
It's the After School Club!

   It had been more than ten minutes. The others weren't back yet. Chanyeol almost called them to ask how long they would be, but he didn't want to make it seem like he wasn't wanting to be around Vera. He had already gotten a drink for the two of them. Vera was feeling awkard as well. She wanted to ask so many questions, but most of them were out of place and weren't appropriate to ask considering they've only known each other for a few days.

   "Soooo...tell me about your friends. Who is Exo is their favorite?" Chanyeol asked, finally speaking up.

   "My friend Rana's favorite is Kai, and my friend Nay's favorite is Lay." He nodded, trying to find something to say before things got ridiculously awkward again.

   "So what are you in Korea for? Are you studying?"

   "Yeah. But also just to live here and be exposed to the culture and to improve my Korean."

   "But your Korean is already perfect." He complimented. Vera knew her face was red and she could see his was too as he looked away.

   "Thanks..." She said quietly. He got up to go to the bathroom. Once he left, she immediately messaged her friends through her phone, begging for their help.

   "Just be yourself!" was their only response. She huffed a bit at their response and put her phone back into her pocket. He came out not long after.

   "Suho hyung texted me saying they're on their way. They should be here in about 15 minutes."

   "Great! What should we do until they get here?" She said, hoping to ease the tension yet again.

   "What do you want to do?" He responded quietly.

   "It's your place, so you tell me what we can do and we'll do it." His face turned bright red as he didn't say anything. She instantly realized how that could have sounded.

   "Oh my god, I am so sorry I didn't mean it to come out that way. Oh no, you probably think I'm erted now oh god." She grabbed the pillow nearest to her and plopped her face into it, hiding her embarrassment. He got closer to her on the couch and started chuckling.

   "Don't worry. It's okay." He tried his best to sound casual.

   "I'm sorry, things tend to come out ually when I say it. It's a really common type of humor where I'm from so normally I would laugh or something but I don't know if it's appropriate here or not or if you feel comfortable with it." She kept her face in the pillow, making it difficult to understand her. However, with his super amazing hearing abilities, he got the gist of what she was saying.

   "Don't worry. It's not super common here, but I'm okay with it. We all are. We're men that are going through that hyperactive stage so it's okay. We all make small jokes like that." Finally, they had something to talk about. For the next fifteen minutes until the members got there, they just made jokes with each other. By the time the others walked in, Chanyeol and Vera were laughing so hard that they couldn't breathe.

   "I'm glad the love birds finally spoke to each other." Kai whispered to Suho. Once almost everyone gathered in, Chanyeol and Vera noticed they were there and calmed their laughter.

   "Hey guys! I know some of you have met her already but this is Vera." Chanyeol introduced her, earning smiles from everyone.

   "It's great to see you again!" The Exo-K members said almsot in unison. Chen immediately got up to her with a large smile on his face.

   "Wow! You ARE really pretty! Chanyeollie wasn't lying! It's great to finally meet you!" He gave her a hug before walking past to slap Chanyeol on the arm, adding insult to injury. Chanyeol glared at Chen, then looked back at the rest of the Exo-M members and glared at them, hoping they won't embarrass him.

   "It's great to meet you! We've heard nothing but great things about you." The others chimed. It was better than Chen's, but still more than Chanyeol was hoping. Everyone filed in and sat in the living room. Vera was on the couch imbetween Luhan and the right arm rest. Tao sat in the chair next to the couch.

   "So, I'm sure you've already introduced yourself enough to Kevin hyung and Chanyeollie and our manager hyung, so do you want us to go ahead and start asking questions we're curious about?" Suho suggested to Vera. She lightly nodded.

   "I want to go first. Tell me, out of all of us, who matches closest to your ideal type of guy?" Kai asked, glancing at Chanyeol and Vera, and catching Vera glance at Chanyeol as well.




   Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of updates :/ I started school today and work has been really busy and I also have kungfu so I don't have much free time to focus on these stories. I will try to update as much as possible but they will be slowing down probably by a large amount. But I will attempt to finish it! I hope you all stick with me and enjoy the story!

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Chapter 21: Welcome back author nim. I will wait for your next update. Take your time.
Chapter 19: Ugh, Eli pls
Goldie #3
Chapter 14: Update soon authornim!
Chapter 14: Please stay safe author nim
Chapter 13: Ayyy, so baby! XP
Chapter 10: Ehehehe Kevin hopefully = Eli which = a happy "Nay". Bl
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh, this is killing me with its cuteness! XD
Chapter 7: Kyaa so cute please update soon author nim...
Chapter 5: I'm finally catching up with this! It's so cute! XD
Ohhh gosh, Chanyeol and his fan service. :P