ah yeah, kinda." Jongin looked around again. "I still have to change my number."  

"What for?"  

"Girls." Jongin side smile.  

Sehun nods.  

"It must be hard, doing college and being a CEO at the same time." Noe that Sehun said it, it made him feel bad. Jongin probably didn't even want to take over the company. 

"I drop off." Jongin says simply. "What about you being pregnant and all and still in college also." Jongin nodded at Sehun. 

Sehun made a face. He should have known. Just like him, Jongin doesn't know much about Sehun. "I'm not in college..." Jongin tilted his head a bit. "I'm still in high school."  

That's when Jongin's eyes turned to Kyungsoo's eyes. "What?" he stood up while choking on his saliva. 

"I'm a senior at SM High."  

"Holly shii-" Jongin stoped himself. He sat back down and looked at Sehun then away then back at Sehun. "Are you serious? Your not under age right?"  

Sehun shook his head. "No I'm 18." Jongin sighed in relief. 

"Good." Jongin looks around again. "Have you told your parents about..." Jongin looks down at his stomach. 

"No, not yet." Sehun rub his stomach, Jongin just watched. "I'm waiting for them to come back."  

"Where are they?"   

"Business, mom's at New York and dad's at China. They'll be back next month." he breathed the last part.  

Jongin nods his head. "I'll visit you tomorrow again." Jongin stood up ready to leave.

"You don't have to-" 

"I don't like you being by yourself." Jongin looks at his watch. Yupp he need to go back to work.

"I am not Fifi comes and-" 

"I want to talk to Fifi." Jongin cuts in. "What time does she come." 

Sehun gave up and looks at the clock. "Till 5 and she leaves around 8 or 9."

"Okay I'll be back," Jongin drank his drink quickly and peck Sehun's cheeks saying his good bye not noticing Sehun's pink cheeks as he headed for the door in a hurry.



i really try to update more but school is coming and im also in sports its kinda hard but ill try to manage them 


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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 11: ah sad, an update never came
catchum #2
Such a fun read! <3
Catalina390 #3
Chapter 10: Hahahaha... but I want nore sekai ty
Chapter 10: Sekai's cute together. Update soon~~
Chapter 10: Idek Why I laughed so hard. I think im pretty cruel.
Chapter 9: Kim Jongin, you are not aloud to back down now! Don't you dear turn your back on Sehun now!!! Can't wait for the next update, fighting author-nim <3
Chapter 9: Update soon~~
Chapter 9: Kim Jongin, don't you even dare back down now!
And I can understand why no one likes Sehun's father... That dude is a ***
Chapter 9: Go jongin! Fighting!
Ps. Sehun's father is a crayon eating a*s.Hole.
Chapter 9: Accept him Jongin.