Life isn't always rainbowish

Should I say I love you?


It's been a pain in the explaining to a 3 years old Sehun and a 5 years old Tao that he can't have baby. Tao asked why he can't when he is a mommy. Minseok couldn't explain that he is not actually mommy and they aren't supposed to call him mommy and he is a man and man can't have baby, when facing their innocent sparkling eyes. Wufan came for the rescue, saying that Minseok is already happy with them being their babies and doesn't have any plan to have more baby anytime soon.

The kids listened to him and Minseok was mesmerized. Wufan is so cool. Minseok thinks he falls deeper for him. But he immediately cancel his inwardly praises as Wufan introduces the kids to their "big brother", Wufan's plushy. He introduces to them that Ace, his alpaca doll that is always on their bed even when they were having , as if witnessing their love making, their oldest brother. But the kids nod and call the unanimated alpaca, Ace-ge. Minseok is done with his life.

At night, Wufan actually tells them that it is wrong to call Minseok "mommy". Minseok is happy that Wufan does it for him, because he can't tell them himself. He is glad Wufan understands his problem.

"What do we call mommy Minseok then?" Tao asks curiously. Sehun nods.

"Call him Mama. And call me Papa. It's cuter."

Minseok bangs his head on the wall near him. So much for being an understanding lover.

"Minseok-ah, are you okay?" Wufan asks worriedly as he comes to him, inspecting his forehead. Minseok sighs as he waves his hand, gesturing that he is okay.

"Mama, you okay?" Tao asks from his left leg and Sehun looks up to him from his right leg, worried. Minseok still wants to cringe and cry in the corner at how they address him.

"Yes. I'm okay, honey." Minseok kneels and takes them in his arms. "So what do you want for your first dinner here?"


Monday, Minseok is going to school. So the kids are left home with their papa. Minseok gives the papa cat a duty, that is emptying the turned-into-store-room guestroom. They need a room for the kids.

Wufan looks at the store room in awe. He wonders what in the hell his baby stored in this packed room. Minseok said, most of them aren't too important. But still, there's a lot of them.

He decides to call for help.


"Tell me again, why I agree into this torture?" A dog hybrid, Baekhyun is his name, groans as he lifts a box full of... Uh, full of something, only God and Minseok know, out of the room.

Chen chuckles at her beagle boyfriend. "Because you love me and we need Kris to fill my wallet so we can live nice. Now be a good boy and do your job." The dog whimpers but does as told.

"I'm sorry to make all of you do this." Wufan feels sorry at the sudden. The kids are playing with their aunt Yixing.

"No problem, hyung. I'm glad you consider us as friends. And surely, it will be better if the kids have their own room soon." Jongin says with a smile. He looks at his girlfriend playing with the Wu kids and smiles endearingly. Wufan smiles knowingly at him.

"She is so glowing around the kids, isn't she? Any plan with kid?" he asks teasingly. Jongin blushes. He puts the heavy box next to a box full of books outside.

"Actually, it's more like... I want to her right now," Jongin mutters under his breath and Wufan is speechless, judging him.

"Don't you dare," he says immediately. Jongin laughs.

"Just kidding, hyung. There's no way I really do it in front of the children, right? I still has decency, you know. I'm not that beagle after all." The sun-kissed model points to the inside of the store/guest room in where Baekhyun and Chen are in the middle of making out.

Wufan is startled but goes in to lecture them about the decency of mating in other's nest. Jongin cringes. That's not what he thinks the main problem here. He is glad his Xingxing is taking the kids to the kitchen to help her with snacks.

He thinks today will be a very long day. He hopes Wufan's cute owner comes home soon.


Minseok comes home to find his apartment looking like a broken garage sale. Well, he is kind of expecting this to happen. He only has himself to blame for saving junks on the guest room.

He sees Wufan, Kai, Chen, and someone, a dog hybrid, sprawling tiredly in the floor. He feels bad for them. He looks everywhere for the kids but sees nothing.

Wufan sees him from his tired state on the floor and smiles his stupid goofy gummy smile at him. Minseok hates to admit that he loves that smile so much. He walks closer to his cat, carefully passing some stuffs (garbages?) in his toes and as he already next to his lying cat, he kisses him sweetly. "I'm home."

"Welcome back, Minseok." He smiles back at him.

"Where are the kids?" Minseok asks.

"They are going out with Yixing. Need some energy drinks here." Wufan informs as he gets up to sit.

"You guys must be tired. I'll order Chinese food." He offered. Wufan nods.

"Minseok-oppa, just what do you actually save up on that room?" Chen suddenly blurts when he reaches for his phone. He grimaces apologetically at her before calling the Chinese food restaurant.

As he finishes the call, the front door opens and Tao and Sehun, along with the bunny girl behind them, comes.

"Mama!" Tao and Sehun squeal together as they see him and run into him.

Still cringing at the calling, Minseok warns them to be careful with their steps which Tao obeys right after, tiptoeing his way to him. Sehun copies his gege. Minseok chuckles at their cuteness. He kneels to catch them in a hug.

"How's your day, baby? Nice?" he asks his babies as they are settled in his arms.

"Eung! Aunt Xing played with us the whole day! Her ears are longer than Sehunie's and they are so soft." Tao blabbers while Sehun snuggles closer to his shoulder. Minseok cards his fingers on his sweaty hair. It seems like they played a lot.

"Thank you, Yixing. I hope they weren't naughty."

"No. They are so sweet, ge. They helped me on the kitchen a lot. Right?" Yixing who is already on the kitchen, preparing the energy drinks for the people on the floor whose energy depletes, answers sweetly.

"Yes! We helped aunt Xing preparing bunny apples!" Tao tells him excitedly. Minseok notes that Sehun is already sleeping in his arm.

"Uh.. Mama (he feels like punching himself) will take Sehun to bed. Do you want to sleep too?" Minseok asked. Tao pouts then shakes his head but yawns after that. Minseok chuckles.

"Aren't you tired?"

"But I'm hungry." Minseok laughs lightly.

"Mama (oh dear, he should get used to this) already ordered some food. You can sleep for awhile, then mama (cries) will wake you up when the food arrives." Tao nods. Minseok kisses his head. He gets up while lifting Sehun in his arm. His other hand is holding Tao's while he guides him to the bedroom, passing the stuffs on the floor. He changes their clothes first before letting them sleep. Despite not wanting to sleep at first, Tao is immediately lost as his head hits the pillow next to his cat brother who slep while hugging their Ace-gege.

When he walks out of the bedroom, the outside is already lively with his helping friends already get up from their previous lying position.

"Mama, huh? That's too cute." Chen squeals with soft voice, knowing the kids are sleeping. Minseok blushes.

"This is Baekhyun, by the way. My beagle boy." Chen introduces him to the unnamed dog hybrid. Baekhyun bows at him. He bows back.

"I'm Minseok," he introduces himself.

"I know. You are as cute as these people kept telling me. I thought they were exaggerating." Baekhyun says with flirty tone that gets him a kick on his shin by his owner and a warning growl from Wufan. He blushes at the compliment.

"Stay back, kid. He is owned. Put him on a good leash, Chen," Wufan whines as he hugs Minseok protectively. The other laughs.

"Sure thing he is yours, Kris-hyung. I bet every hybrid in this town knows. He smells like you." Baekhyun points and Minseok blushes at the fact he never knows since being a human he can't smell 'scent'. Wufan stretches his tongue to the dog in childish manner.

They talk pointlessly then the Chinese food comes. Minseok walks to the room to wake the children. The two little boys are hugging Ace between them. It's so cute. They sleep soundly, Minseok doesn't have the heart to disturb them. But the kids haven't eat yet. He sits on the bed and shakes Tao first, softly. Tao opens his eyes sleepily and yawns.

"Is the food coming yet?" he sleepily asks. Minseok chuckles. So he hasn't forget.

"Yes, baby. The food is coming. Why don't you get up and join papa to eat while mama wake Sehunie?" After a yawn and processing his mama's words, Tao nods then gets up from the bed to go outside.

His baby Sehun looks like an angel even while sleeping. He feels he is going to commit crime for waking him up. But he must. His baby needs to eat.

"Honey.. Baby.. Wake up," he coos and shakes him. After some effort, Sehun opens his eyes but cries afterward. Minseok is panic and immediately carries him in his arms.

"I'm so sorry, baby. But you need to eat," he coos as he rocks the small body to calm him down. But Sehun keeps crying and Minseok wants to cry to. He never knows how to calm a crying baby. He feels so fail at this moment.

Sehun, Tao, or Jongkook, the only kids he ever interacted with, were always so sweet. They never cried before. So it breaks his heart that he makes Sehun cries and can't do anything about it.

The crying is loud and it is hard not to notice. Chen mutters something about new mother while Yixing becomes worried. His child-care instinct kicks in. Baekhyun just smiles weakly, hearing the cry. Most of hybrid from shelter is educated to child care. Wufan tells them not to help though. He wants Minseok to learn by himself. But even after a while, the cry doesn't subdue.

Wufan comes to see his lover and son. He sees Sehun is crying and Minseok, still rocking the baby cat to calm him, is in the verge of crying too. To be honest, in his eyes the sight is quite adorable. But he guesses it's not the right moment to tell his lover how cute he is right now. So he comes closer to a panic Minseok and kisses the crown of his head to let him know he is here.

"He won't stop crying," he tells him. His cracking voice drowned by Sehun's cry.

"It's okay, baby. You did well." He kisses the corner of Minseok's watery eyes. Then he picks Ace from the bed then puts it in front of Sehun's vision line.

"Sehun-ah, hello." Sehun, although still crying, is focused at the talking doll.

"Why are you crying?" Ace 'asks'. Sehun reduces his crying to just sobbing.

"Sehunie still sleepy. Sehunie wants to sleep." The kitten says between sobs.

"Oh, do you know that there's yummy food outside?" Ace asks in exaggerated tone that gets Sehun really stops crying and sees Ace curiosly. Minseok wipes the remaining tears on his son's cheeks.

"What yummy food?" Sehun asked, interestedly.

"Mama brought yumyum noodle and yumyum soup. Do you like yumyum noodle and soup?" Sehun nodded.

"Tao-gege is already munching his share. Why don't you join him?" Sehun nodded then struggling in Minseok's arms to get on his own feet.

"Is Ace-gege not eating?" Sehun looks at the doll curiously.

"Ey, I already ate before you. Quick. Before the yumyum gone." Sehun runs to the door with a cute squeal, but then suddenly stops right at the door to see his mama and papa.

"Mama and papa not eating?" Sehun sweetly asks.

Seeing Minseok is still rendered into mute, Wufan answers for both of them. "You go first, Hun-ah. Mama and papa will come later. Ask aunt Xing to wash your face, okay."

Sehun nods before runs again to eat.

He sees Minseok sighs in relief but his face is still sad. He throws Ace carefully to the bed then kisses his lover's left cheek before hugs him. Minseok leans closer to his chest.

"You okay, baby?" He feels Minseok's head shaking up and down.

"I'm sorry I'm so useless." Minseok mumbles.

"It's not true. You've done good for a first timer. No one can do it without experience. Sehun is still a baby. And baby can be quite troublesome sometimes. We, of course, aren't perfect parent. But it's okay. We'll learn together," he says in soothing voice. Minseok looks up at him in awe. He looks cute. Wufan gulps nervously, because having a in this moment is not right.

"I'm glad I meet you, Wufan-ah." Minseok back to drown his face in his chest. Wufan's heart races in an unfunny pace. Minseok is not someone who talks about his feelings so blatantly so this kind of thing really means a lot for Wufan. He hugs his small human tighter, kissing his crown.

"I'm glad you are having me, Minseok-ah. I love you." He murmurs to his lover's hair. Minseok looks up at him. Red blush dusts each of his cheeks.

Minseok gets to his toes and reaches for his lips. Wufan helps him by leaning down, meeting the soft lips. They kiss for awhile and as they part, Minseok smiles at him.

"I love you too, stupid cat."

"Your stupid cat."

Minseok chuckles. "Yes. My stupid cat."


"What takes both of you so long~? The food will be cold soon." Chen whines.

"Nothing," Minseok smiles shyly. Then there's a light pull of his pants. He looks down to see Sehun, hugging a big bowl of noodle.

"Mama, eat this! It's good!" Sehun exclaims excitedly as ing some noodle with his kid-chopsticks to Minseok's face. He looks at Wufan who nods at him while giving his shoulder a squeeze. He kneels down then opens his mouth to eat what Sehun feeds him.

"Eum~. It's good. Thanks, Sehunie," he says. Sehun giggles before digging more noodle to feed his papa who immediately eats what he gives.

Minseok thought Sehun hates him and he is failing as a parent. But the way Sehun still smiles at him while he calls him, maybe all they needs are time together and they'll learn every little thing about each other.

OMG this update is so short i'm sorry >.<

Idek what im doing while writing this chapter. Dont hate me ;;
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batmansidekick #1
Chapter 12: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ kid sehun and kid tao are my weaknes ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ughhhhhhhhh why kris is sooo perfect like wow
Chapter 12: OMG!! THIS IS SOOOOOO CUTE!!! >.< ♡♡♡
How come I didn't find this fic sooner?
JiYuKuo #3
Chapter 12: Awwww... ..I wonder what's kyungue's reaction about the kids...:)
jhooooooooooope #4
Chapter 12: I really wanna break into tears rn bc THIS IS GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL. tbh i'd love to call Minseok 'mama' too ;p This chapter is really heartwarming but i still need more xiuris feels (i'm such an ungrateful reader lol) I love your story, keep it up!
kpopmichelle #5
Chapter 12: This is sooo freaking kawaii!!!!!! >.< update soon!!
arin0200 #6
Chapter 12: So cute sehun and tao totally suitable to be xiumin and Kris children love the chapter hope to see more update soon!!
Chapter 12: Aww mama minseok is cute
chaeyong88 #8
Chapter 12: Minseok is adorable ><
Can wait for another chapter
Fighting author-nim
darkside0326 #9
Chapter 12: adorable.. cute.. sweet.. ooh i love it!! ><