
A corpse that melts an ice

2010, there was a breakout in an institution in South Korea, a new kind of virus was found and had spread across the globe in a blink of an eye. The people who were infected were changed into man-eating creatures.There weren't any cure, and the numbers of the infected kept increasing to the point that people were strating to go crazy. The people over the world joined as one and had a war with the infected. They shoot, they slaughter, they did everything they could to get rid of the infected. But it wasn't enough, the infected kept increasing, even the animals were affected and changed into something much more terrifying than the infected humans were. Humanity had lost hope, they couldn't do anything to wipe the infected out. 

The president of South Korea drove the remaining survivors to the underground secret hideout they bulit years ago. There used to be around 50 million citizens in South Korea, but there are only hundred thousand left, and they're all hiding in the underground hideout, hiding from the infected monsters they call zombies up on the surface. Eventhough they have the safe place to hide from the infected, but there aren't sufficient resources for hundred thousand people. To maintain the resources, each year, there will be about a hundered people being send out to seek for the resources. They are called the seekers. Not many seekers came back alive, but it has to be done in order to keep the hundred thousand people alive.

The seeker are being chosen by chance, anyone could be chosen. Even those who were seekers before could be chosen again. The seekers are to go out to the surface, and seek for food, water resource, medicine and most importantly the possible cure for the virus. Once you are chose to be a seeker, there is no turning back. You'll have to be out of the safety zone and search for resources until you meet up to the goal. The seekers who survived will have a much more luxurious life, while the seekers who died.... are dead and gone forever. The seekers will be divided into groups, each group are scattered around South Korea to look for resources.  



Author's pov


Everyone held their breaths as the president of South Korea gave his speech. 

"It's been four years since we've been living in this hideout. I'm sure everyone has understood the circumstances and rules we have. Today is the day we will choose the seekers for this year. The people who are chosen, please step out and head to the other hall. I will start calling the names of the chosen one. Kim Kibum, Kim Heechul, Choi Jinri........ Jung Sooyeon, and that is it for this years seekers." The people who were chosen are either crying or being rage. The others heaved out a sigh of relief, except for one particular girl.

"Mr. President." The girl raised her hand.

"Krystal, no.." One of chosen ones shouted but the girl who raised her hand ingored her.

"Yes, young lady." The president looked at the girl.

"I am Krystal Jung Soojung and I hereby vonlunteer myself to be a part of this year's seekers." Everyone in the huge hall gasped in shock, even the president himself.


"Unnie, shut up." Krystal shouted at her older sister before returning her attention to the president. "That is Jessica Jung Sooyeon, my sister. Can I take her place as a seeker instead."

"Yound lady, I appreciete your bravery and loyalty, but what is done is done. Even if you volunteer yourself, your sister will not be excluded from the list." 

"I understand. But I volunteer myself anyway." the president looked at Krystal in amazement, before smiling. 

"I approve." 






Krystal's pov

"Unnie, are you still not gonna talk to me?" I looked at unnie but she ignored me. "Unnie, you know that I will not llet you go alone because I love you, you're my only family now. And I will not let you face hardship alone." 

"Krystal!" Unnie finally looked at me with her eyes tearing up. "Me too. I can't bear seeing you going through hardship because of me."

"Don't worry unnie, we'll survive, definately." 


"Okay everyone, we're here." Our team leader said out loud. I swallowed the lump in my throat and held unnie's hand. She squeezed my hand a little before letting it go and got down the van. I took my gun and got down the van as well. Our team is assigned to seek for medicine, so here we are, in front of ASA medical center, one of the largest center in the world.

"Man, it reeks of rotten meat." One of our team mates said while pinching his nose. I glanced around the street, it has been four years since I last set foot on the surface. There are corpse all around and the place is in serious ruins. The roads are dirty and the place smells very bad. 

"The entrance is 'clean', come on." Our team leader gestured us to go in the building. "Here! This is the storage room. It's clean." Our team leader handed us two huge duffle bags. "Jessica and Krystal, both of you go in there and fill the bags with whatever they have in there." Unnie and I nodded before going in the room and started stuffing whatever it has into the bags.




" Everybody!!! A group of zombies are heading in our way!!! "


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babySavie #1
Chapter 7: Wow .. I never read such an interesting story like this..damn i need this continue so bad but seems the author have signed off
Chapter 7: pls update the storys author ..
Julianeee #3
Chapter 7: Please continue
Coolkids1714 #4
Plz continue this is a really great story.
sanlb3 #5
Chapter 7: Plz continue the story it's so interesting
Chapter 7: wow that's cool... authorsshi... looking forward for the next chapter :)
glorya #7
Chapter 7: next chapter please
bizzle030194 #9
Chapter 7: omgggggg update thissssss puhleaseeee
Chapter 7: This story's so cool! Update soon author!