Chapter 25

Pictures of You

“Hyunah, Sunhwa... wake up breakfast!” Tiffany cried out. The two younger girls stammered out of the bedroom to the table while Tiffany plated.

“Did unnie come home yet?” Hyunah asked.

“I don’t think so. I mean she was over at Yuri’s, so I’m sure she is still there and Hyunah you know you’re suppose to speak English here. I won’t let you go easy just because Sunny’s not here,” Tiffany answered.

“It’s nice to have a hot breakfast everyday here! You have it so good Hyunah,” Sunhwa said while chewing. “All you have to do is speak English, that’s a great deal.”

“Sunhwa you’re so smart, I don’t care what others says,” Tiffany said with a laugh. Hyunah felt defeated and realized that she had lost and needed to speak English even in Sunny’s absence.

The doorbell rang and Sunhwa quickly volunteered to answer it but quickly came back to the kitchen saying Tiffany was needed at the front door. Tiffany went with Sunhwa to see what the fuss was about. She found a man from Home Depot waiting.

“Hello. Ms Tiffany Hwang? We have that door you ordered.”

“The door? Oh, I thought I had it sent to Taeyeon’s. Can I still get it sent over there? Or...” Tiffany conversed with the man.

“We’re pretty busy with delivers, where is the address you want it delivered to?” Tiffany read out the address to the man. “That’s a bit far off from our delivery range. Too be honest it would easier for us to return this and have the a much closer take over the order.”

“How long would that take?” Tiffany asked.

“You might not make it by New Years if that was your deadline.”

“Will it fit into my car?” Tiffany asked. The man nodded and said it should work and he offered to help load it into her Audi Q5. It was snugged but they were able to close the rear hatch. Tiffany thanked the man and signed off on the delivery and even tipped the man.

“Why do you have a door?” Hyunah asked.

“Because the New Year party will be at Taeyeon and Yuri’s and they don’t have a door for their bathroom, so I decided to get one. I guess I’ll need to deliver it later and then we’ll just install it ourselves. We’ll need Sunny to do this though. Never installed a door before,” Tiffany answered.

“But Sunny is with Hyomin and she’s still recovering, how can she help?” Sunhwa mentioned to Tiffany.

“Hmpm... well I clearly didn’t think of that.”


She woke up first to find a slight weight on her chest and noticed Sunny laying softly on her. Hyomin reached over to her nightstand and grabbed her video camera and started recording.

“Now I said if I woke up before Sunny, I would show you what’s under the shirt. My girl can’t wear a bra yet because of her injuries, but I lied. No under the shirt today, but lookie!” Hyomin said pointing the camera down at Sunny. Hyomin yanked the covers off to give a clear view. “I didn’t put her there, I woke up and found her like that! Isn’t that cute?! Look she even has her leg over me. Let’s see what she’s wearing under those pants huh?”

Hyomin in her dirty ways peeled back the some of the pajama pants by the elastics and revealed Sunny’s underwear. They lacy trim over the cotton indicated to Hyomin that Sunny was wearing a pair that she had got her for Christmas. They preview looked so good that Hyomin tried to pull down the pants a bit more to show more of Sunny’s derriere. Though because of Sunny’s position, Hyomin couldn’t tug away too much of the pants without moving and waking Sunny up.

“That’s the best I can do... She’s sort of a deep sleeper huh, but I’ll see if I can get something done,” Hyomin said into the camera. She leaned up a bit; rising off the bed and leveraged her free hand under Sunny and started to tug gently at the pants to get them down. Her efforts were paying off. “See boys and girls, this is why you should always tie the drawstrings... unless of course there aren’t any...”

Hyomin was able to pull down the pants so that they hugged at Sunny’s mid thighs; exposing Sunny’s and lovely curve that were made with her leg hanging on top of Hyomin. Hyomin reached back over to the nightstand to pick up her new four-thirds camera that Soyeon got her for Christmas (evidence that Soyeon’s new job was paying very well). Hyomin gently brushed her hand over Sunny’s bottom, trickling her fingers a bit along the smooth fabric. Sunny steered a bit from the touch causing Hyomin to pause but immediately went back to her little game after Sunny settled down. She repeated this for what seemed like minutes. Hyomin got too carried away and gave Sunny’s rear check a squeeze. Sunny’s arms blindly starting batting away at an invisible attacker as Hyomin pulled her hands back but kept the camera rolling. Sunny stirred a bit more and rolled a bit before lifting her head off Hyomin; despite the amount of sleep she had, she may have slept an hour or two too long and felt a bit groggy.

“Why is it so chilly?” Sunny asked looking around and noticing the covers missing. “I’m sorry if I drooled on you.”

“It’s okay, it wasn’t that noticeable,” Hyomin smiled and spotted the tiny wet spot on her shirt. Sunny quickly felt a breeze pass over her thighs and noticed that her pants were down revealing her underwear.

“HYOMIN!” Sunny yelled and viciously slapped at Hyomin. “What did you do?!”

The commotion brought Jiyeon to bust through the door expecting some come of trouble. Instead she spotted Sunny in the midst of pulling her pants back up. Jiyeon couldn’t hold it in, she let out a rather blood curling scream and then cried for Soyeon.

“SOYEON! SOYEON! GET OVER HERE! HYOMIN WAS HAVING WHILE WE WERE STILL HERE!” Jiyeon yelled out. Soyeon came over to assess the situation. Jiyeon had a short temper and clearly Hyomin’s lack of courtesy and manners sent her over the edge. Sunny crawled out of the bed while Hyomin laughed half-heartedly trying to explain.

“No no no no, there wasn’t any going on. I just pulled down her pants. That’s all!” Hyomin tried to explain to the younger girl.

“WHY?! WHAT IS WRONG YOU?! YOU LITTLE ERT!” Jiyeon shot back.

“Jiyeon... Hyomin is erted but nothing happened... why don’t we calm down a bit... we can go out later and relax...” Sunny said. Jiyeon let out a loud sigh and slammed the door shut, but continued her rant to Soyeon in the living room.

“Thanks, she can get carried away sometimes,” Hyomin said with a smile. Sunny however didn’t smile.

“You little ert! Did you take advantage of me in my sleep? Where have your hands been huh?” Sunny asked and continued to pound at Hyomin with her little fists.

“Nothing nothing nothing! I promise! Sunny stop, stop, stop. I didn’t do anything. Honest!” Hyomin said falling back onto the bed. She did her best to defend herself against the shorter but infinitely stronger girl. “I’m sorry Sunny, please.”

“Argh! You make it impossible sometimes for me to stay mad at you!” Sunny said and walked out the room. “I hope there is breakfast.”

“It’s because you love me!” Hyomin said as Sunny walked away. “That’s why you can’t stay mad at me... that and I’m really pretty, and cute, and something else awesome!”

Hyomin pulled on a pair of shorts and headed for the kitchen as well. Jiyeon glared at Hyomin with each step she took into the kitchen.


“Get up! Wake up!” Yoona whispered loudly while kicking softly at Jessica. Jessica had spent the whole night in front of the door in the hallway. Jessica slowly woke; it was clearly written on her face that she had cried herself to sleep. “Do you want to come inside?... Yuri’s not here she left for work. Come on, come inside you look like crap.”

Jessica slowly gathered her things and lingered inside. She put on her jeans and sat on the sofa and accepted a cup of coffee from Yoona. Jessica was confused; Yoona was a blood relative to Yuri so why is Yoona being so nice? She must have heard what happened from Yuri before Yuri left work.

“I didn’t poison it or anything. I’m so neutral in this entire thing. Okay? Truth be told, I like you. You seem nice, you’re pretty, smart and have a lot good things going for you. Yuri is upset, and from her point of view she has every reason to be, but she does care about you a lot,” Yoona said.

“She told you didn’t she?” Jessica asked. It was rhetorical, she didn’t know why she asked anyways but Yoona slightly nodded anyways. Jessica felt horrible, her body ached from her poor sleeping position and she couldn’t put into words the clusterf**k in her head.

“I came back in the middle of the night, you were still asleep and when I woke up, Yuri told me what happen. ‘Oh Sunny!’”, Yoona said. Jessica felt herself sinking in the chair while Yoona continued to speak. “She loves you. I mean she used to message me and tell me about this girl she was falling for and how if only that girl would like her back. That girl was, or rather is you. You had Yuri giddy. It’s not your fault, you didn’t know and if you’re in love with someone else, I mean that’s not something that should be held against you.”

“It’s not like that... I mean... I wasn’t thinking about Sunny when we were about to do it, it just because she was asking about IT you know... it’s not like I picture Sunny when I’m with Yuri... she’s over reacting...”

“Yuri has been suspicious of the relationship you have with Sunny for some time now. I mean she didn’t care about it before, but after she got with you it started to bother her more. You two play tennis together, are usually home alone together when Tiffany is out, sharing a bed... she got very jealous and spiteful towards Sunny. It seemed to her that you placed Sunny before her, and most of all it made it seem like you really love Sunny and not her. So if you were Yuri, how would you feel? Hearing that and having like your worst fears come true?” Yoona said calmly.

Jessica didn’t say anything in response but sank back even further, as if it was possible, thinking carefully about what Yoona had said. She didn’t know about Yuri’s concerns before; it was definitely news to her. Jessica had been slow to pick on Yuri liking her, and she knew she stumbled into the relationship.

“I’m a bad person aren’t I?” Jessica said as tears began to creep out of her eyes. Jessica thought about it, she always liked Sunny but never made a move because Sunny never really seemed interested in dating boys or girls. The introduction of Hyomin into their lives brought on the jealous side of Jessica that she never knew she had, jealousy was more of something that was associated with Tiffany. Jessica had always been more carefree about things; she hardly got jealous or incredibly possessive. She even had to look up what envy meant. She let people borrow her things, especially Sunny and didn’t seem to mind.

“Why are you bad?” Yoona asked nonchalantly. Yoona was calm and had sincere eyes; she hadn’t judged Jessica once. Had Yoona done this before? She’s quite good at this. Yuri was Yoona’s cousin, and of course she has loyalty to her blood but she was fair in the world of relationships and reasoned everyone had a story and everyone had a chance at the same game. “What did you do wrong?”

Jessica didn’t know if she wanted to tell Yoona or not, but she felt the need to say something now. She couldn’t tell Sunny anything, and she couldn’t talk to Tiffany without some sort of judgment; Tiffany was friends with Yuri so there was no way she could talk to Tiffany about it without emotions stirring. Was there any good way to say ‘yeah, I started to date Yuri because I was settling for something because I couldn’t have Sunny?’  How can she say that to Yoona even? But Yoona was willing to listen and eager to know the story.

Jessica attraction for Sunny wasn’t at first sight but a gradual ‘falling for’; everything about Sunny just seemed to invoke such positivity in Jessica. Jessica welcomed Sunny’s flaws and embraced her greatness; even when Jessica was distant and cold Sunny would be caring and kind. Her friendship with Sunny spans several years and she couldn’t be sure when the crush started, she just knew she liked the girl. Isn’t that how it works? Friendship to affection to attraction? Jessica dated her share of boys in Korea as futile attempts to distract her from the burning desire to be with Sunny until eventually she just stayed in the ‘single’ train with Sunny and hoped things would eventually work out.

Except it didn’t. Sunny was outgoing and open to new ideas but Jessica never dared to test the waters of Sunny’s uality, and now Sunny’s dating Hyomin. It hurt Jessica to wanted Sunny for so long to only find out Sunny went for another girl from an accidental encounter at a Wonder Girls concert. Jessica even blamed herself; she convinced Sunny to even go for Hyomin. She wasn’t thinking clearly. Then the kiss happened. That kiss from Yuri in front of all the others; it was Jessica’s first time kissing another girl and she had to admit Yuri was the best kisser she’s ever known, ever. That day Jessica found out that Yuri liked her and immediately she took the opportunity to use Yuri as a distraction.

It was wrong. Wrong to use Yuri as a distraction, but Jessica figured she could come to like Yuri too. She gave up her ity to Yuri among other things; Jessica honestly did try and wanted it work. She started to fall for Yuri’s charms. It was slowly working, but when Sunny landed in the hospital it was almost like back to square one.

“I’ve hurt her haven’t I?”

“She always suspected, she thought that you might have loved Sunny and took on the relationship with her to try to move on. She accepted it; she thought ‘at least I’m with her’ and went along with it. It was hard for her to accept but she was happy to be with you that she tried to push through it. She figured eventually you would love her too... do you love her?”

“I... don’t know... I mean I like being with her... and I care about her... I just don’t know if I...” Jessica started but was stopped by Yoona.

“Take the time to find out. Not for just Yuri, but yourself...” Yoona said. Jessica wondered if Yoona’s rather relaxed manner and supportive stance was based on past experience; because if it was someone else who told her what she just told Yoona, she would have gone crazy.

“Why are you so....”


“You can’t buy Jiyeon’s affection and love with new clothes and bags you know...” Hyomin said as they walked through the mall.

“Don’t be silly, I wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing... you and I have inconvenienced her and made her feel uncomfortable. I am merely showing my sincere apologies and understanding of her situation. It’s not her fault her roommate is a sick ert,”Sunny explained and finished on her joke.

“erted... me? Never....” Hyomin laughed then slapped and grabbed at Sunny’s . “Hehehe, too easy...”

“You punk! Just wait till I have two good legs!” Sunny threaten, but Hyomin was not afraid. She finally was more athletic and stronger than her girlfriend, even if it was due to a slight handicap. Sunny pulled back into a relaxed and tenderly mode after Hyomin laughed and hugged her. “So excited about Friday?”

“Well about that,” Hyomin started, knowing that Sunny was referring to the New Year’s Party at Taeyeon and Yuri’s. “Sunny I know I haven’t said anything before but I was hoping we visit my friends’ New Year’s party. We always do stuff with your friends... and I totally enjoy hanging out with them but we don’t seem to spend time with my friends... they miss me too you know... Sunny they’d be lost without me, I’m the life of their party.”

“The AV club people? They’re a little weird sometimes...but yeah... I don’t see why we can’t go to your crazy AV party,” Sunny replied.

“Hey, they’re not that weird...” Hyomin protested. Sunny gave Hyomin a straight face. “Okay, they’re a little weird, but I’m weird too, and it’ll be good, they really like you. I mean we can totally go to Taeyeon and Yuri’s too!”

“What are Soyeon and Jiyeon doing?”

“Jiyeon is going to some party with Jieun, and well Soyeon has to work. They asked her to do some things and she didn’t say no... Something about the new people don’t really have a choice in it,” Hyomin answered.

“Ah, that’s bummer. Guess that will be an empty house then huh?” Sunny responded as they turned into the store.

“Yeah, it will be...OH...... it will be... “ Hyomin said with an insinuating tone.

“Oh, no! That’s not what I meant!” Sunny said and left Hyomin’s side to stroll with Jiyeon through the store going through racks of clothes.

“So I can really just get anything I want? Is there a catch?” Jiyeon asked pulling things off and feeling the fabric.

“No catch... anything... I just think that Hyomin and I should do something nice for you,” Sunny smiled. Hyomin just shook her head and went a long with it.


The lock on the door rattled and opened.

“Up, a little left okay good. Keep going.” The door was then set down and Tiffany looked up to the couch and noticed Jessica and Yoona. “Oh.. Hi! Jessica you’re still here? What have you two been up to?”

“Um...” Jessica looked at Yoona but struggled to come up with words.

“We were just talking, Jessica was telling me about her New Year plans for Yuri. It’s really romantic,” Yoona answered with a smile and little wink. Jessica was grateful for Yoona’s reply, she was not ready to deal with everyone knowing about last night and especially not ready to let everyone know what she really talked to Yoona about.

“Great, well you can help us install this door,” Tiffany said.

“Door?” Yoona asked.

“Yeah. For the bathroom, unless you prefer just having a curtain,” Tiffany said.

“Oh that’s great. How did you get in?”

“Oh Taeyeon gave me a copy of her key,” Tiffany answered. “Let’s get this door installed... where are the tools?”

“Unnie, you don’t need anything. Just a screwdriver and a small hammer to put the pins in,” Hyunah said reading the instructions.

“English Hyunah,” Jessica muttered softly. Even without Sunny around, she stands by Sunny’s side and enforced the ‘English Rule.’ Jessica quickly snapped to the task at hand and helped Tiffany with the door. It took the girls just under an hour to get the door installed and Jessica was quick to dismiss herself. She wanted to leave.

“Wait! Where are you going?! Join us for lunch!” Tiffany said.

“I can’t I need to go pick up something...”

“Can’t it wait? It’ll be fun!” Tiffany pleaded. Be strong Jessica, say no.

“No I really need to get going, thanks for the offer though,” Jessica answered with a smile. She needed to leave and needed to get out. Focus though, she needed to focus. Driving on slick roads was dangerous enough without her emotional turmoil, focus on driving and getting there safe. Just she didn’t know where ‘there’ was. She had a New Year’s date with Yuri, but was it still on?

“She left in a hurry,” Sunhwa commented. Sunhwa did have a strange take on sometimes stating the obvious. “What’s for lunch though?”

Jessica drove off to a bar that they used to all visit. It was the middle of the day hardly a time for a drink but she didn’t have any other choice. She stumbled in without any of her usual grace and just took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink after presenting her ID. She needed something strong. Just like her friends she liked mixed drinks and cocktails but something suggested that maybe she needed more than a margarita.


“Thanks for today Sunny, it was really nice of you,” Jiyeon thanked Sunny for the umpteen time. Sunny smiled and welcomed Jiyeon again. The younger girl was giddy and definitely happy with her day. She had new clothes and a kick outfit for her New Year’s.

“I keep thinking that you and I will have an intimate moment alone sometime but you always surprise me,” Hyomin joked while driving Sunny home.

“I’m sorry. I’m trying to take care of your little Jiyeon... you have been neglecting her. I’m partially to blame,” Sunny stated.

“You’re going to spoil her.”

“Am not, but I can bet you she likes me now,” Sunny said sticking out her tongue.

“You think you’re so clever don’t you?”

“I try... Are you sure you have work tonight?”

“I have to! I’m covering someone’s shift... They covered mine and so I owe them. Tonight and then tomorrow and I work the morning Friday.”

“You won’t be too tired for the party, or rather parties?”

“Never!” Hyomin proclaimed and pulled up in front of Sunny’s house. She put the little Kia in the park and opened the door for Sunny and walked her up to the door. Hyomin wanted a kiss before she had to leave. Sunny caught on and tried to deny Hyomin the kiss but finally gave in.

“Hands! Watch your hands! Now get going to work, don’t be late!” Sunny said slapping Hyomin’s devious hands off her . “Be safe! Don’t work too hard!”

“Never!” Hyomin said and blew kisses Sunny’s way and then drove off. Sunny hobbled into her house and kicked off her shoes. Sunny reached for the remote to the PS3 to power it up when her cellphone rang. Jessica was calling.

“Hello? Jessica what’s up?” Sunny answered and from Jessica’s reply she knew something was wrong. “Jessi are you drunk?... Where are you?... No! Don’t you drive home! Stay there! I’m coming to get you... Yes you can tell me your secret when you see me, just stay there I’ll be there soon.” The phone clicked, she had been cut off.

Oh crap. Sunny didn’t know where Jessica was but there was only one bar that they all frequency used to visit. Jessica only said she was at a bar and having a few drinks but this was the best guess she could go on. There was this place she and Jessica used to go with some other girls from Phi Gamma Nu, the coed business fraternity on campus. She looked for the keys to the Acura but couldn’t find them so she called for a taxi after 10 minutes of futile searching. When Sunny arrived to the bar she must have made it to the right place because the bartender nodded toward Jessica having known Sunny must have been there for Jessica. How did bartenders do that? How do they know just what’s going on? Sunny quicken her pace as fast as her injured leg would let her and place an arm softly around Jessica.

“Jessi Jessi. Are you okay sweetie?” Sunny asked and rubbed at Jessica’s back.

“Sun? Sunny? Sunny bunny? Wh-What are you doing here? How did you? What? I had this dream that I was on the phone with you... You look really prudy today... So PRE-tty…” Jessica got out. It was clear that she was intoxicated and in the middle of the afternoon no less. Not even dinner time yet and the girl was a hundred sheets into the wind.

“Hey how about we get you home huh? How much does she owe?” Sunny asked and pulled out her wallet and placed down a hundred dollar bill. “Keep the chain. Thanks. Okay Jessi let’s get you up... Come on... up up.”

“What? I don’t want to go! I’m not finished with my drink. I’m not going!” Jessica protested.

“Come on... it’s time to go... Jessi, honey we need to go... dinner... I’ll make you a steak dinner or whatever you want... come on,” Sunny said and pulled Jessica up and helped the girl to the door. Sunny was always naturally stronger than Jessica but with the one bad leg it was a struggle to help the girl to the car. Sunny leaned Jessica on the hood of the Hyundai coupe and went through Jessica’s purse to get the key fob and unlocked the car. Jessica tried to walk her way to the driver’s door. “Oh no no no no! I’m driving you... in the passenger seat you go miss. Come on!”

This was not the circumstance that Sunny wanted to be driving Jessica’s new car but it had to be done. The drive home was rather quiet; after Jessica fell back onto the seat she dozed off into her alcohol induced coma. Coming home was the challenge, she had to figure out how to get Jessica into the house and the trouble was no one was home yet. She couldn’t ask for help. Neighbors? That might seem a little weird since they didn’t really know them.

Crap. This was going to hurt. Sunny shuffled her way over to the passenger door and pulled Jessica up and tried to carry the girl. Sunny didn’t want to wake Jessica up but she just might have too; Jessica was too heavy to carry in her arms, at least with her condition. Fireman carry? Too much work. Piggy back could work. Sunny nudge at Jessica slightly to force the girl to be a bit more responsive.

“Jessi come on. We’re gonna go inside now can you get up for me? Walk inside?” Sunny asked with her concern voice. Jessica shook her head and said she wanted to sleep. “Alright come on, hop on I’ll carry you! Come on, piggy back ride! You like those right?”

Jessica happily hopped onto Sunny’s back, and in her state she forgot that Sunny was in rehab mode, she was used to thinking of Sunny as superwoman. Sunny was the strongest girl she knew. It was a struggle of walking with nearly 100lbs on her back. Sunny was able to get Jessica inside and place her on the couch, she just didn’t have the strength left to finish it to the bedroom so she grabbed the roller chair and rolled Jessica to the bedroom and let her down easy onto the bed. It may have been December but Sunny was sweating; her leg was on fire and her whole upper body rang with pain. She wasn’t supposed to do strenuous activities yet. After Sunny got Jessica onto the bed she herself plopped down on the other side of the bed to catch her breath. The pain was starting to shoot through to her and reached over to the nightstand for the bottle of her pain medication. Jessica had broken a lot of the pills into halves so ‘Sunny wouldn’t get too attached to them’ but Sunny needed a full dose and took two halves.

“Oh Jess, what were you doing drinking in the middle of the day? Happy hour?” Sunny asked out loud. Jessica rarely drank over her limit, being tipsy was one thing but drunk was very very very rare. Sunny lied still for a moment taking deep breaths and letting the drug do the work. The pain started to numb and fade away a bit. Oh that hit the spot. Okay time to check on Jessica; take off her shoes, loosen her clothing and get her a bucket. Was there a bucket in the house? Sunny went off to look for a bucket but Jessica grabbed at her.

“Wait, where are you doing? I mean going…” Jessica muttered softly in an almost childlike voice.

“I’m going to get you some water and when everyone comes home I’ll start dinner, just stay here,” Sunny answered.

“Nooo…. Stay! I have something to tell you! It’s a secret!” Jessica cried. Sunny decided to indulge her and sat down on the bed and leaned to receive the secret. “You’re really pretty… I love you…”

“I know you do. I love you too. Get a nap in, I’ll get you some water and ginger ale for when you wake up.”

“You love me too! Heh,” Jessica said with a smile. Sunny poked at Jessica’s nose and told her to rest. “Baby I want a kiss…”

“Huh?” Sunny was confused. Even for drunk Jessica that seemed weird. Sunny leaned down to give Jessica a small peck on the forehead. What was weirder is that Jessica leaned up and pulled Sunny down into her lips to steal a kiss. Jessica tried to force her tongue into Sunny but Sunny pulled away. “Jessi stop! No! Bad Jessi! You stay and rest!”

Sunny quickly got up and left the bedroom and closed the door. What the heck did Jessica just try to do? Did she just try to kiss her? Maybe Jessica thought Sunny was Yuri… but wait, Sunny doesn’t look like Yuri. How much did she have to drink? Sunny tried to tally up the number of drinks based on the price but just couldn’t get a good idea other than it must have been north of seven drinks at least. Wasn’t there a limit at the bar?

“Did she just try to kiss me? Why would she do that?” Sunny asked. Sunny thought about and couldn’t figure out why or how it happened. It was way too strange to think about the moment. She focused her attention on putting a ginger ale in the fridge for Jessica and checked the little dry erase board to see what was for dinner. Chicken. There’s so many things to do with chicken. Sunny reached for her phone and called Tiffany; she wanted to know when to start making dinner. Sunny wanted to keep busy and her mind running because the Jessica thing was weird enough. Plausible deniability wasn’t possible here, but she could just put it on hold. The phone rang, but it was the house phone. “Hello? Mom? Mom why are you calling? You should be resting!... Me?! I get plenty of rest... Yes I’m doing well... Mom you asked me yesterday and the answer is the same today, I’m still with Hyomin.... I don’t think it’s too weird... Mommy please, you worry too much...”

Sunny continued to talk on the phone with her mother while working on the chicken for dinner. She was expecting Tiffany and them back within the hour.

“Mom, I’m making dinner right now... I need to go, you’re distracting me. You don’t want a daughter to lose a finger do you?... Well I might get carried away and the knife goes all CHOP.... Okay, I will... I love you too mom, bye,” Sunny hung up the phone. Back to work time. Food. Meat. Cook. Distractions. Or so she thought.“Seriously, what is up with Jess? Drinking in the middle of the day? Then she tried to kiss me?”

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noob101 #1
Chapter 30: Re-reading it for 2020. Can’t believe I first read this fic on soshified. Been so Long. Half of me hoping you would update, the other half is contented that I’ve managed to read this fic. Whatever it is, I’ve subscribe. If one day that notification pops up for this fic, I’ll definitely be Glad.
milkinthebox_ #2
Chapter 30: i am just staring at my monitor screen for quite some time now as it's been so long and the fic's quite good and it's 2020
Dashtara #3
Good story
Chapter 30: Don't let it go into hiatus please! </3
Chapter 30: Oh my goodness, Soonkyu finally knows after 84yrs and now it's awkward lmao. She was not rdy. Wonder how she deal with the situation as well.

Thanks for the update. #515HappySunnyDay :D
2NS197 #6
Chapter 30: Sunsica ?!
Nyleve202 #7
Chapter 29: My goshhh I completely forgot this! U alive bro?? This is gold dont be mean, give us a final at least <///3
mostly_sunny_ #8
Chapter 29: I am screaming! The is getting closer and closer, right?! How can Sunny not figure it out? I was just waiting for Jessica to slip up, too! Can Sica just hurry and profess her undying live for her already?! I feel so bad that she has been dragging it out for so long. I would get tired. Ugh, the things we do for love.
Great chapter! Glad to see you're still writing for this :)
Nyleve202 #9
Chapter 29: You returnnnnn hoho what a nice chapter, I hope Jessica doesnt get crazy to soon, and let Sunny and Hyomin enjoy themselves a little bit more! Update soon amig@
mostly_sunny_ #10
Chapter 28: Gasp! Omg I took a break and come back to this!? The drama continues~ Thanks for such a great story :)