
A corpse that melts an ice

Krystal's pov


" Everybody!!! A group of zombies are heading in our way!!! " We heard someone shouted and unnie started to panic.

“!! Krys, lets quickly stuff everything in and leave!!” Unnie said while stuffing everything inside the bag.

“Calm down unnie, the others are backing us up.”

We filled up the bag and was ready to leave the storage room, we stopped when we heard gunshot sounds.

“SHOOT!!! !!!!” I recognised the voice, it’s the team captain’s.  “KRYS AND JESS!!!! DON’T COME OUT!!!” He screamed and we started shivering.

I took out my handgun, readying for the battle. Unnie took out hers and began aiming at the storage room’s door.

“Unnie, I think there’s a window behind the cabinet.” I said while pushing the cabinet while unnie is still backing me up. “There really is one!!” I slightly opened the window to check if its safe. It leads outside the hospital, and there’s no sight of zombie there. “Unnie, I think it’s safe outside.”

“How about the others? Team captain?” Unnie asked while looking seriously.

“Okay, let’s go and call them and we’ll escape together.”

We opened the door quietly, there isn’t anybody out there. But there are corpses all around that was shot in the head. Maybe the team captain is still alive……

“Lets go search around first, maybe they are still somewhere in here.” I said while my sister is examinating the corpses.

“Krys, see!! Some of these are our teammates.” They certainly are….. “I think we should escape now!! Before it’s too late.”

When we were about to go back to the storage room, we heard gunshots and sounds. I can recognize that some of the voices were our teammates.

“ Unnie, you hear that? I think it’s them. They are still alive!! Lets go and search for them.”

“Are you CRAZY?!!? We’re going to die if we go any further…..”

“Please unnie, we need to stick together as a team.” My sister finally gave in and we went around to see if there’s any of our teammates still alive. “UNNIE!!” I shouted when I saw the team captain laying on the floor.

“Captain, are you alright?” Unnie asked in concerned while helping the captain up.

“Yes I am. I just passed out a little…” He said while rubbing his temple.

“Where are the others?” I asked and his face turned blue. “What happened?” I asked again because something’s wrong with him.

“I think they sacrificed…. There were a group of zombies attacking us when you two were packing the medicine… After I asked you two to not come out, me and the team began to exterminate them. But there were too much of them, I was asked to stay here. When I refused, one of the teammates knocked me out.“ He said and tears began to form. “I’m useless, I couldn’t save them instead, they saved me….”

“This is not the time to be sad, lets quickly escape from this place. I think we packed enough medicine, lets go before it’s too late…. “ Unnie said and team captain nodded his head.

We walked to the hospital entrance but stopped when we saw a bunch of zombies waiting at the entrance.

“, what are we gonna do? There’s no other way to escape.” Team captain cursed while peeking at the entrance.

“No, I remember that there’s a window that leads out the hospital in the storage room.” I said when I remember the window in the storage room. Team captain looked at unnie and unnie nodded.

“Okay, lets go back to the storage room.”

We sneaked to the second floor, where the storage room lies.

“Stop!!” Team captain stopped us. “There are zombies ahead….” He whispered.

“What are we donna do?” Unnie mumbled looking scared. “This is the only way to get to the storage room.”

“Unnie, how about I distract them, and you both escape.”

“Are you insane? You’ll definitely die if you do that.”

“Sorry unnie..” I said before hitting her nape with my handgun and she passed out.

“What are you doing?” Team captain looked shocked.

 “Promise me captain,” I said seriously, “Take unnie out of here and protect her. I will catch the zombies' attention and you will run with her…”

“I’m not gonna let you do this!!! I’ll distract them, you and Jess will go.”

“No, I know unnie loves you. I can see it when she found you lying on the floor just now. Please, take unnie and go. I’ll be alright.”

“Thanks Krys, I’ll definitely take care of your unnie. We will definitely meet again, I'll ask someone to help you later. So stay safe.”

“Yeah, and tell unnie I love her.”

While Captain is hiding with unnie, I ran out and caught the zombies’ attention. The chased me and I ran as far as I could so captain and unnie can escape.

!!! A deadend!!!! There’s only a small room here!! I ran into the room and locked the door. I hope no zombie will find me here……


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babySavie #1
Chapter 7: Wow .. I never read such an interesting story like this..damn i need this continue so bad but seems the author have signed off
Chapter 7: pls update the storys author ..
Julianeee #3
Chapter 7: Please continue
Coolkids1714 #4
Plz continue this is a really great story.
sanlb3 #5
Chapter 7: Plz continue the story it's so interesting
Chapter 7: wow that's cool... authorsshi... looking forward for the next chapter :)
glorya #7
Chapter 7: next chapter please
bizzle030194 #9
Chapter 7: omgggggg update thissssss puhleaseeee
Chapter 7: This story's so cool! Update soon author!