
It's the After School Club!

          Kevin kept a small smile on his face the whole time he was with Vera, whose curiosity incresingly grew as he refused to tell her. She tried her hardest to brush it off and continue searching, but she was getting frustrated with his secrecy and refusal to tell her.

          "Why can't you tell me? They're my friends. Please? At least a hint?" She pleaded.

          "If I did, it would......be against my morals...." He trailed off his sentence, making it obvious he was fibbing. She glared at him and just huffed. She turned away and began actually searching for something. She flipped through pants, shirts, shoes, and accessories and still managed to fail at finding the perfect gift.

          "Ooooooooo, do they like jewelry?" Kevin asked, calling her over to the case with rings and necklaces inside.

          "Yeah, why?" Kevin pointed to a ring and necklace set that had an intricate jeweled design on it, but were still edgy. She smiled, knowing it was a great gift for them.

          "That's perfect! Do you want that to be from you or one of your members?"

          "Why not from you? Just because I saw it doesn't mean it shouldn't be from you." She just nodded a bit.

          "But still, they'd probably be more excited if it were from your members." He nodded back. He took a picture of it and sent it to s in a group message, asking who wanted to give it to her friends. Kiseop and AJ were the first to reply, each of them saying a separate piece in the set.

           "Alright, since they both want to give it to them, AJ will give the ring to one of them, and Kiseop will give the necklace to the other." Kevin told Vera.

           "Rana likes rings and AJ more so that's perfect." Vera said with a smile as she and Kevin purchased the set and left the store. As they walked around, Vera grew anxious again about what Kevin had planned.

           "Please tell me? At least tell me which member it's gonna be from." Kevin just smiled and shook his head.

          "Such a jerk." She mumbled as they walked into another store.


         Her friends had landed after an extremely long flight. Vera was waiting for them at the airport with a cheesy sign like is shown in the movies when loved ones reunite after a long time away. She assumed her friends were further in the back of the plane because they were some of the last people off. When they saw each other, they practically ran together. 

          "I missed you guys so much!" Vera said in the group hug. They exchanged more hugs and more exclaimations of how much they missed each other before they went to baggage claim.

          "So how was the flight? Wasn't it hell?" Vera asked, scrunching her face when remembering her flight.

          "I think we were too excited to be uncomfortable. Plus, the tickets ASC got us were like, super duper nice so we could recline and be comfortable and the food was so good and we watched soooooooooo much Koreans stuff like some dramas and a ton of music videos and other stuff and I think we bothered some people around us during the nighttime part because we weren't sleeping." Rana spoke rather quickly, surprising Vera.

          "You guys aren't dead tired? That's unusual."

          "Oh no, don't get me wrong, we're very tired. Our jetlag is going to be AWFUL, but we're too excited for everything." Rana said. Vera looked at Nay to see if she agreed, and her eyes gave confirmation.

           "But believe me Vera, if you try to surprise us before we get some sleep....I'm going to glare at you so hard you just might not laugh at me." Nay tried to sound threatening, making Vera chuckle a bit knowing what was in store for them sooner rather than later.




So......how's it going guys? It's been, what, five months since my last update? Sorry for the extreme delay. I finished my freshman year of college and also had extreme family issues that I'm still dealing with so my mind has been far too occupied to be thinking of these stories. I do hope though that this chapter was okay for those of you who are actually excited for an update. With me now being on summer break, I hope I can find my writing motivation again and update a couple more times before the fall semester, but I make no promises. I do, however, hope you all are doing well and that everything is all hunky dory with you guys and I do greatly appreciate you guys for not unsubscribing. Have a wonderful day :)



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Chapter 21: Welcome back author nim. I will wait for your next update. Take your time.
Chapter 19: Ugh, Eli pls
Goldie #3
Chapter 14: Update soon authornim!
Chapter 14: Please stay safe author nim
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Chapter 7: Kyaa so cute please update soon author nim...
Chapter 5: I'm finally catching up with this! It's so cute! XD
Ohhh gosh, Chanyeol and his fan service. :P