Prolouge: The Beginning

I Wish I Have Never Met You

The Beginning

          It was a beautiful evening. I can’t believe I’m finally in Academy High. Its just.. In front of me. I finally made to the university I’ve always wanted!

          OH right... I forgot to tell you. I’m Vivi. I’m half American half Korean. My dad’s Korean by the way.. And yes I just entered college.

You’re asking me how this happens? Let’s get back to the past then..




“Hey mom, can I be an artist when I grow up?”

“You can be anything you wanna be dear. You’re in 12th grade. As long as whatever you do, it will make me happy.”



          Okay.. So technically, that’s kinda what happened. I’ve always been wanting to be an artist ever since I saw other famous artists. And so, here I am at Academy High, in Seoul.

          Seoul you ask? Yes, I’m in Korea, South Korea to be exact. Taking music for my degree later, I can’t wait to see how the hallways are.

          This is just the beginning of my high school life.

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