My friend and your friend

Should I say I love you?

Surprise! Double updates! Hohoho

Btw I was wondering if this story is good enough. Or if it is boring. Haha. Or maybe the pace is too damn slow (bcoz I unconsciously drags thing out orz). But well no one really tells me anything, so.. Enjoy :D

Disclaimer: Exo is not mine. Why I torture myself writing disclaimer?


"Minseok, let's go double date with our pet!" that was what Lu Han said last Thursday. It led them to be here, at the Chinese man's house. They are going to make a small garden party. Lu Han is lucky his parent is rich that they bought him a fairly large house with a garden.

"Lu Han, this is Wu Yi Fan. Wu Fan, Lu Han." he introduce his cat to his bestfriend.

Wu Fan smiles and bows politely to the other Chinese man. "Nice to meet you, Lu Han. I heard a lot about you."

"Dang! He is so tall and handsome! Why he is with you again? And Minseok told me a lot about you, too. Something about having a crush on his pet." That big mouth of his friend is really something.

"Really?" Wu Fan is mildly surprised but it is a happy surprise.

"Shut up, Lu! I never said that!" Damn it. Minseok blushes hard. He starts to regret coming here. He should know Lu Han better. Really. He really should. And that smug face on Wu Fan is so annoying.

"Where is Kyungsoo by the way?" the faster he changes the subject, the better. "It seems Wu Fan knew Kyungsoo before."

"He takes the BBQ ingredients. He'll be here in a few minutes. Oh! There he is!" Lu Han calls his dog's name excitedly while waving his hand, signaling him to go here faster.

The tiny-but-not-as-shorter-as-Minseok dog hybrid walks to their direction. Many ingredients are in his small hands. "I swear to God, Lu Han, you are not helping at all and I have to bring all of these alone and- Oh! Kris-hyung!"

The dog hurriedly puts the stuffs in the table then runs quickly to the giant cat. He jumps on him and is caught with a tight hug by the giant.

"Kris-hyung! I miss you! It's been a while!" The dog blabbers a lot at the older cat's chest ignoring the two shocked owners.

"Kris?" Minseok asks uncertainly.

The cat turns to his owner and smiles. He needs to explain to his owner. He pushes Kyungsoo from his chest and tells him he misses him too then ruffles his head. The dog jumps excitedly around the cat.

Seeing all of the affection his giant cat gives to the other pet somehow makes Minseok's heart feels weird. It's like it being squeezed hard. And he is not stupid to not recognize what feeling that is. Jealousy.

He cant believe he is jealous of Wu Fan's old friend. From the interaction, he clearly knows they are just friends. But he cant control his aching heart. And.. Is 'Kris' his nickname just for him?

"I thought your name is Wu Yi Fan." Lu Han throws a remark casually, noticing the confused look his bestfriend has. And he tears Kyungsoo away from the tallest one of the group by his collar, telling him to quickly prepare the BBQ (receiving an annoyed grumble from the dog), because he also notices Minseok's discomfort to Kyungsoo's excitement towards Wu Fan.

"Uh yes. Wu Yi Fan is my real name. Kris is what the other hybrids call me in the pet house. Sorry for not telling you soon, Minseok-ah." The tall cat says apologetically and pats his owner's head lovingly. He watches as Minseok's unsconcious pout turns into a smile.

"It's okay." the cat's owner says shyly.

Lu Han, watching them from aside, just rolls his eyes mentally. They are so sweetly gross. Just who is the owner and who is the pet, he wonders.

He smiles. It's been a long time he saw Minseok showing so much loving emotion so he is grateful. He is glad he told him to go to that pet shop. He is glad Wu Fan is there for Minseok. Like he is grateful he has Kyungsoo beside him. Kyungsoo is like a lost brother (isnt it butler? Minseok interjects) for him.

He sees the youngest prepares the BBQ diligently albeit mumbling his annoyance along the process. Yes. He is lucky to have Kyungsoo.

"So lucky to have you~" he sings-song as hugging the smaller pet. Yet he is immediately being punished by the same pet choking his head.

"You're just spoiled rich brat. Now stay away from me, or i'll stab you with this knife." the little dog warns his owner.

"B-but you love me-

"No. I dont. I just stay with you because you feed me. Now go." Lu Han scrambles away at the cruel warning from his pet. He runs to Minseok who laughs at their usual antics.

The new cat just has his eyes wide seeing the cruel banter the other owner-pet has. Kyungsoo is definitely scary behind that innocent cute owlish face.

"So how have you been?" Wu Fan comes to Kyungsoo to help him with preparation. No. Wu Fan cant cook. Minseok is the one cooking for both of them. But if it's just cutting stuffs, he guesses he can handle it. Their owners seem to have fun conversation anyway.

Looking up, Kyungsoo smiles. Kris is his favorite hyung in the pet house. So he is very happy to meet him again. He puts some onions and a knife for him.

"Onion? Really?" Wu Fan mumbles but doesnt complain as he takes the knife and starts peeling and cutting the onions after puts on sunglasses. He doesnt want to cry just because of onions!

The little dog smiles. His hyung is always been weird. "It's been good, I think." he finally answers. "I just need to take care of a rich kid and gets a pretty decent pet life. Lu Han-hyung takes care of me well too. He let me do what I want and all." he gives the older pet a heart-shaped smile. Wu Fan is happy for him.

"What about you, hyung? Do you like Minseok-hyung? I know him for a while since he often visits Lu Han-hyung. He is a very cute hyung. Very much your liking." Wu Fan laughs. His dongsaeng knows him too well.

"I do like him." he answers honestly. It's not like he can lie to Kyungsoo anyway.

"It seems Lu Han-hyung right. I think Minseok-hyung likes you too."

"You think so?" he asks happily. He knows his owner cant resist him, but hearing other's opinion is different. It makes it feels more real.

The younger one nods. They resume to their BBQ cooking while chatting, catching up with what they miss in the lost time.

When finished, the call their unhelpful owners so they can eat together.

(Minseok praises Wu Fan for being a good cat to help Kyungsoo doing BBQ. He scratches the back of his ear and Wu Fan is a happy cat.)


Later that night he thinks about how Lu Han's saying about his owner has a crush on him and Kyungsoo's words that Minseok seems to like him back, that it's not a one-sided love. (Oh he dares to say it is love!)

He is happy. He really wants to confess to the small man but he is like confessing everyday at the slightly older man. He said 'I like you' like every night! How he can be sure Minseok knows how serious he is?

But wait. Does he really like him the way Wu Fan like him? Or just liking him as a pet? Is Minseok even into men? He needs to know Minseok's love life history. He is going to ask Lu Han about it.

Then there's one more thing. He wants to be dependable for his soon-to-be-lover owner. Maybe he can accept the modelling offer. He'll ask Minseok's opinion tomorrow.

He has so many plans but now is time to sleep.

He looks at Minseok who sleeps on his side. His back is facing him. Wu Fan is back-hugging him. Doesnt this look like he spooning the smaller man? He blushes at his own thought. No dirty thought, Wu Fan, he warns himself in mind.

He smiles as a whiff of Minseok's scent filling his nose. He pulls the smaller man closer to his chest, arms circling the small waist. The human shifts slightly to get a more comfortable position.

Wu Fan let himself falling asleep with the warmth of Minseok's hands on top of his.


Wow. How diligent I am. Quick update. Hoho. But this is quite short, isnt it?

I want to write more about Lu Han. But i'm not sure. It was been bugging me lately. Haha. Maybe i'll write him in different story. Or i'll just write him here in special chapter. I dont know.

Well thank you for reading, subscribing and (if there any) commenting to this story. I am really happy sharing this story in any way :)

(why the author note is longer than the content?? /sigh/ )

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batmansidekick #1
Chapter 12: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ kid sehun and kid tao are my weaknes ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ughhhhhhhhh why kris is sooo perfect like wow
Chapter 12: OMG!! THIS IS SOOOOOO CUTE!!! >.< ♡♡♡
How come I didn't find this fic sooner?
JiYuKuo #3
Chapter 12: Awwww... ..I wonder what's kyungue's reaction about the kids...:)
jhooooooooooope #4
Chapter 12: I really wanna break into tears rn bc THIS IS GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL. tbh i'd love to call Minseok 'mama' too ;p This chapter is really heartwarming but i still need more xiuris feels (i'm such an ungrateful reader lol) I love your story, keep it up!
kpopmichelle #5
Chapter 12: This is sooo freaking kawaii!!!!!! >.< update soon!!
arin0200 #6
Chapter 12: So cute sehun and tao totally suitable to be xiumin and Kris children love the chapter hope to see more update soon!!
Chapter 12: Aww mama minseok is cute
chaeyong88 #8
Chapter 12: Minseok is adorable ><
Can wait for another chapter
Fighting author-nim
darkside0326 #9
Chapter 12: adorable.. cute.. sweet.. ooh i love it!! ><