Meet the zombie

A corpse that melts an ice

Amber’s pov

Who am I? What am I? Where am I?? I’ve been trapped in this small box for like forever. I don’t know when and how did I trapped in this box. Wait, I heard a sound…. I tried banging the box, hoping someone to get me out of here. But there’s something strange with me, I’ve been standing in this box since then and I don’t feel tired nor anything, I don’t even sleep…..

The door of the box opened revealing a girl, gorgeous girl. Somehow, she looks REALLY scared and started aiming her gun at me. Wait, why is she aiming at me? No, she's pulling the trigger, I’m gonna die now!!! Phew, thank God her gun is out of bullet.

I walked towards her trying to calm her down but she took out a pocket sized knife and started swinging at me….

“Go away!!!” She shouted while swinging her knife.

“Arrrr” What’s happening to me? My throat is numb and I can’t even talk properly. “Carrrr rr…. “ I wanted to say ‘calm down’ but the words just couldn’t come out of my mouth.

She sliced my hand with her knife when I walked close to her. Wait, why don’t I feel pain? Why there isn’t a drop of blood coming out from the wound? What’s happening to me?

“Nrrrr…N-no… I-Ir wrr-won’t hurrrrt yurrrr (No, I won’t hurt you)” I managed to say that out. I hope she understands.

“W-what?!? Are you speaking??? H-how can a zombie speak?? You’re dead right??” She said while still pointing her knife at me. Wait!! Did she just said ZOMBIE??? I know what’s a zombie even if I lost my memories. Am I dead??

 I looked at the mirror beside me, I look pale… I touched my chest… I have no heartbeat….. So I’m really dead huh?? That explains why she is so scared of me…

“W-who are you?” She asked while looking at me confusedly. “A-are you dead?”

“I-Irrrr d-dorrrn’t rorrrr… (I don’t know)” I tried to replied while shrugging my shoulders.

“You’re cold… “ She said when she touched my hands. “Why are you so different? Aren’t you gonna eat me?”

“N-n-no. “ I shook my head.

“What are you?” What am I?? I don’t know… Zombies aren’t supposed to think right? Though I can’t feel pain nor tired, but I can think….  “Oh right!! It might be because of the herbs!!” She said while taking a booklet out of her bag. “You remember anything about this?”

What is this? I don’t know… I can’t remember anything… I shook my head.

“Then you might be a key to a cure. I must bring you back to the secret hideout!! They might find something in you that can save the whole world.” She said while placing back the booklet into her bag. Wait, does this mean I will be a human laboratory rat? No way. I shook my head continuously trying to tell her that I refuse to go with her. “This isn’t a question, this is a demand. You’ll go back with me or else…” She said while pointing the knife at my head. “I will stab you in the head.” My gosh, she’s even scarier than zombies….. “But now isn’t a great time, we will go when the sun sets. I think the zombies won’t be here anymore by that time right?”

“Rrrrr..” I look at her and tilted my head. What a scary girl she is….

“By the way, I’m Krystal. What’s your name? Oh sorry, you probably forgotten your name right?” She asked and I nod my head. “Then I’ll just give you a name…. Erm, how about an alphabetic name? Erm… M?”

Are you serious? Who gives someone 'M' as her name? I shook my head and she pouted.

“Well, you don’t like M alone? Erm… Mjun? Mber? Amber?” She looks so proud of her own creation. “But wait, ‘Amber’ sounds a little girly for a guy like you right?”

Guy? Does she thinks that I’m a guy?

“G-girrrr.” I tried my best to tell her that I’m a girl by shaking my head.

“What? Are you trying to tell me that you’re a girl?” She asked while raising a brow. I nodded my head and I can see that she's quite shocked. “Well, then ‘Amber’ suits you well.”

“….” Well, I didn’t say anything since I don’t want to destroy her happy mood….

“So is this a yes? Then I’ll call you Amber from now onwards.” She exclaimed happily. Since the name ‘Amber’ isn’t that bad, I’ll just go with it…. “And….. don’t get me wrong.” She blurted while looking serious. “I’m being friendly with you not because I accept the fact that you are different from the others, it’s just because you might be humanity’s future. I hate zombies like you, so don’t get too close with me.” She said which hurts me quite a bit. Why am I feeling hurt? Am I able to feel?

“Rrrr…” I replied while nodding my head.

“Okay Amber, I think it’s time to move on.” She said while opening the door slowly. “It clear outside, we should get going.” She said while moving her fingers motioning me to start moving.  

We successfully sneaked out the hospital since there’s no zombie around. We are now walking on the quiet and ruined highway. My Gosh, I don’t know what happened but there’s blood stain all around and car crashed everywhere.  

“Why do you look so shocked?” Krystal blurted while looking at me. “This, that, everything was done by monsters like you.” She said with an angry look. “Even my parents, friends and my everyday normal life were destroyed because of you mutants.”

“Rrrr..” I wanted to say sorry but someone cut our conversation.

“HELP!!!!” A man with blood all around cried while running to our direction. “PLEASE HELP…” Before he could even continue talking, a group of ‘things’ attacked him. What are those things??

“O-oh !!! It’s mutated dogs!!! “ Krystal exclaimed before grabbing my hand and begin running away.


“Shut up and just RUN!!!!” 

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babySavie #1
Chapter 7: Wow .. I never read such an interesting story like this..damn i need this continue so bad but seems the author have signed off
Chapter 7: pls update the storys author ..
Julianeee #3
Chapter 7: Please continue
Coolkids1714 #4
Plz continue this is a really great story.
sanlb3 #5
Chapter 7: Plz continue the story it's so interesting
Chapter 7: wow that's cool... authorsshi... looking forward for the next chapter :)
glorya #7
Chapter 7: next chapter please
bizzle030194 #9
Chapter 7: omgggggg update thissssss puhleaseeee
Chapter 7: This story's so cool! Update soon author!