
It's the After School Club!

   Vera and Kevin finished their hang out, still unable to avoid the massive crowd.Vera had to be escorted into her hotel, making her extremely uncomfortable. Once she got inside. Kevin called her.

   "I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I really hope the fans will understand."

   "It's okay. Being a Kiss Me myself, I'm sure at least most of them will understand." They said their final goodbyes and that they would get in contact soon for another potenial hang out, and hung up. Vera got into her room and no more than five minutes after she checked her social media did her friends immediately video call her.

   "YOU'RE DATING KEVIN?!?!? ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS!?!?" Rana shouted. Vera quickly turned down the volume on her laptop.

   "WILL YOU CALM DOWN?! No, I'm not! We were just hanging out. Nothing else! And you'll also never believe it, Kai texted me! He asked the same thing." Rana shut as intense fangirlly tears started forming.

   "KAI OF EXO TEXTED YOU?! OH MY GOSH YOU'RE SO LUCKY!!!!" She almost hit the laptop, making Nay push her off the bed to calm down.

   "Please....just...oh my gosh. If anything does happen like that, screw the long distance call, you tell us immediately!" Nay told Vera sternly

   "Yes mom, I will tell you if I'm dating a boy." Vera said in a mockingly childish way. Nay went out of view and brought back a calmed Rana. For the next while, Rana asked Vera tons of questions about what happened while she was with Kevin. Of course, her friends were barely holding it together when Vera told them she mentioned them and their biases.

   "Young missy, you better tell me that you didn't tell any embarrassing stories about me!" Rana screamed.

   "Don't worry, I didn't. At least, not about you...." Vera's voiced trailed as Nay looked at her, worried.

   "Oh gosh what did you say?" Nay asked.

   "Just about how much you love Eli and how much you freaked out when I told you I would be seeing Kevin. Kevin said that Eli will most likely love it. That was it! Then Kevin told embarrassing stories about Eli. Based off of those, I can tell you two would match well." Nay remained silent as Rana laughed. Rana asked another question when Vera's phone rang. It was another unknown number.

   "Hold up guys, phone is ringing." Her friends nodded as Vera answered the call.

   "Is this Vera?" A deep voice asked.

   "Yes it is. Who's this?"

   "It's uhh...Chanyeol...from Exo. But I'm sure you knew that already...." His voice trailed in embarrassment. Vera's eyes widened, making her friends curious. They messaged asking her who it was, and she responded, telling them it was Chanyeol. They could barely hold back their screams as Rana furiously typed, the message reading to immediately put it on speaker phone. As vera put it on speaker, she realized she hadn't heard what Chanyeol was saying.

   "...and so we were talking and.."

   "Sorry, Chanyeol-ssi, could you repeat? My phone cut off for a second." She made up. He laughed, obviously feeling a bit awkward.

   "Uhh...so my manager told the other members about you coming to our concerts and they got really curious about you and then we were talking and they wanted to know if you want to come to our dorm tomorrow so they can meet you and get to know you. We're running around too much during our concerts to really have time to stop and talk so they wouldn't be able to really greet you." He finished off his statement with another awkward laugh. Vera friends were practically screaming, hinting to her that they must have muted their mic.

   "Sure. That sounds fun. Would someone pick me up? I have no idea where your dorm is." Vera said, trying to maintain her composure.

   "Yeah, two of our managers would come. We might not be there when you get there because we have a schedule but...yeah..." She heard slight giggles in the back, making her really curious.

   "What time would they pick me up?"

   "Does  2 o'clock sound okay?"

   "Sure does."

   "Great! I'll - we'll see you tomorrow!" They both hung up. Her friends unmuted their mic and she could hear how much they - more specifically, Rana - were screaming.


   "I did it! I actually spoke to her one on one and didn't mess up!" Chanyeol immediately sat down with a huge smile on his face.

   "Good job Yeollie. We're proud of you. Hopefully you can continue to do this well and maybe something will happen between you two!" Jongin said as Suho patted Chanyeol on the shoulder, also proud of Chanyeol's achievement.

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Chapter 21: Welcome back author nim. I will wait for your next update. Take your time.
Chapter 19: Ugh, Eli pls
Goldie #3
Chapter 14: Update soon authornim!
Chapter 14: Please stay safe author nim
Chapter 13: Ayyy, so baby! XP
Chapter 10: Ehehehe Kevin hopefully = Eli which = a happy "Nay". Bl
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh, this is killing me with its cuteness! XD
Chapter 7: Kyaa so cute please update soon author nim...
Chapter 5: I'm finally catching up with this! It's so cute! XD
Ohhh gosh, Chanyeol and his fan service. :P