Chapter 1

I Wish I Have Never Met You

          Urgh.. I never thought that being in the music division would be this hard... Once I.. Oh.. Right... I forgot that I cut the main part again.. Alright then.. Let’s go the beginning again...





          “So you’re here in Seoul Academy for what division again?” asked the principle.

          “Music division, sir.”

          “May I see your files then?”

          “I got my scholarship when I was in Junior High School, sir. I got my IB diploma.” I answered, passing him my files, scholarship certificate and IB diploma to the table. The principle gently takes it and I stiffen a little bit, but kept my calm face.

          “You’re not nervous?” He asked, while observing and looking at my files. “Not at all, sir.” Its because I prayed to God before entering your office.. But of course I didn’t said that.

          “....Alright then. You can go to your class but for the main subjects of Math and English, you should still take it.Also, P.E is cumpulsory.”

          “Yes sir. Thank you. I will never fail you.” I smiled. I’m finally IN!!! YESS!!!

          “Alright, then. This is your schedule, and your class is in 2-C.” He passed me a piece of paper, I guess that’s my schedule, and gave back my files and stuff. I took them and smiled, then I bow. “Thank you, sir. I am truly happy to be here.” He chukled, giving a sign that I can go out from his office now.

          I smiled, going out from the office. As soon as I closed the door and turn around, I bump into a stranger and trip on his legs. I closed my eyes and waited for me to crash the floor.

          I waited and waited but nothing happen. Instead, I felt a pair of hands holding on to me. I slowly open my eyes and found myself standing... NEXT TO THE STRANGER! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD THAT’S SO EMBARRASSING..

          “M-Mianhae! I-I didn’t see where I was going...” I bowed 90 degrees.

          “Its alright. Don’t be afraid. Look up.” And I did. As I see his face, he looked familiar. I thought I know him but no names appeared in my head. “Here’s your nametag.. It fell from your uniform.”

          “Huh?” I looked at my nametag in his hand and I took it. I immediately pin it to my uniform and bow again. “G-Gomawo, sunbaenim!” With that, I grab my bag and fled, going to 2-C already. Why I fled? I’m sure that my cheeks went bright pink...




I promise you all that the next chapter(s) would be longer. :)

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