



      The plan was ruined. How the cops had managed to find him so soon ? Why were they here ? How could they know already ? Everything was perfect, Gong was supposed to give him enough time to finish the game.

But here he was. With an unconscious Lee Minwoo at the back of his van.

It was not supposed to happen. He was never supposed to take the man. Because the little bastard was supposed to be dead already.

He could have get ride of the dancer in the forest. It would have been the same to just kill him and leave him there. But he could not do that. Not after all the troubles he was going through because of him. There was no way he would offer the little bastard such easy death. A bullet in the skull would not do it, because he wanted to see him suffer and push him to the point of begging to be killed.

He would make Lee Minwoo pay for not playing by the rules and messing with his perfect plan.

It had always worked perfectly before him. His previous targets were all dead by now and no one was questioning their suicide. Because it was all it looked like : suicide.

It was what the dancer was supposed to do in this forest. He was supposed to kill himself and let everyone think it was out of regret for killing the detective. He had worked so hard and planned everything perfectly to make this game end beautifully.

But no. The cops had to pop out of nowhere and threaten his plan. He could not risk getting caught now. Not so close of the finish line.

However, the game was no more. He was not playing anymore now, and his only goal was to punish the little bastard for messing so much with him when everything was going so smoothly.

He needed to make him suffer for that. He could not let him go so easily now. He had enraged him too much for that.

It was an overwhelming urge he had now to make the dancer pay.

      Smirking for himself, he glanced in the rearview mirror at the unconscious man at the back. He looked miserable with dirt and sweat covering his skin. There was blood on his clothes, blood not belonging to him, but this cop he had killed.

Seeing the dancer like that, he was already imagining what he would do to him. How he would hurt him and make him scream. It was all he deserved after screwing up everything he had worked so hard for.

Lee Minwoo was a dead man, but he would assure himself his death would drag for as long as possible until his body would not be able to endure it anymore.

It was the only way for him to appease the frustration chewing at his insides and making him mad with anger for what had happened.

I'll be back sunday with a new chapter ^^

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Kim-Kyuri #1
Chapter 44: Thanks to you, I read all chapters for like 6hrs strainght. Now my eyes are hurting and I am totally in dark mode. I feel like tortuing minwoo more in my mind..xD
I wish there will be more ricmin moment and members caring for minwoo. And also wanting them to see how minwoo is suffering. ^^
Overall, this is really a great story . You are the best for me author nim ♥♥♥
Chapter 44: whoa deserved my thumbs up! XD
Chapter 44: omg happy end ;w; and it ended with their concert!!!manse!!! ^0^
angelaN #4
Chapter 44: you're story is really jjang! ^_^
I'll be looking forward to your another story...^•^
nickskullnick #5
Chapter 44: PERFECT and THANKYOU for made this story~

love Shinhwa more and more through this story, really :)

authooooor nim!!! *bow* Gomapsumnidaaaaaa
Chapter 44: MANSAEEE...!!! =)))
and finally Minwoo gets a much deserved happy ending =D

see you in another story then ;)
MMM123 #7
I'm sad that Stalker is completed ', but I look forward to your next fics. Thank you *90 degree bow*
MMM123 #8
Chapter 43: I'm happy Minwoo is recovering from all those unpleasant happenings ^^
Hey 3 weeks? Let them stay longer there with Minwoo... Or you can keep Eric stay, maybe Jinnie and Hyesung have some other schedule XDDD *why am I like this?!?! Hahahaha*
Chapter 43: ohh... you're early today :)

do you mean he moved out of Eric's apartment TT_TT he was living with Eric before all this started right???
and why did Eric let Minwoo go alone to USA??? all those moments Minwoo was alone he could've spent with him and 'you' could've written about it ;)) :P
I'm putting myself in Jinnie's shoes right now... lol... ricmin on the terrace hugging and all :D

wow, it's the end??? this is the last chapter???
I'm kinda sad it's ending but at the same time I'm happy too... you know... because Minwoo somehow got a happy ending and now the stress period for 'me' is over ;))) now I don't have to worry all the time about Minwoo ending up dead or killing himself or Eric dying =D