New Home

The will of trust

Heechan shut the door behind her. Her heart was beating at a thousand miles an hour.  Although she denied it, she secretly thought that Minhyuk had  charm. He wasn't muscular, but lean, and had the build of a dancer. His broad shoulders were so inviting, and possesed a protective aura around him. 

Ahhhh eotteke!! Why am I even thinking about such stuff?? Silently cursing myself, I tried repelling all yummy thoughts of Minhyuk out of my mind.

After I got out of the bathroom, I went up to the attic which Haemoni redecorated to be my room. It was small but cosy. The walls were painted a patent baby pink hue and the curtains were lacey polka dots with frills. I sat cross legged on the floor, switched on the table lamp, propped my diary on the table and flipped it open.

"Dear diary, 

It's been long.. My life has been so crazy even I myself have difficulty keeping up with it. I feel like a burden to everyone. 3 days ago I was invited to this beautiful mansion only to find the owner of it none other than Granny Yeonyeong. To add on, I found out that she was also the founder of Suju Beef Bone Soup company, which explained her hostility towards me when I told her I had secured a job there. She was actually putting me to a test of character, and apparently I passed it! Then came the devastating phone call. Stepmom called me to tell me that Heenim had gone missing. She didn't give me specific details, but according to her, she lost him when they were at a burger joint. He had ran away while she was queing for their food. She sounded genuinely guilty, and sorry, I actually softened. Haemoni promised to send professional investigators to look for Heenim, on one condition that I moved in. Determined not to lose my last kin member, I threw my pride aside and put up with the Lee family.. 

Aish, my life is like a cliche Korean drama right? A series of catastrophe.. The past 2 days have been as what I've expected- cold. Minhyuk, his mom and sister disapproved of me. But could I possibly blame them? Afterall, I was a stranger. Their house keeper, butcher Kim was really nice to me though. I think he has a crush on Minhyuk's mom.. kekeke. And haemoni... Wow. She is a whole different person from when I found her torn and tattered at the alley. Being the head of the household, nobody dared to go against her. And she was so polished and refined looking I could only gape in awe.

Well... I'm really sleepy now and I have to wake up early for work tomorrow.. Talk to you again! Goodnight =) 

Stay strong, Heechan ♥"



"Appa! My toy soldier fell out of the car!!!" Minhyuk wept.

"Son don't cry. Daddy will buy you a new one, ok?"


"What should I do with you Minhyuk-ah.. Araso, let's go back and get it...."

The car made a P-turn and stopped by the side of the road. The little boy ran out to pick up his toy solder which was lying face down in the middle of the road. He brushed the dirt off it and clutched it to his chest tightly. As he was about to make his way back, he heard his dad shouting his name.

"MINHYUK!! WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!!!"

He turned to his left to see a big truck growing bigger and bigger in size, zooming it's way towards his direction. It honked at him but he stood frozen to the ground, unable to move. Fear gripped his heart.

Too late. 

He closed his eyes and waited for the next moment to arrive- death.

But it never came. In the next nanosecond he felt someone push him out of the way, and the crash that came afterwards was defeatening.


Minhyuk jerked up. Sweat dripped down his chin, down his neck. He was panting for air, and his mouth felt dry. It felt so surreal. It was the recurring nightmare again. Even after 10 years, he could still remember, in vivid detail, his father's death. And he was the main cause of it. Nobody was there during the accident and he did not dare tell anyone what truly happened. Up till today he still felt ashamed and could not forgive himself for that. This was also the result of him turning into a selfish introvert.

After taking a shower to clear his mind, he went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone was already awake, including Heechan. He greeted everyone and took a seat next to her. 

"Haemoni, i've already booked a flight back to New York. I'll be flying the day after tomorrow."

"Do you think you're all grown up already? How could you make a decision like that without even discussing with me or your mother?" 

"I thought you'd approve of it.. Besides, i'm going there to study."

"No, I will not approve of that. Cancel your flight. Immediately."


"No BUTs, I said no, and i stand firm with my decision. You dare leave the house, you never step back in again. You should come and work in the company, you're expected to take over it one day Minhyuk.." Granny said with a strong and determined voice.


this , thought Minhyuk. He felt suffocated. He wanted, and needed freedom. He hated to be tied down by responsibilities. He hated having to deal with figures. "What is with you and the company? I'm never gonna take over it. After you die and I get my hands on the shares, I'd sell the stupid company away and move out of Korea!" Sickening... 

"Ahem... well.. I shouldn't intrude on your family matters. I should leave now. Bye everyone, see you at night!" Heechan said with a forced smile. She waved awkwardly and left the house.

"Lee Minhyuk, you will regret this. I give you one last chance, do you take back what you have just said? Granny asked, with slight uncertainty in her usual confident voice.

"No, never" Minhyuk defiantly answered.




Ending off, with the usual. Minhyuk's face! ^.^







Ukwon acting all cute (melt) while Kyung gives his cucumber face (double melt) Not forgetting B-bomb.. (meltz over 200 times)


This is self explanatory. 

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naa ~ its minhyuk and kyuhyun . OMG ! idk what to say , AWESOME !!
-noxious #2
LOL at the ending! Awesome update! can't wait for the next chapter~ :DDD
-noxious #3
Yeah you updated! Haha! 8DDD <br />
SUBSCRIBED like there was no tomorrow! >:D<br />
Congratulation on your first story, sweetie!~<br />
I must say, you have TALENT.<br />
I love the way you write; your style is so easy to read and follow ^__^<br />
<br />
<br />
I hope to see more stories from you!~<3