Just my luck u douche!

The will of trust

"Ahhhhhh.. my neckkk... It's aching so much from the long flight... Y can't teleportation exist!?? I really wished I could teleport back to korea just with a click of my fingers!"

Heechan complained mindlessly. But boy did it feel good to be home! All the while she was in New york furthering her studies, her heart n soul perpetually remained in korea where her family was, not to mention the good food and smell of nostalgia. She made a mental note to buy a huge bowl of rice cake on her way home. 

Where could appa be?? He promised to fetch me home.. My tummy is growling and he's 15 minutes late!!

I missed my dear dad so. The past 2 years without him was a torture. It was a struggle without his constant words of wisdom and comforting daddy hugs.

Oh there, I spotted him!! While waving my hands at his direction as frantically as possible, I accidentally smacked someone next to me.

"YAH! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE WAVING U IDIOT!" A guy shouted in retort at me while rubbing his forehead.

"OMG I'M SO SORRY!! MIANHAE!!!!" I apologized. As i looked at him, he seemed oddly familiar.. Then i remembered, he was that rude guy who sat next to me in the plane.. Carelessly, i brushed the incident off my mind as I heard my name being shouted across the whole airport.

My face deepened to a burgendy shade of embarassment as I saw my dad at the other end of the checkout counter waving at me like a kid. Part of me wanted to dig up a hole and hide in there forever while another part of me so desperately wanted to run over to him to give him a big warm embrace. 

Ahh, screw it. Image aside, I left my luggage where it was and ran with all my might towards dad. 

"APPAAAAAAAA I MISSED U SO MUCH!!! HOW WERE YOU WHEN I WAS AWAY?" Dad seemed to have age a lot. There were wrinkles around the sides of his eyes and his cheekbones sunk in so much they formed hollows in his face. He also seemed to have slimmed down a lot.. But he was still my funny and loving dad.

"Heechan! Aigooo it's only been 2 years and u've matured!! Look at you, u even grew long hair! I'm fine, the family is fine too. Come on, go get ur luggage and we'll go home. Ur mom specially prepared a meal to welcome u home. =)"

"Ahh jinjia!? So thoughtful of her! Come on, let's go homeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!"

Without much thought, i grabbed my luggage and we set off home.

Once home, heenim, mom and minyoung were waiting for me by the door and each welcomed me home with smiles all plastered across their faces. 

Sure does smell like home!!

At the dinner table, I shared my experiences in new york, how college was like, and the friends i made there. Minyoung, my step sister, whom was the same age as me told me about her college life here too. Heenim, my beloved brother whom is a piano extraordinaire recently had a concert of his own. He is an autistic child, but he is also a great composer and his talent for music was beyond recognition. I am so proud of my little brother!! However.. dad seemed a little distant. He didn't share much and his mind wandered off frequently. He was probably just tired.. With that, i brushed it off my mind and went to take a long, steamy shower.

Sigh... so much unpacking to do.. TURN OFF! As i towel dried my hair, i grabbed my luggage to unpack as i did some research on music schools. I was planning to show them to dad as i wanted heenim to pursue his interest in the states as well. I only came back  to korea for a break and planned on going back to complete university before coming back.

As i fumbled for the lock, i realized something was wrong. This luggage did not have a zip. I remembered very clearly locking my luggage before leaving new york.. Then i turned the luggage tag over.

"Lee Minhyuk"





That was the 1st! I hope u enjoyed it even though beginnings are a little bit mundane.. i will not be posting very frequently because my exams are coming up and the only reason why i'm here is because i'm sacrificing sleep for this.. (not to mention fanfics withdrawal symptoms hahaha!) please be patient people =) 

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naa ~ its minhyuk and kyuhyun . OMG ! idk what to say , AWESOME !!
-noxious #2
LOL at the ending! Awesome update! can't wait for the next chapter~ :DDD
-noxious #3
Yeah you updated! Haha! 8DDD <br />
SUBSCRIBED like there was no tomorrow! >:D<br />
Congratulation on your first story, sweetie!~<br />
I must say, you have TALENT.<br />
I love the way you write; your style is so easy to read and follow ^__^<br />
<br />
<br />
I hope to see more stories from you!~<3