
It's the After School Club!

          Almost two weeks had passed since the email, which meant Vera's friends were coming to Korea for the ASC episode. Every day, Vera got a call from her friends asking what to bring for their visit and what they should wear to the show, as well as confirming that it was still happening. Vera had gotten tired of reassuring her friends that it would still happen, and that it hadn't been a dream by texting them before their calls every day. 

         "No, I still don't believe you. It's all a lie and you're just geting us worked up over nothing because you're mean or something." Rana told Vera.

         "You guys are literally standing in the airport waiting to board a plane with tickets that were paid for you, and I'm holding our passes to get into the screening of ASC. It is happening, and you guys will meet U-Kiss." Vera explained once again.

          "I could be standing in the same room as them and still not believe you." Rana remained persistent as her voiced raised in excitement.

          "Whatever, just get on your plane and have a safe flight. I'll see you guys in the airport!" Vera said goodbye to her friends and grabbed her bags to head out of the hotel to do some shopping for welcoming gifts for her friends.

          Vera walkd around to all the shops in the area around her, but didn't find anything that stood out as anything special. A lot of the things she found were common trinkets in Korean shops. She thought about getting them an Exo or Super Junior or U-Kiss fan item, but decided not. She continued shopping around when she received a text from Kevin.

          "Hey Vera, what should the members get your friends? They want to give a gift to them because they rarely get to have alone time with foreign fans, so this is a big deal to them."

         "You read my mind. I'm currently looking for something for them. Do you want to meet up and we can think together?" She replied. She thought it was just too uncanny for them to have the same thoughts.

          "Definitely! You know your friends better than I know them, so hopefully you can help."

          They decided where to meet up, which wasn't far from where she was currently. She looked through the shop she waited in until he arrived. He got there not much later, but with a snazzy disguise on so they wouldn't get easily recognized.

          "Hey! Glad you could make it. I've been stuck thinking of what to get them for ages." Vera said as Kevin joined her in looking.

          "I haven't even known where to begin to think. What kinds of things do your friends like?" Kevin asked as he picked up a floral hat,

          "Well, the only thing I can think of is kpop, so you, your members, and the Exo and Super Junior members. But there aren't any kpop fan things that are calling out to me as a 'welcome to Korea' gift." Kevin looked down at the hat, put it back, and then got a smile on his face.

          "I have the best idea ever." He quietly exclaimed.





Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy guys. Sorry for the no updating thing the past few months. School kicked my in terms of how freaking tired I was every day. It also caused major writers block. But here's a short update for you all! I'm currently on winter break so hopefully I'll update again before I go back to school. I hope everythihng is going well for you guys! Happy Holidays!

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Chapter 21: Welcome back author nim. I will wait for your next update. Take your time.
Chapter 19: Ugh, Eli pls
Goldie #3
Chapter 14: Update soon authornim!
Chapter 14: Please stay safe author nim
Chapter 13: Ayyy, so baby! XP
Chapter 10: Ehehehe Kevin hopefully = Eli which = a happy "Nay". Bl
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh, this is killing me with its cuteness! XD
Chapter 7: Kyaa so cute please update soon author nim...
Chapter 5: I'm finally catching up with this! It's so cute! XD
Ohhh gosh, Chanyeol and his fan service. :P