
A corpse that melts an ice

Amber’s pov

Everyone went to sleep while me being handcuffed to a table leg; and the reason is because they’re afraid that I might eat them while they are asleep…. So many things happened today…. I met a gorgeous girl and four men… I don’t know why but that girl makes me… weird…. I felt weird when I’m around her, like really weird. Sometimes I felt my heart beats few times which is impossible cause I’m dead....

What’s happening to me………





“Yi Yun, you believe in love at first sight?”

“No, why?”

“Well, I read this article and it’s really funny. Here check it out.”

“Love at first sight happens when you meet your true love. It might not always be mutual but it always blooms. This is stupid bro….”

“Well, I believe it’s true…”

“Up to you then…”







“Wake up!!” I woke up when Krystal shouted.

“Dude, are you sleeping???” Kai asked while giving me a ‘are you serious look’.

“Is it weird to sleep?” Krystal asked Kai sarcastically.

“Well, it is… for a zombie…” Luhan replied while giving me a weird look. “Is this one of the effect of the herbs?”

“Stop with it already. Lets get going.” Kris said while walking to the entrance of the medical center.

Yeah, it’s weird…. I never need to sleep before this, not to mention dreaming….. Sleeping and dreaming is only for living people. I touched my chest….. There’s still no heartbeat……

Maybe I’m thinking too much… 

Here we are again… ASA medical center .....  We went to explore the whole hospital, but found nothing. 

“What a waste of time….” Kai sighed while lying on the floor. We are now resting since we found nothing. 

“Not really, I did found something.” Kris said while holding a device.  “It’s a voice recorder. I found it in the lab.”

“Lets hear it out…” Luhan said and Kris plays the recorder.

" 21st February 2014, this is Bae Suzy , from the US research team. I am now walking on one of the deserted street in South Korea. The reason we came here is to find the extremely rare herb called the biocruotique. It’s a dangerous herb that it’s function is almost similar to drugs, but much more stronger…. It can induce stupor and insensibility when someone uses the herb. We experimented by changing them into liquid form and injected it to some zombies that we caught. Somehow it was effective to them and the zombies seemed to be controllable and stopped biting people… But the effects wear out after a few hours and they started bitting people ...... We tried using other drugs but somehow it wasn’t strong enough to control the zombies senses."


“Wait!!” Kai said before pressing the pause button. “This Suzy girl said that the herbs will wear out right? Then that means this zombie would attack us any moment after the cure wore out!!” He said while pointing at me.

“Yeah, but she said that it will only be effective for a few HOURS.” Luhan said while emphasizing the word ‘hours’. “And it’s been a day and she’s still in a calm and unharmable state.”

“Yeah, he’s right. Do you think it’s possible that Amber is Suzy?” Sehun uttered and the others shook their heads.

“No way, this Suzy’s voice is sweet and soft. Amber’s on the other hand is huskier.” Luhan explained.

“Let’s continue.” Kris said while pressing the continue buttom.

 "25thFebruary2014, Bae Suzy again. We searched many places that was plotted to have the biocruotique but we found nothing. It’s because most of the crops and plants were destroyed badly and we could hardly even found a living plant. So today we decided to check on the abandoned hospitals hoping they might have some there…… Until this far we have walked, there isn’t anyone who died or infected thanks to the strong armour and weapons provided by the US government….  

27thFebruary2014, Bae Suzy again. Finally we found some biocruotique tincture in the laboratory in SKY hospital in Seoul.  Though it’s little, but at least we found some…. 

29thFebruar2014, Bae Suzy. Yesterday, five of our people died because of some terrifying mutated snakes while we are searching in the DIY hospital. We successfully exterminated the snakes and continued our journey. And for today, we are now seeking for the herbs in the largest hospital in Seoul, the ASA medical centre. They must have the biocruotique herbs here.…..... What happened Yi Yun? What….. zzzzz……" 

“That’s the last one…” Kris said after pushing the stop button.

“What happened after that I wonder…” Sehun said while rubbing is chin. “Maybe something attacked them….”

“Well, we’ve been here for few hours and nothing attacked us.” Luhan continued. “Maybe they found the herbs and went to somewhere else. And this Suzy girl forgotten to take her voice recorder or something.”

“I don’t think so. She sounded quite serious and scared at the last part….” Krystal said in horror.

“She’s right, we need to be more careful.” Kris warned. “It’s almost dawn now, maybe we’ll sleep here today.” He suggested.  

Once again, they handcuffed me. Well, I understand them, who would wanted to actually risk their lives by leaving a zombie by their sides unguarded?






“Yi Yun, who are you chatting with?”

“Just someone I met online…”

“BabyIcePrincess? What a weird username…”

“At least better than yours Keyva”

“Shut up!! So this is why you’ve been happier these days?”

“Well, she’s fun to talk with.”

“You like her.”

“I never even met her in person. She’s in Korea.”

“Well, maybe you’ll…”






“BANG!!!!” I immediately woke up when I heard a loud banging voice.

What’s that? A giant shadow is in front of me…. It’s looking at me with its glowing eyes…. Before I could move an inch, a bullet passed through my ear and hit the giant’s head and it fell right next to me.

“That’s what you call a perfect head shot!!” Kai exclaimed happily while blowing the tip of his shotgun.

“You crazy?? You almost hurt her!!!” Krystal shouted while running towards me and caresses my ear. Bathump…bathump….There you go again…. Hallucinating that your heart is still beating…..

“It doesn’t matter anyway. She wouldn’t feel any pain.” Kai said while smirking.

“How could you….”

“G-g-gu-guys….” Luhan stuttered while stepping backwards.

“What wrong with you?” Sehun asked while waving his hand in front of Luhan. Sehun looked where Luhan is looking and his eyes widened. “Mu-mu-mutated m-mouse.” He stuttered.

“Yeah, I know. I killed it just now.” Kai said before turning his head to the direction where Luhan and Sehun are looking at. “Oh s-..”

“Run!!!” Kris shouted while pulling Krystal’s hand and all of them ran away leaving me still handcuffed behind….

I felt a breathes behind me so I decided to turn around slowly…… Shoot….There are about 8 of them if I’m not mistaken….



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babySavie #1
Chapter 7: Wow .. I never read such an interesting story like this..damn i need this continue so bad but seems the author have signed off
Chapter 7: pls update the storys author ..
Julianeee #3
Chapter 7: Please continue
Coolkids1714 #4
Plz continue this is a really great story.
sanlb3 #5
Chapter 7: Plz continue the story it's so interesting
Chapter 7: wow that's cool... authorsshi... looking forward for the next chapter :)
glorya #7
Chapter 7: next chapter please
bizzle030194 #9
Chapter 7: omgggggg update thissssss puhleaseeee
Chapter 7: This story's so cool! Update soon author!