Getting to know each other

The will of trust

The next day didn't get any better. On the contrary, it got worse. At some point of time I felt like sticking a fork up my throat to get excused from work.. Perseveranceeeeeee Minhyuk... Think of rainbows and puppies..

Nope, that definitely didn't help. 


Heechan caught him staring at the wall in one corner clutching on to the table rag tightly. She held back scolding him as anyone could tell he was having a hard time. Plus, he was trying really hard. The old him would have blown his top long ago.. & honestly speaking some of the customers went overboard. I wished I could give him a few words of encouragement but he probably hates me.. Afterall I caused him to be in this plight. Sorry Minhyuk.. I really don't want to take up Haemoni's offer.. But I have no choice.. I have to do this for Heenim...

Just then, a customer came in and disrupted my train of thoughts. 

"Annyeong, welcome to suju beef bone soup! Please take a seat!"

I then made eye contact and signalled Minhyuk to take over from there. It was a horrible decision.

I heard glass breaking and rushed over to see the commotion.

Minhyuk was face down the floor, and the glasses on the tray he was holding on to were all broken. He brushed the dirt off his uniform, and got up cautiously.

"Watch where you're going, you careless waiter!" That customer spat maliciously at him. 

I rushed forward to help but Zico pulled me back. "Let's see how Minhyuk will handle this."

At that point of time, the customers sitting at the opposite table spoke up. "Sir, YOU were the one at fault. Your leg was protruding out of the walking lane. Stop blaming the poor boy you big bully!"

That guy looked at Minhyuk venomously and seemed embarassed. He muttered something under his breath and issued a check to him and said "Go get your uniform cleaned. Is 1 million won enough?" He spoke with a tint of mockery.

I could see Minhyuk gritting his teeth. His fists were cleched tightly and he looked away. Oh no, he's going to hit that guy... It's time to jump in and cease the fire!

"No thank you, I'll get it cleaned myself. Please enjoy your meal." He finished off and gave the rude bastard a 90 DEGREES BOW before walking away.


Dang Lee Minhyuk, you never fail to surprise me.

I knew he was at the roof top, probably punching the walls to simmer his temper. True enough, his fist was indeed planted against the walls and sweat was dripping down the sides of his face. I hated to admit it but his side profile looked hot. Wait... what did I just say!? Repel all yummy thoughts Heechan. R.E.P.E.L.  I walked towards him and offered him a can of tropicana. He looked at the drink and ignored it.

"C'mon, just take it! U know, how you reacted then, it was really admirable. Your granny would be so proud of you if she was there at that time! I applaud you!" I proceeded to give him a round of applause but stopped when he responded with a raised eyebrow. Awkward... 

"Hey, i'll teach you a way to relieve your anger! It's really effective. Here, i'll show you!" I took his hand and pulled him to the edge of the building. 

"Lean against the support and look around. Scream at the top of your lungs all the things you'd like to get off your chest. Like so." I then shouted a long string of pent up troubles that i've never shared with anyone. Somehow I felt like I could trust him, he gave off that really loyal vibe.

He gave me a hearty laugh and almost smiled. It was his turn and he shouted all sorts of obscenities at that rude customer previously. He repeated everything in at least 5 different languages. 

"There! Feel better?"

"A lot better. Thank you."

We were leaning against the grills in silence, lookng down at the traffic of Seoul when I spoke up.

"Do you hate me a lot? If not for me, none of this would have happened.... I'm really sorry, I would have hated myself if I were you, but I gotta do this for my brother.. I'm so sorry..."

He said nothing.

"Forget it.. I shouldn't have said that. In that case I'm going down first." I turned around and walked away.

"Wait.. don't go. It's okay, I was just thinking about all this. I don't know how to say this, but I guess I share a love-hate relationship with you. I hate you for doing this to me, but at the same time, I wouldn't have realised I was such a bad person all this while. This whole thing has made me do some heavy reflection and i'm glad I finally saw things in a clearer light..... Thank you Heechan." 


"I'm just so glad that you don't hate me!! Since we have cleared our misunderstandings, we'll get along well together alright? =)"

"Yeah sure... And one more thing.. About your father's death.. I'm sorry about it."

He just humbled himself and apologised to me..? Surprised for the third time today...... 

"It's okay, i'm getting used to it. Come on, let's get back to work before Zico scolds us.. What excuse should we give? You got your foot stuck in the toilet bowl and I heard your cries for help?"

"NO! That's the oldest and lamest excuse ever.. How about you got your period and I went to get you pads? Works all the time in my high school days."

"Omg NO you're so disgusting! ! We'll use my toilet one! This is too obscene!!!!" I flustered.

We laughed and argued on the way back, this time he gave me a full smile. I guess Minhyuk never fails to surprise me... He actually had a sense of humour. How cute.


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naa ~ its minhyuk and kyuhyun . OMG ! idk what to say , AWESOME !!
-noxious #2
LOL at the ending! Awesome update! can't wait for the next chapter~ :DDD
-noxious #3
Yeah you updated! Haha! 8DDD <br />
SUBSCRIBED like there was no tomorrow! >:D<br />
Congratulation on your first story, sweetie!~<br />
I must say, you have TALENT.<br />
I love the way you write; your style is so easy to read and follow ^__^<br />
<br />
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I hope to see more stories from you!~<3