Something smells fishy

The will of trust

I took a moment to clear my mind before heading back. Heechan and Minyoung were already back and they were sitting next to each other, making sure to leave space for me in the middle. Their postures were wary and erect, and Minyoung's face lit up when she saw me. 

"Yah Lee Minhyuk, did your foot get stuck in the toilet bowl? What took you so long?" Heechan joked. I laughed at our inside joke and Minyoung shot us a  look of jealousy.

"Oppa, can we go? I'm not feeling very well." Minyoung closed her eyes clasped her forehead. She tried standing but her legs gave way. I supported her just in time to prevent her from falling. 

"Are you okay? Come on, let's go. I'll send you home. Sorry guys, Minyoung isn't feeling very well. We'll be going off now, gomawo Zico for the treat. I'll see you guys tomorrow and have fun!" I slung her purse over my shoulder and supported her out.


Minyoung shot me a look to announce her victory. I snorted. Helll, when did that girl become such a ? She was acting! Quite well I would say. I guess jealousy got the better of her. She was beginning to creep me out. Too bad they had to take the bus anyway, Minhyuk didn't have a car anymore. Ha ha ha ha. 

The rest of the night passed in a blur. I could only remember me dancing and singing to my fullest and everyone caught my "high" disease. By the end of the night, Zico was nice enough to fetch all of us home. I was the last to be dropped off because I stayed the nearest to him. With only the 2 of us in the car, he asked me about Minhyuk.

"Heechan, you do have feelings for that rascal right??"

"Dont be ridiculous! I don't like him... Okay maybe a little bit.." I laughed nervously. He cocked an eyebrow in the rearview mirror.

"Okay okay,  I do have a crush on him. A huge one."

"Ahah! I knew it! The way you steal glances at him at work, I should have guessed earlier. You know, I believe he feels the same way towards you."

"Nah.. You've seen it yourself.. I'm betting a day off work he's already with Minyoung." I said as a matter-of-factly.

"Really?? I choose to believe not. I think she's the one clinging on to him. He was clearly looking at you while singing the song with her" He emphasized while making a P-turn. Honestly i was worried that he'd lost his way because Zico is the guy with the worst directional sense EVER.  

"Turn right.. no, turn right the next lane! ZICOOOOOOOOO-SSHIIIII!!!"

"Oopsa daisy, sorry." He half laughed.

"Itzzzz okay~ Oh well, even if he isn't with Minyoung. He'd never like me. I'm like plain Jane with nothing to offer..." I said sadly and looked down at my hands.

"If my hands weren't on the steering wheel right now, I'd whack you good. I wish you could see how beautiful you are from someone else' perspective.. Babo.." 

"Awww dude you flatter me. C'mon smack me then. Merongggg~" I stuck my tongue at him. 

"Hahahaahaha. Alright, we're here! Goodnight Heechan! See you at work tomorrow. Tell Minhyuk good night for me."

"Wil do! Thanks for the ride! Please get home safely." I closed the door and waved at his car till it was out of sight. I admired the night and slowly walked in the house. 

By the time I showered and got ready for bed, Minhyuk was still not back yet. Almost immediately after I plopped into bed, I fell into a coma.




Seconds after I rung the doorbell, Minyoung's mom opened the door. 

"Minhyuk, what a surprise. Omo, what happened to her? Come on in." She made way for us and I carried her into her room.

"We were at a gathering and she didn't feel well so we came back first. It should only be a migraine. She doesn't feel hot or anything." I touched her forehead and it was normal.

After I tucked her into bed, and gave her aspirin, she fell asleep soon after.  I sat by her bedside for awhile to make sure she was under control. As I got up and got ready to go back, I heard her mumble my name.

"Minhyuk oppa.... don't leave me..."

Sorry Minyoung.. but I only treat you as a little sis.. My heart is already with someone else. 


After I got home, I made sure not to make any noise and opened Heechan's room to check that  she was home and asleep. I got showered and hit the sack immediately. 


At the breakfast table the next day, i greeted everyone and left for work with her. Still troubled over the conversation I overheard yesterday, I wanted to dig out more information. But  I couldn't confront her, yet.

"Sooo... What do you think about Minyoung? 

She looked like she was about to say something but held back. "She's sweet. I can tell you mean a lot to her." She looked down and kicked at the stones in the pavement.

"You know that wasn't what I asked." I softened. There was a pregnant pause.

"Welll.... She's really pretty for one. I'm jealous and intimidated by her, so i didn't really dare to talk to her. That's the truth!!"

That my dear, was a lie. There is something fishy going on between you two and imma hafta find it out myself.




Zip it 



is this coincidental or what!? Ubomb and Taepyo :3 

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naa ~ its minhyuk and kyuhyun . OMG ! idk what to say , AWESOME !!
-noxious #2
LOL at the ending! Awesome update! can't wait for the next chapter~ :DDD
-noxious #3
Yeah you updated! Haha! 8DDD <br />
SUBSCRIBED like there was no tomorrow! >:D<br />
Congratulation on your first story, sweetie!~<br />
I must say, you have TALENT.<br />
I love the way you write; your style is so easy to read and follow ^__^<br />
<br />
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I hope to see more stories from you!~<3