Turning over a new leaf

The will of trust

The ride back was conversed in silence. I could sense that kyuhyun wanted to talk to me and I was glad that he didn't, I reallllllly didn't feel like explaining myself. He dropped me off outside my house, and I mumbled a thank you and got out the car.

I sat by the porch in fear. Hell, I would sleep here tonight. I could deal with the garden gnomes, but not haemoni's disappointment in me. 


The next day, I got woken up when I felt myself being drenched in water. I shielded my face with my forearms in a hopeless attempt and looked up in between squints. 

"Yah Butcher kim what are you doing!!? Stop it!!" 

"What do you think i'm doing? I'm watering the porch." He continued firing the water hose in my direction. 

I shouted at him and ran into the house to get a towel, momentarily forgetting my current situation. Everyone were by the dining table, and they looked up at me. Mom screamed and ran towards me, touching me all over to check for injuries.

"My poor boy, are you alright? Did they ill-treat you there? Sorry that i've put you through so much..." she continued searching me.

"Umma, calm down.. I'm fine." I answered her but looked at Haemoni in embarassment, ready to be shot at.

However, she said nothing but instead, got up and retreated to her room. I finally understood what the term meant by "silence kills" I honestly wouldn't mind getting a beating, I just wished Haemoni haven't completely lost hope in me.. From today onwards I, Lee Minhyuk will turn over a new leaf!

I went to take a shower, and put on my best formal outfit. I was going to work at the 2nd outlet, to prove my grandmother wrong, and get rid of Heechan. Hell yeah I could kill 2 birds with 1 stone. I adjusted my tie and took 1 last look of myself in the mirror before leaving the house. 

Oh crap, I had forgotten that my car was confiscated.. Now I gotta take the damn public transport and I have NO idea which bus I had to take. In fact, I didn't even know where the bus-stop was. Now I gotta slyly follow Heechan without her knowing. Time to activate my ninja skills. I waited by the door and whistled seemingly nonchalantly while waiting for her to leave for work.

Target spotted. I started walking extremeeeeeely slowly and hoped that she would catch up. Luckily enough, she was a brisk walker and picked up her pace. I looked around my surroundings to hide my pathetic intention and she stopped by the bus stop. I stopped too, and sat on the other end of the bench. She had her earpieces plugged in and was singing to Block B, pumping to the music. Tsk, this girl is shameless. But I gotta admit though, she could sing quite well. Oh wait... what the hell did I just say? I saw a bus approaching and thanfully waited by the curb for it to come. She, however, didn't get up to wait. I coughed loudly, to let her know the bus was here.

"Yah Minhyuk, this is the wrong bus. Sit down."

My face turned tomato red as I sat back down on the bench. She knew I was following her all this while...... There are definitely better ways to die than to die of embarassment. When the bus finally came, after what seemed like hours but it was probably only 10 mins, it was packed. Literally packed. The seats were all taken up and most of the people were standing. I wanted to wait for the next bus but Heechan went up so I had no choice but to follow. 

"Sir, u're not allowed to board the bus without paying." The bus driver addressed me.

CRAP. I TOTALLY FORGOT THAT BUS RIDES WEREN'T FREE. I felt my pockets for signs of coins, but it was empty. Heechan rolled her eyes and paid for my fare as well. 2nd time embarassing myself in front of her today.. I would have facepalmed myself if I even had the space to. She grabbed on to the handles and I filled up the space next to her.

Just then, the bus screeched to a halt. She jerked forward and landed on my chest. I caught her and regained her balance. 

"Are u okay?"

"Erm.. yeah, thanks.. Mind letting go?" She asked while looking at my hands holding on to hers.

"Oh.. sorry..." I dropped mine immediately and gripped the bar handles instead. My heart, however, had a mind on its own and was beating at an alarming rate.

The rest of the ride there was awkward as hell. Well, for me. She was back to listening to her music and seemed to have forgotten what just happened. When we got off the bus, I released my breath that I didn't realise I was holding on to and went back to following her behind. I looked up at the 2nd outlet, and adjusted my collar. Clinging on to my last glimmer of hope that the day won't get any worse, I walked in, hands in pocket. 


I was wrong. The day progressively got worse First, I had to change to my UNIFORM. A stinkin' worker's uniform. What was my job there? AS A WAITER. Haemoni had indeed made me start as a waiter, knowing I could never greet people with a 90 degree bow or smile and address customers warmly. The manager there, Woo JiHo was an absolute douchebag whom I instantly took dislike to. He was so arrogant, and I confirmed my feelings for him when he appointed Heechan to take care of me and teach me the ropes there. I tried protesting that I was completely able to take care of myself and he stared at me with those intimidating eyes. Turn off.

"Okay, I know you dont want to work with me but believe it or not, the feelings are mutual. You just gotta cooperate with me okay?" Heechan then started teaching me the basics and how I should go about addressing the customers. Everything seemed almost impossible. How was I going to flash my pearly whites at people and take their order? Refill their cups and clear the tables. Seriously? I didn't even have to do such chores for myself at home!!

Today, I gained full insight of so many different types of people. Some were pretty nice, and thanked me when I served them, but most just placed their order  without even glancing at me. Some were complete s who demanded me to refill their cups 5 times just to spite me. I was thankful when the clock struck 5 and bolted out of the door without even saying goodbye. Worst day of my life.... What's worse than the worst day of my life? I had to keep this on for 2 more months. 




HEY EVERYONE!! SORRY FOR THE LONG HIATUS BUT MY EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER!!!! Pretty sure I screwed up everything except emaths.. Huhuhu~

Did u guys hear of the exciting news? Block B is coming to Singapore in December for their showcase and their fan meet and greet!!! I'm sooooo excited OH. MY. CAT. IS THIS REALITY?? WILL I REALLY GET TO SEE MY OPPAS FACE TO FACE? PINCH ME. 

Hehehe.. I'll be able to update frequently from now on! I know this chapter isn't as good because it's 2 am now and i'm sleep deprived.. The late night mugging had my soul out of me and I have to get a legit 2 days worth of sleep before I can function again... But I was just so excited to get on the com to update!! =P 

Alright.. hitting the sack for now.. Goodnight and a heartfelt thank u to all my subscribers!!! =))



Doesn't he look hot with his new hairstyle?? kekeke....

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naa ~ its minhyuk and kyuhyun . OMG ! idk what to say , AWESOME !!
-noxious #2
LOL at the ending! Awesome update! can't wait for the next chapter~ :DDD
-noxious #3
Yeah you updated! Haha! 8DDD <br />
SUBSCRIBED like there was no tomorrow! >:D<br />
Congratulation on your first story, sweetie!~<br />
I must say, you have TALENT.<br />
I love the way you write; your style is so easy to read and follow ^__^<br />
<br />
<br />
I hope to see more stories from you!~<3