
A corpse that melts an ice

Krystal’s pov        

I’m still hiding in the room now…. I don’t think it’s safe to go out now. Maybe I’ll wait a little longer…. Yeah, it’s been two hours since I hid in this small room in this hospital.

I saw a booklet on the desk, so I decided to take a look at it…..





2010 - A deadly virus was found, whole world was infected. The US government tried to overcome it but failed.


Infected people will change into some kind of living dead…. They can never experience feelings,no memories and uninfected people/living people were their food source. The only way to exterminate them is to destroy their brain…..



2012 - Some animalthat were infected had mutated and changed into deadly creatures. There are about 4 kinds of mutants discovered by NOW. We don’t know how many more will mutate in the future…..


The 4 kinds of animal mutants

Dogs - Simply fast and terrifying. It can sense fresh blood from a km away. The only way to exterminate it Is to destroy it’s brain. It has the most number among all the animal mutants and is everywhere outside.


Snakes - Very poisonous. Its fluid is extremely corrosive. Simply slicing it into half can kill it, but it's fast and sneaky.


Mouse – It is no more the small and cute mouse, it mutated into big and beastly creatures. It is extremely strong that It can carry a whole truck. The only way to exterminate it is to destroy its brain.


Apes – By far the most terrifying mutant the humans ever discovered. Its intelligence are almost the same as humans. It’s also fast and strong. Its lifespan is even more terrifying…. Lets just say if you meet a mutated ape, there’s no chance for you to survive……But you can exterminate it if you are lucky enough to destroy its brain. It's quite rare....


Humans have lost the war against the zombies and mutants….. What we can do now is to live while we can…..The world’s population has decreased in a large number, and we believe that humans will one day extinct if this continues......

But…. There’s a hope now….

January2014 – US research team discovered that there’s a cure… The cure is an extremely rare herb that can only be found in Korea. The US research team only had a little amount of that herb, they experimented it with a few samples (Zombies), and they….somehow changed…. They didn’t eat human’s flesh anymore….. but they were still corpses…. 

Febuary2014 – The US government decided to keep this as a secret until they completely found a cure for the zombies and mutants. They sent a group of people to South Korea to seek for this rare herbs. Maybe, just maybe we can find a way to overcome the virus and turn everyone back to normal again.

Hope there will be another chance for humanity….


Report by Liu Yi Yun




Still Krystal's pov

Liu Yi Yun? Is this someone who was sent by the US government for the research? Why is this booklet here? Are they seeking for the herbs here? Is there really a cure for all of this???? And there's some other information in this booklet.... I kept this booklet in my bag, since it may help me in the future.

“Bang….bang….” I heard a banging sound coming out from a closet. Is there someone in there? Is it alive or is it a zombie?

I quickly opened the closet and unluckily, a zombie came out. I shouldn’t have opened the closet!!! And why is there a zombie in a CLOSET??? I aimed my gun at him, a pulled the trigger… Wait, what’s wrong with my gun? There’s no bullet????? What a good timing. Haha…


 I’m gonna die now!!!!

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babySavie #1
Chapter 7: Wow .. I never read such an interesting story like this..damn i need this continue so bad but seems the author have signed off
Chapter 7: pls update the storys author ..
Julianeee #3
Chapter 7: Please continue
Coolkids1714 #4
Plz continue this is a really great story.
sanlb3 #5
Chapter 7: Plz continue the story it's so interesting
Chapter 7: wow that's cool... authorsshi... looking forward for the next chapter :)
glorya #7
Chapter 7: next chapter please
bizzle030194 #9
Chapter 7: omgggggg update thissssss puhleaseeee
Chapter 7: This story's so cool! Update soon author!