You are my no-solution problem

Should I say I love you?

Lame title. I am just dont know how to give title.

I have a bad tendency to drag things out and then miserably forget what i want to write. I re-read the that 1st chapter and honestly it still didnt make any sense. *sigh* Well i dont know anymore.. Enjoy?

Disclaimer: I regrettably still don't own any kitty Yi Fan or a teacher Minseok.


Best decision, his ! This hybrid is a mess.

So he actually adopts a hybrid home as a pet. He wonders what kind of evil whispered to him to make a deal for this. First of all, he totally forgot that the only spare room, which was originally a guest room, was somehow turned into a storeroom. Completely useless unless he takes all of his (useless?) stuffs out. And it is impossible because he turned the guest room to a storeroom for an obvious reason. He doesnt have more room to put his many stuffs. He doesnt even want to remember just what the things he put there.

"I always slept with my owners before, so I will sleep with you."

"No," comes the immediate reply from Minseok the now owner. Just how many ex-owners did he have, he wonders. No, he doesn't start getting jealous. Mind you. He is just curious.

And that is the second problem. The giant is clingy as . He wants to sleep in the same bed with him because-

"You are so soft and warm! So cuddly! I want you because you are all that I need," the giant cat argues with a pout.

Damn it. He looks so serious saying that, Minseok can't help but blushes. Because.. No matter how wrongly innocent the reason is, it is still embarrassing to hear it so blatantly.

Somehow he can feel the upcoming headache. This cat seems like a terrible blunt clingy royal brat and he is undeniably handsome and cute. He feels like he will unconditionally go with his flow and forgive anything weird he does just because those two traits alone. How can a tall awkward adult (hybrid) be so cute? This is illegal. Definitely.

Putting problem number two aside, the third problem is the need of buying basic necessity for the giant. The hell, he didnt bring anything useful in that fancy trunk. He didnt even bring clothes. He just brought a luggage full of many kinds of plushies! As if one Ace is not enough. And he can't lend his clothes to him. He is a dwarf compared to the cat. His clothes are all tiny!

"Dont you have clothes in Junmyeon's place, Wu Fan?" he asks patiently although all he wants to do is ripping his hair off his head due to stress.

"I do have few. But I couldnt bring them. My trunk was already full with these kids." That is the most reasonably reason he ever gets from him. He slaps his own face, literally. He mentally makes an agenda to visit Junmyeon again to get the damn clothes. He hopes he doesnt forget.

He sighs. This is going to be a long beginning for them.

"Hey," the tall cat calls hesitantly. He is standing awkwardly beside the couch Minseok currently lies on. His face looks unsure. Minseok made a gesture that he is listening.

"What should I call you? Sir?Master?" he asks innocently.

Minseok's face blushes into hundred shades of red. "That's too !"

The cat blinks several time to catch his owner response. When he gets it, he laughs. "? How could you say that? It's actually pretty normal call.. Or are you actually into that stuff?" the smirk the cat makes gives him goosebump.

"No!" he quickly responds. Maybe too fast to make it believable. It seems the cat is still amused. He fakes a cough and says something to cover the awkward topic.

"W-well, what you called your previous owners?" He actually doesnt want to bring this talking up yet. He worries if the talk about his previous owners will give him bad memory since he, for a fact, was being cast away by them. But this maybe a good opportunity to ask about his past.

The cat seems thoughtful about the question. His playful smirk is completely gone and turned into thinking pout. Minseok wonders if he is being rushed asking that.

"Come here." He pats the space beside him after he righted himself to sit. Wu Fan comes closer but instead sitting next to him, he sits on the floor right in front of him and lies his head on Minseok's laps, giving a shock to the latter. He then nuzzles in his laps as a gesture of saying 'pet me! pet me!'.

Or so Minseok thinks because that is what he actually does then, petting Wu Fan's soft hair. The cat purrs in pleasure as he rubs the back of his ears. And damn the purr sounds sinful in Minseok's ears.

"They were women." Suddenly the giant cat mumbles. He looks sleepy.

"Heung?" is Minseok's only intelligent response. He is confused after all.

"My previous owners. All of them were women." Minseok humms, finally gets what the cat means. "The first one was a very kind lady. I called her Mama. She took care of me since I was just a kitten until 12." The image of Wu Fan as kitten.. He really wants to know! He needs to ask Junmyeon if he knows something regarding it. Maybe a photo album for documentation?

"I doubt you want me to call you Mama." He teases in sleepy voice. Minseok laughs lightly at that. He sure doesnt want, indeed.

"Why she left you?" he can't help asking. The cat chuckles hearing worry in his owner's cute voice.

"Nothing bad to worry. She was an ambassador for her company and she had to go in and out the country. So she had me for another family, my second owner. Mama was the one who taught me many languages by the way."

Minseok forms an o with his mouth. It is no wonder then that he can talk multi-language.

"The second one was a little girl. I was taken as a care-taker of her. I called her Xiao Gongzou. It means little princess in Chinese. I just with her for three years though. Then the family had to go abroad too and they couldn't bring me. Then I was in the hybrid care center since then. I met Junmyeon some years later and he brought me to Korea." The owner humms again. He is glad that the cat has no bad memory about his past owners.

"Do you want me to call you Xiao Min?" the cat asks teasingly, stretching the word Xiao.

He hits the cat's head lightly. "Just call me Minseok! Do you think I dont know what it means? I am NO small!" He pouts. The cat laughs.

"Right." Wu Fan says in amused tone. The owner pouts at him. There is an unreadable glint in his eyes as he sees the pouting smaller man.

The cat eventually stands up and finally sits next to him. Without warning the giant cuddles from his side, makes him yelp in surprise. "Minseok, I'm hungry," sulks the cat.

"I got it! I got it! Let me go so I can prepare some food." He is immediately released.

Minseok gets up and walks to the kitchen with a giant cat trailing behind him. Minseok can't help but smiles noticing Wu Fan's tail dances in excitement.

In the kitchen, Minseok prepares a simple meal while the tall cat positions himself in the dinning table across the kitchen. When the meal is ready, they eat deliciously. Minseok never knows he is actually quite hungry that the simple food tastes really good. Or is it because he eats with Wu Fan? He doesnt understand. Well it doesnt matter right now.

He has delicious food and his Wu Fan is not a picky-eater. (Yes, his Wu Fan. Minseok is actually rather possessive though he will never admits). His day is complete.


Although his day was complete, his night seems turned out otherwise. He still doesnt have the solution of problem number two.

Where will Wu Fan sleep?

Definitely not in his be-

"Yah, what are you doing in my bed?" Minseok yells desperately. There is Wu Fan laying in his bed, wearing the largest t-shirt Minseok has, which is still ridiculously small on Wu Fan's broad body, and sweatpants that comes short in his long, long, legs.

"Come, come, Minseok-ah." The giant says with innocent happiness in his face.

Minseok blushes at the way he says it. And.. Is he really that happy to sleep with him? (no dirty mind, please)

And why he calls him so affectionately with that freaking y deep voice and in his bed? God! How he will be going to live out of this night?

With a hard gulp, he goes to the bed and lies reluctantly. Wu Fan seems perfectly happy as he takes a hold of Ace, which since now will be the occupant of the bed permanently, and drags Minseok into a hug along with the plushy.

The owner groans in frustration but doesnt protest. And when Wu Fan is already aslept he begrudgingly admits that this is quite nice, having someone holds you in sleep. So he holds the cat back and snuggles closer to the warm and wide chest he starts to love.

What? No love! Minseok shakes his head sleepily at his own thought. Yes. No love. (Yet).


This chapter is very very boring I'm so sorry *hiding in corner* but i need to uncover WuFan's not-sad past so i dont have to do it in the future chapters anymore. It's just that i couldnt write it less boring OTL

Thank you for reading and even subscribing. Once more, sorry for this fail boring chapter.

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batmansidekick #1
Chapter 12: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ kid sehun and kid tao are my weaknes ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ughhhhhhhhh why kris is sooo perfect like wow
Chapter 12: OMG!! THIS IS SOOOOOO CUTE!!! >.< ♡♡♡
How come I didn't find this fic sooner?
JiYuKuo #3
Chapter 12: Awwww... ..I wonder what's kyungue's reaction about the kids...:)
jhooooooooooope #4
Chapter 12: I really wanna break into tears rn bc THIS IS GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL. tbh i'd love to call Minseok 'mama' too ;p This chapter is really heartwarming but i still need more xiuris feels (i'm such an ungrateful reader lol) I love your story, keep it up!
kpopmichelle #5
Chapter 12: This is sooo freaking kawaii!!!!!! >.< update soon!!
arin0200 #6
Chapter 12: So cute sehun and tao totally suitable to be xiumin and Kris children love the chapter hope to see more update soon!!
Chapter 12: Aww mama minseok is cute
chaeyong88 #8
Chapter 12: Minseok is adorable ><
Can wait for another chapter
Fighting author-nim
darkside0326 #9
Chapter 12: adorable.. cute.. sweet.. ooh i love it!! ><