Half sister

The will of trust

A week passed and Minhyuk and I got to know each other better. I also found out that he was a FANTASTIC dancer. I was my usual self, singing and doing hand gestures to the chorus of Tell them, when he joined in. He was totally in sync to the music, and could keep up with the pace. He kinda reminded me of the group's dancing machine, also my bias, B-bomb. His popping made my heart pound, and so did Minhyuk's. GAHHH HE WAS SO YYYY. These days I gave up trying to repel yummy thoughts of him, I hated to admit this but I think I have a mini-crush on him.. Of course he couldn't know that. He would probably run away from me if I told him that......


The more I got to know Heechan, the more I grew to like her. She was so bubbly, so simple minded, and easy to get along with. We went to work and home together everyday, and sometimes she would wake up extra early to pack us lunch and we would eat at the roof top. Work got better too. I felt more at ease now and got my 'waiter's momentum' right. Zico wasn't as bad as I thought he'd be. He was funny and retarded as hell, but at the same time a wonderful manager who'd go out all way to protect his worker's rights. He often teased Heechan and I of being a couple, and I'd blush like hell.. I secretly felt happy when he made fun of us. I hated to admit this but I think I have a mini-crush on her.. Of course she couldn't know that. She would probably run away from me if I told her that......


"Hey everyone, wanna go for a drink after work? My treat! You guys have worked hard!" Zico clapped to get our attention.

There were cheers from the employees and we all readily agreed. Just then, i received a text message from Minyoung.

"Hey oppa, i've missed you. We have a lot of catching up to do. How does dinner tonight sound?"

"I'm not free tonight. How about tomorrow?" 

"I have something urgent to tell you. It's really important.. Please make time for me?? >.<"

What could be so important? Looks like I have to give the gathering a miss. Damn, I was really looking forward to it.. "Sorry guys, something cropped up, I won't be able to make it tonight." There were sounds of disappointment and I could see Heechan's face fall in the corner of my eye. Hehehehe.

"Is someone stealing our Minhyuk away? Tell you what bro, your friend can join us. Afterall, the more the merrier!" Zico tried persuading his way through. 

"Is that a bad idea?? Afterall, she doesn't know any of you.." 

"Nonsense! We'll get along just fine!"

If they say so... I texted Minyoung to inform her of the change of plans and she seemed fine with it. The best of both worlds!!! Huuuurrahhhhhhhh!!


"Soo.. who was that girl that wanted to see you so urgently? You've never talked about her." Heechan asked me.

"Oooooh is someone jealous?? kekeke she's kwon Minyoung, my childhood friend. Both of you will get along with each other!"

"WHA.. NO! I'M NOT JEALOUS! NEVER!!" Two obvious spots of pink formed on her cheeks. She tried hiding it and continued talking "kwon minyoung.. did you say? That's my half sister's name! How coincidental! Anyway... I can't wait to meet her, i'm sure we'll get along fine!" Heechan had a tendency to blabber when flustered or nervous. She was so damn adorable when she does that. 


All of us cheered and roared when the clock struck 7. We knocked off and changed out of our uniforms. When everyone were ready, we set off to the nearby karaoke lounge. I told Minyoung to meet us there at 7.15 and I would wait for her at the extrance. I asked the rest to go in first and I would join them afterwards. I couldn't wait for Heechan and Minyoung to meet each other, they were so similar in character, except Heechan was a whole lot more hyper. I knew they'd get along super well. I waved at her when I saw her. She responded with a smile and quickened her steps when she saw me. 

"Oppa, i've missed you! How's work so far? I hope they haven't been abusing you. You lost some weight!" She hugged me.

"Minyoung, you sound just like my mom. I'm doing really well actually, the people at work are really nice and fun. Come on lets go in, i'm freezing my off here! You have something to tell me right? We'll talk after this. I can't wait for you to meet everyone, especially my new friend. You'll love her!" I brushed snow off her hair and slung my arm around her shoulders as we walked in the lounge.

"It's a she?? How come you never mentioned about her??" Her eyes widened.

"Yup, that's why i'm telling you now. Chill dongsaeng.. are you jealous?" I teased.

"A little bit." She pouted.

"Awww don't be. Come on, ready to meet them?" She straightened herself and gave a feeble nod. From outside I could hear Heechan's voice, she was singing to none other than block b and I could imagine her doing the hand actions to the song.. I laughed. That rascal. Turning the door knob and lightly pushing the door open, everyone were cheering Heechan on and greeted us with a warm welcome when they saw us. Heechan turned around with a huge smile plastered onto her face when her song ended but her expression turned into shock when she saw us. She quickly regained her composure and smiled, albeit a tad forcefully. She approached us and I could feel Minyoung tense up by my side. She grabbed my hand and held it tightly. Wait, did these girls knew each other or is it some kind of girls thing that I don't know about?

"Hi there, i'm heechan! Nice to meet you!" She extended her hand towards Minyoung. She took it cautiously and introduced herself too. Her smile was nothing like her usual. It didn't show in her eyes, and it was close-lipped.

The rest of the night was awkward, the two girls turned out nothing like I expected them to be. They didn't say anything to each other, and it was hard for me since I was stuck in between them. 

"Oppa! Let's sing a song together! How about Lovelight by yonghwa and seohyun?? You love that song!" Minyoung asked me.

Everyone cheered and urged us forward, shoving the mikes at us. Though Minyoung and I were singing, I looked at Heechan, as if the song was meant for her. She was looking down, seemingly affected and smiled at me when she caught me looking at her. She joined in everyone and clapped when the song ended. I excused myself to go to the washroom afterwards. When I came out of the toilet, I heard familiar voices arguing in hushed tones. Hiding myself being the wall to make sure I was not visible but within ears' reach, I picked up snippets of the 2 girls' conversation.

"Minyoung, we've known and lived with each other for so damn long and i can't believe you never told me about minhyuk!" 

"keep your voice down unnie! im sorry i've never told you about him, but please i'm begging you. dont tell him about us, okay?? Please...."

"Ugh... i cant believe this. how could you... fine.. i won't say anything about this. I'm sure your mom would kill me if i disclose anything anyway.." Heechan sighed in defeat.

"Thanks unnie... Minhyuk is just too important. I cant lose him, he means the world to me. If he finds out, i don't know what will happen.."

"Fine fine.. I understand. Come on, lets go back"


I gasped in shock. What the hell was going on?




I'll take Felicia as my lawful wife.

What he did to me during our honeymoon.


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naa ~ its minhyuk and kyuhyun . OMG ! idk what to say , AWESOME !!
-noxious #2
LOL at the ending! Awesome update! can't wait for the next chapter~ :DDD
-noxious #3
Yeah you updated! Haha! 8DDD <br />
SUBSCRIBED like there was no tomorrow! >:D<br />
Congratulation on your first story, sweetie!~<br />
I must say, you have TALENT.<br />
I love the way you write; your style is so easy to read and follow ^__^<br />
<br />
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I hope to see more stories from you!~<3