I miss you

Should I say I love you?

Disclaimer: i'm exo-l member in charge of writing fic.


Wu Fan apologizes at him thousands time already. Realizing that all the y time he had with his owner is just a shameful wet dream (and on top of that, his owner caught him at that), he feels like dying. Minseok doesnt seem to be angry to him, but he ignores him for days. But Wu Fan is glad that Minseok still praised him for his first debut magazine (before the ignoring thing began).

After that first released shoot, Chen informs them that many company wants Wu Fan as their model. (And Minseok regrets ever ignoring the giant because he is going to be busy from now on.)

And true. Wu Fan as Kris gets a flooding job request. And their time together is decreased.

(It breaks Minseok's heart in the way he never thinks before.)


Again, in the past three months, Minseok comes home in an empty apartment. Wu Fan's career is boasting so quickly. Somehow he becomes so popular in a mere months. Jobs make him busy and it leaves Minseok alone.

And it is not right. He adopts Wu Fan so he will not be lonely. This is the opposite of his purpose of adopting a pet. He wonders if it was a bad decision to let the cat works.

"You look pitiful. Again." Lu Han's voice reminds him that he is not completely alone right now. The Chinese man decides that today is the right time to do a 'friendship bonding' or whatever the deer-like man calls it. In fact it is just them playing video games or watching movies or cooking (it's just Minseok who cooks actually) or even just talking together.

Minseok doesnt know why the younger man seem to be with him whenever he feels most pathetic. He gives the taller man a pitiful look that makes the latter sighs.

Lu Han leads the apartment owner to his own couch on his own living room. He sits his friend down then sits next to him.

"What's now, Minseokie?" he asks, concerned, as he holds his hands in a comforting manner. Dang! It is so girlish, but his friend seems to need it.

The shorter man doesnt answer. He just looks at the floor, sulking. Lu Han sighs.

"How's Wu Fan doing? He seems doing well as a model, doesnt he? I saw him at every fashion magz I subscribed to," he changes his method. He knows it is all because of that cat.

The small man just shrugs. "He is doing well, I guess. Exceptionally well," he voices out. He plays with the other's fingers in his small hands.

Minseok misses the giant a lot. They barely meet anymore. When Minseok at school, the giant is sleeping. When Minseok comes home, Wu Fan is still at work just to come home very late and Minseok is already sleeping at that time, tired of waiting.

Lu Han knows how well Wu Fan is doing right now. He maybe is the most popular hybrid model at the moment. With that look and weird charisma, everyone loves him. But Lu Han also knows how the opposite happens to his dear friend.

He catches Minseok hands that plays with his fingers and rubs them comfortingly. "You can always tell him to stop, you know. He always listens to you."

"I dont know.. He seems enjoying his job. I dont have the heart to stop him. He looks so happy, Lu Han.." Minseok answers directly, not having the energy to reject the implicit accusation of him not liking Wu Fan working like his usual self would do.

Lu Han smiles sympathetically. He releases their connected hands then hugs his friend. "It's okay, Minseokie. I bet he'll choose you over everything. You can try talking with him when you have time."

Minseok thinks of his words. He is sure that Wu Fan will stop when he asks him to. But he doesnt want to stop him selfishly. But he is lonely. But-

He sighs. It is simple yet his heart makes it seems complicated for his mind. In the end, Minseok nods his head inside Lu Han's embrace. "I'll talk to him."

Lu Han smiles. He pats his friend's shoulders and Minseok leans closer to the embrace. He is lucky Lu Han is dependable at times.


Wu Fan pouts. He doesnt like this at all. It is true that he is happy working and being recognized for his effort but this is not what he wants to do!

He misses his owner. They barely have time together. He blames Chen for that. Why that girl have to take every job exists?

"You don't look well, Kris-hyung. Tired already?" It is Kai. One of models he collaborates for his current project. The popular model Chen previously took care. He is shy but playful and sometimes annoying. He is younger than him but senior to him.

"I guess he miss Minseok-ssi. They must be not having time to even meet. I understand his feeling." a soft spoken with cute accent girl says. Her name is Yixing. She is Kai's pet manager. She is a cute white bunny hybrid. And she is Chinese too!

"Sorry." the tan skinned model says. "I really want to meet your master, Kris-hyung. He is brave enough to let you roaming far without putting collar on you."

"Kris-ge is a gentleman so he is loyal to his master. That's why. Right, Kris-ge?" the girl defends him.

"So I must be not trusting you to be loyal to me. It makes me wonder whether you are.." the tan man teases his bunny as he pokes the choker-shaped collar on her neck. The white bunny blushes.

"Of course I am!" she yells shyly. "It-it's you who wants me to wear this.." her voice loses its firmness.

"So you want me to take it off?" the model smirks at the flustered bunny.

"N-no.." she replies shyly.

Wu Fan laughs at their argue that becomes Kai teasing his pet instead. "Minseok just doesnt know the importance of collars to a pet. He is maybe even clueless about the existence of hybrid collar. But it doesnt matter since I wont run away from him."

Collar is important for a hybrid pet. Having it means that he/she is owned, not just a worker hybrid or stray one. It is symbol of possessiveness and care. As much Wu Fan wants one, he knows his owner clueless about it.

Talking about his owner makes him missing him more. He is glad today he can go home earlier.

Wu Fan comes home with a box of steamed buns for his owner. He is excited. He wants jo surprise Minseok. He has something to share with his owner although he doesnt know how he will take it. It is his selfish decision after all.

But in the end, he is the one who gets a shock.

There's his owner and his so-called bestfriend hugging in the couch. His owner even buries his face to the deer-like man's shoulder. And it somehow makes Wu Fan angry.

There's part of him that thinks rationally. Lu Han is Minseok's friend. Bestfriend. But he also heard from Kyungsoo that he had a crush on his owner before. So the emotional part of him wins.

He dashes into them and rips the hugging friends apart then hugs his owner, his Minseok, dearly. He even sends Lu Han a death glare.

It needs some second for both friends to realize at what the hell happens. Minseok is confused that he is suddenly inside his giant's embrace. And Lu Han just blinks his confusion away before reality downs on him.

Lu Han feels the deadly gaze from the cat and he cant help but laughs. He is going to pet the cat but just getting a growl from the seemingly angry cat.

"Calm down, pretty cat. I'll leave, okay." the cat still hisses to him. The human sighs. "Really, Wu Fan. You are so stupid. Both of you need to talk, okay?"

The cat gets a lot calmer at that. He knows Lu Han never meant harm after all. He is his hero who made Minseok went to the pet shop and told him that his owner likes him! How can he be ungrateful to such hero?

"I'm sorry, Lu Han. I'm being rude." The cat feels stupid. He is really bad cat.

Seeing the cat whose ears flatten to his hair pitifully, Lu Han smiles. He sees his friend who is frozen in Wu Fan's arms with pretty pink blush adorned his cute cheeks he adores so much (even now). The sight is so cute, the giant Wu Fan hugging the tiny Minseok, he almost coos loudly.

"Okay, then. I better get going. The sooner you talk, the better. Bye, Minseokie. Bye, Wu Fanie." he gathers his bag before walking to the front door.

"Lu Hanie!" Minseok calls, stopping his friend. When the other man turns his face back at him, he says, "Th-Thank you!"

The deer man smiles and waves his hand. "Yo~" then he walks out the apartment, leaving the two stupid men alone.


Upon Lu Han leaving, the atmosphere becomes drastically awkward, with Minseok still inside Wu Fan's arms.

"Umm, Wu Fan, you can release me now." No response. "Please?" Still no response. He sighs.

"Wu Fan-ah.." the hug is tightened. "Wu-

"I'm sorry, Minseok." the giant starts. Minseok is surprised. Why he apologizes? Does he know that he makes him lonely these past months?

"You have been so kind to let me work." Wait a minute! Where is this conversation going? Minseok doesnt understand. "But I cant do my best. I keep missing you. I make Chen reduce my job so I can be with you again. After all of permission you gave me, I disappoint you. I'm so sorry." the cat dives his face to crook of Minseok's neck. He misses being so close with him like this so much.

On the other hand, Minseok is flustered and confused. It is definitely not the conversation he expected to have. But he feels relieved that he is not the only one missing a certain someone. And to think that his cat would think that he was disappointing his owner to decide the thing Minseok feels selfishly grateful, he feels ashamed. Wu Fan's heart is as pure as a child.

"No. You never disappoint me, Wu Fan. In fact, I have to apologize to you for being happy about your lesser job. I miss you," he finally admits as hugs back the cat as tight. "I miss you so much." he mumbles at his chest.

Wu Fan blinks. Did he hear it right? Minseok misses him too? For real? He cant supress the bubbling happiness in his chest. Minseok misses him too! So he made a right decision!

He pushes the smaller man slightly from his chest, eyes searching the other's. Being stared, the smaller man looks away with pink cheeks. The sight is very adorable that Wu Fan cant help but cups his small face and kisses the forever-tempting red lips of his owner.

Minseok's eyes widen as saucer at the cat's bold action. He pushes the cat away and hits his head. The cat lets out an 'ouch' before rubs his injured head.

"It hurts, Minseok-ah.." the giant man pouts pitifully.

Still with an uncontrollable blush, the human scolds. "Serve you right!" he somehow takes a pity at the cat who tends at his injury.

Minseok leads the taller man to the couch and positions Wu Fan to sleep in his laps. Then he pets the cat's injury. He feels bad when he feels it forms a bump among the fortress of soft hair.

"I'm sorry, I hit too hard. Does it hurt?" the still pouting cat nods. It hurts as hell. Minseok is sure strong, the cat thinks. But he loves it when his owner caresses his hair like this. He did do too far this time.

(But Wu Fan never regrets ever stealing a kiss from Minseok. In fact, he is addicted to the taste of that plump red lips. He makes plan to steal it often when the human sleeps. Yes. That's a perfect plan.)

Minseok kisses the bump at the sudden, leaving the cat breathless. "There. It will be fast to heal now." The blush shows up again in the small man's cheeks.

Wu Fan tries to catch his breath again before he nods. Tonight is the best night yet Wu Fan ever has.


Muahahahaha. So lame. I know. I'm sorry orz

And there're Kai and bunny Xing! Isnt Yixing cute as a bunny (girl)? >w<

I'm still thinking at how to make a of this story.. Sigh.. Never though it would be this hard..

Thank you guys for supporting this fic in anyway (reading, subscribing, upvoting, commenting) ^^

Btw, Im writing another story. It was xiuyeol but it's not as bright and fluffy as this story. You can check it here if you want ^^ or just ignore it if you dont T-T (shamelessly promoting)

Comments are very appreciated :)

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batmansidekick #1
Chapter 12: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ kid sehun and kid tao are my weaknes ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ughhhhhhhhh why kris is sooo perfect like wow
Chapter 12: OMG!! THIS IS SOOOOOO CUTE!!! >.< ♡♡♡
How come I didn't find this fic sooner?
JiYuKuo #3
Chapter 12: Awwww... ..I wonder what's kyungue's reaction about the kids...:)
jhooooooooooope #4
Chapter 12: I really wanna break into tears rn bc THIS IS GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL. tbh i'd love to call Minseok 'mama' too ;p This chapter is really heartwarming but i still need more xiuris feels (i'm such an ungrateful reader lol) I love your story, keep it up!
kpopmichelle #5
Chapter 12: This is sooo freaking kawaii!!!!!! >.< update soon!!
arin0200 #6
Chapter 12: So cute sehun and tao totally suitable to be xiumin and Kris children love the chapter hope to see more update soon!!
Chapter 12: Aww mama minseok is cute
chaeyong88 #8
Chapter 12: Minseok is adorable ><
Can wait for another chapter
Fighting author-nim
darkside0326 #9
Chapter 12: adorable.. cute.. sweet.. ooh i love it!! ><