¤[Chapter 1]¤

The Hacker, The Nerd, And Their Story


It’s a normal Saturday afternoon at a college, it was quiet and not a crowd can be spot anywhere. The sun is shining through the library windows, there was a young girl sitting on the table alone. The library was empty, really empty, only a pile of books is visibile in front of that girl and the library keeper.

Only a faint sounds of writing can be heard in the entire room, soon the door was opened revealing a small tall girl carrying big bag, she bowed politely to the library keeper before taking her seat two seats away from the studying girl. She unpacked her things once she got there, one laptop was out from the bag and cables starts coming out from that bag to.

Feeling interested, the studying girl turned her head and watched the new come with doe eye carefully. She’s walking back and forth from her laptop to the power jack repeatedly, connecting those weird wire together and setting up device that the studying girl doesn’t know. Once done doing that, the doe eye went back to her seat. She flipped the laptop and switched it on.

Her hands started to running across the keyboard, her gaze is fixed to the monitor, mumbles some random thing. She stayed like that for the next three hours, sometimes her hand went to the mouse to click some thing in her monitor. Sometimes she sighed heavily before continueing her work.

Im Yoona was her name, she’s a normal college student that also a hacker… a cracker for sure. Once, hacking was her hobby, now hacking was her everything. She hacked to most of the websites she find online, she was doing it for fun and no ilegal stuff. The most thing she hacked was online game, many guys at the college asked for her help for finding some cheats or stealling other users stuff. And now, some guy asked her to crack into some websites and steal the data of an old game that have already disncontinued, they said it come with a good price so Yoona agreed and now she was, trying to crack trough the security system.

Two hours passed, the doe eyed still working on her stuff while the studying girl was still there. Yoona sigh heavyly, she ruffled her own hair. Two hours has passed and she only have small progressive, the system is harder to crack than she though, she regreted to cracked it on the library and not at home. If she’s at home right now, she’ll be working with two monitors wich is help a lot, but she decided not to do that because her roomate was kind a busy at home and Yoona doesn’t want to disturb her.

Hesitately, Yoona looked at the studying girl, she faked a cough and got the studying girl’s attention. Yoona smiled shyly to the latter, “Uhm, do you have a laptop that I can borrow?” she asked slowly remembering it’s a library. The latter stare balnkly to nowhere before noding her head, she reached the bottom of her seat and pulled out a laptop bag.

Yoona smiled once again when she received the laptop from the latter, “Thank you,” she said. Yoona’s hand flipped the laptop and turned it on, she look after the laptop carefuly while caressing the edge with her finger slowly.

Whoaa, this laptop is a good one. Not better than mine but better than Yuri’s. Now let see what this baby can do!” she said that to herself, admiring the device infront of her. After the system went on, Yoona clicked on something on the deskop and tpyed something really fast. Once she done on that laptop she fixed her gaze to the other one, her hand still typing at the other keyboard. She’s more serious now, she even doesn’t noticed that the studying was watching her for about ten minutes before going back to studying.

They stayed like that for another hour, Seohyun, the studying girl was finished with her work. She glanced at the girl beside her, she rested her head down on her hand while the other hand doodle some random stuff on the back of her notebook. Seohyun decided to not distrub the hacking girl and waited for her laptop.

Another hour tick by, the doe eyed finally leaned back and strech her arm up to her head. She glanced at the owner of the other laptop and for her shock, she’s still writing something on her notebook. Yoona shocked, she looked at the clock, it was 6 o’clock already meaning that she already spent four hours hacking and the girl beside her is still studying? She mouthed the word wow.

Yoona got up slowly from her seat, stretching all of her limps, she walked to the water dispencer and took two cups full of water. She walked back to her seat, she took the seat that right beside the other girl.

“Here,” Yoona mumbled, she pushed the cup towards the latter. Seohyun looked up and took the cup. “You must be tired,” Yoona said she smiled at Seohyun.

“T-Thank you,” Seohyun said shyly. Seohyun was a nerd, she’s extremly quite and shy towards other, that’s why she doesn’t have any friend. She wear thick glasses, but the other one didn’t noticed it. She was very timid and library was her favourite spot because the other college student never bother to go there and she feel comfortable studying there. Today, Yoona’s appearnce shocked her, she never thought that another college student will went there today and when Yoona took the seat near her, she’s extremly nervous. Thankfully four hours past by quite wich is brought relief to Seohyun. But now? She’s nervous again.

Yoona smiled at the shy girl, she drank a few glups from her drink before handing the laptop back to Seohyun. Not even once Seohyun dared to looked at Yoona’s eyes wich is Yoona find it interesting.

Seohyun on another side had her head hung low, she placed her both hands on her knees. She doesn’t drink the water that Yoona gave to her, she feel to shy to drink or make any interaction with the doe eyed. After receiving her laptop, she stayed on her spot, waiting for Yoona to go out first.

Yoona glanced to the window and find out that is dark already, she glanced to Seohyun and Seohyun’s notebook. She find out that the other girl was actualy doodling on her notebook instead of studying, she’s guessing that the latter was waiting for her laptop. Yoona felt bad suddenly, by her experience she learned that the latter was a very timid girl and of course wouldn’t dare to ask for her laptop back.

“Come on, drink it,” the deer said giving the shy girl her warmest smile. She got up and packed her things to her bag, all the wire and the weird device goes back to the original place. After satisfied by her bag, she moved toward the shy girl and find out that she wasn’t drink the water. Yoona smiled once again at the girl, she find the timid and the shyness of that girl is intersting. Yoona tapped on Seohyun’s shoulder once wich gave Seohyun extra nervousness. “I’ll help you pack your things,” she said with a warm smile once again.

Yoona grabed Seohyun’s bag and put her laptop in it, she closed the notebook and the textbook and arranged it inside the shy girl’s bag, lastly she threw the pencilcase gently inside the bag before zipping it. “Done!” she claimed, she handed the bag to Seohyun with a grin, she’s happy for what she has done. She grabed her own bag and slipped it to her shoulder.

With a shaking hand, Seohyun took the bag and put it at her lap, she was looking down all the time. Suddenly, Seohyun felt a tap on her shoulder, she just moved her head a bit, not wanting to face the girl.

“Hey… it’s dark already outside. Come let me walk you home,” Yoona said, silence no reply from the latter. Yoona scratched her nape, “For my thanks and appology for making you waited for I don’t know how long,” she continued. Seohyun, can’t help it but to have a small smile on her face, but left unoticed by the doe eyed.

Grogily, the shy girl noded slightly. Yoona smiled at her action, she warped her arm around Seohyun’s shoulder and tapped it gently. The other girl froze by the contact, “Come..” she heard the voice called. Slowly, she got up from her seat and slipped the bag to her shoulder, still looking down. Yoona grinned proudly and she didn’t even knew why she’s grinning. She lead the shy girl to the door and pushed the door, making their way outside.

They walked together trough the dark evening, they’ve walked for about 15 minutes when Yoona remembered that she doesn’t know where’s the other girl’s house nor her name. And not even once Seohyun lifted her head up to  face nor looked at Yoona.

“Where do you live?” Yoona asked. The latter mumbled quitely, it’s made Yoona hummed questionatly. When the other doesn’t reply she sigh, slightly anoyed. Yoona bent her body a little and tilted her head to looked at the other girl more. They made eye contact for a second before the shy girl hung her head lower and looked away.

Yoona stretch her hand out and held the other girl’s chin and lifted it up facing her, “Hey, what is your name?” she asked while smilling.

“S-Seohyun,” she answered quick. The shy girl lifted her head, escaping from Yoona’s grip on her chin and looked down immiedatly. Yoona grabbed the shy girl’s chin once again and lifted it facing her.

“Look Seohyun-ssi, if you’re talking to someone, look at their eyes,” Yoona said firmly. Seohyun tried to escape from Yoona’s tight grip once again, but Yoona insisted. Yoona looked directly to Seohyun’s eyes wich made Seohyun blushed slightly, seeing how shy Seohyun was Yoona smiled, she giggled quietly inside her heart. Slowly she released her grip on Seohyun’s chin. Seohyun was about to looked down again when Yoona spoke, “A a a,what did I say? Look to my eyes,” she commanded.

Seohyun gluped and nodded her head, she tried her best to looked at Yoona’s eyes.

Shoot, her eyes are beautiful” Yoona and Seohyun said in the same time inside their own mind. Yoona smiled, proud at herself because she’s success to made Seohyon looked at her. Seohyun also flashed a nervous smile, she don’t want to looked rude by not returning the smile.

“Good, now where do you live?” Yoona asked.

Seohyun finally got a little bit comfortable with the latter, “X-X-X street num 52,” she answered, this time more clear to Yoona’s ear. Yoona furrowed her eyebrows when he heard the name of that street, it seems familiar to her.

Wait… isn’t that where elite people lives?” she aksed to herself. No wonder it seems familiar, that street is famous as hell. Yoona’s eyes slightly widen, but she doesn’t want Seohyun to noticed her supriseness. Yoona nodded and turned her head to the road, “Well, it’s not that far from here so we can walk, but it’s to far from my apartement,” she said it again to herself and mentally pouted inside her mind, “Well I guess I’m taking the bus to go home later.”

After walking in silence, a comfortable one, just then Yoona remembered something important. She haven’t interdouce herself! How stupid was she. Yoona moved her hand and knocked her head once as the sign of her stupidness, and it seems that Seohyun noticed that, Seohyun tilted her head to the girl that she doesn’t know the name and looked questionatly.

“Ah… My name is Yoona, Im Yoona… Sorry for the late interduction,” Yoona said, she bowed slightly to Seohyun while her hand rub her forehead, slightly hurted by her own knock. Seohyun was slightly stunned too, but she replied the bow anyway. After her late interduction, Yoona beam a grin, they both walked again.

About 10 mintues had passed, and it means that they’re getting closer to Seohyun’s house too. Yoona glanced to the house beside her, “69, good we’re getting closer,” and after that, she counted in her heart, “56, 55, 54, 53, 52!” she grinned again.

But her grin changed to an agape mouth when she saw Seohyun’s house, it was big, no, huge… Okay it may be not the biggest house around but still, it’s big, with a large garden and gate. Yoona strats to wonder why Seohyun didn’t study at her own house, clearly that house must have a private library.

A sound of a faint giggle woke Yoona from her ponder. Yoona turned her head and finding that Seohyun was stiffling her giggle. Yoona raised her eyebrows in counfuse, “What?” she asked.

Reliesing that she’s been caught, Seohyun shook her head, “No, nothing. You just looked cute,” she said. She still feel shy towards Yoona, but after seeing that Yoona was a good person, she braved herself to say that, after all, it may be her chance to find a friend.

Yoona blushed slightly by Seohyun’s word, and finally a real smile, not a small smile appeared on Seohyun’s face. “U-uhm… thanks..” Yoona said whila scratching her not itchy nape. And heres it comes, the awkward silence, but for Seohyun, it’s okay, because finally someone was there, she’s not alone now.

Seohyun was always fear at beeing alone, yet her biggest fear is a part of her daily life, at home, at school and basicly everywhere. At home, her mom and dead was extremly busy while the maids are not the kind that make interaction. While her timid personality made her difficult to make friend with other. And as time go on, she getting used to be alone, but still the insecureness invide her everytime she’s alone. By Yoona’s present, she felt like she had a chance, a chance to not beeing alone again.

Seohyun nodded her head once before bowing slightly to Yoona not forgetting to put on a smile in her face, “Bye… thank you,” she said before entering the gate and leave Yoona dumbfounded. Seohyun walked trhough her garden and not forgetting to turned her head to see Yoona at her front gate. Seohyun waved a goodbye to Yoona before dissappearing into her house.

Yoona on another side still stoned in her position, she returned the wave with a smile. After Seohyun’s body dissappear behind the door, Yoona turned her heels and walked to the nearest bus stop, lucky for her, it’s not that late. Done checking the route and buying the ticket, she sat on the steel bench and waited for the bus. The smile still on her face all the time, in fact it grew wider.

Soon enough, the bus arrived and Yoona toom a step in as well as the other passanger. Because it was Saturday evening, the bus itself it’s not so crowded, but it’s still a chalange for Yoona to find a seat. After a few more station, Yoona finally arrived at her own home.

It was an appartement she shared with her senior… well it’s not really a senior because it’s only older by one year and one semester. Yoona more likely to claim her room mate as her friend than her senior. Back to the appartement room, it wasn’t really big, two rooms, two bathrooms, one living room and a kitchen plus dining table with a cozy design. Surely, Yoona love it to live there.

After sliding her key card in, Yoona opened the door and revealed herself in the door, she steped in the appartement happily. She took of her shoes on the front door and put down the key in the small table in front of the door. She skipped happily inside, wanting to go to her room as soon as posible. He step stopped by a voice.

“Why so happy?”

“Huh,” Yoona stopped and turned her head to the direction of the voice. As she thought, it was her room mate, Kwon Yuri. Yuri was sitting lazilly on the chouch with a hand layed on top of her stomach, she was staring blankly at the tv.

Yuri chuckled and finally fixed her gaze on Yoona, “Why are you so happy?” she asked playfully. Still doesn’t get what her room mate mean, Yoona tilted her head in confusion. Yuri let out a chuckle once more, “Why are you so happy? Skipping inside like that. I thought you have a hard game to crack.” She explained.

“Ahh… that. I was just.. happy, fist I got my job done today, second-” Yoona can’t finish her word because Yuri cut her sentence.

“What? You finished it already? Wow,” Yuri said, well maybe half shouting in amazed. Never in Yuri’s experience Yoona can finished the job that fast with one laptop. Yoona giggled at Yuri, she put down her bag carefully and walked towards the couch and slumped beside Yuri.

“Yeah, I haven’t finish my word you know,” Yoona said and slightly pouted. Yuri chuckled at her and ruffled Yoona’s hair. “Second, I met a new person~ she have better laptop than you do,” Yoona said again.

Yuri pouted too, “Fine, go to your new friend,” she said, slightly pushing Yoona away with her long arm. Yoona laughed at her roommate behaviour, well Yuri is not just her roommate, Yuri is her only bestfriend. Because of Yoona’s passion for hacking, she rarely spent her time finding friend instead she prefer to sat down and learn something new at hacking/cracking. Yoona was really lucky to having Yuri as her bestfriend plus roommate.

“Don’t be mad~” Yoona said playfully, she moved her hand and pulled Yuri to her side and side hug her. Both of them laughed before breaking the hug. “Well, I’m going to wash and go to bed, I’m really tired… like dead tired,” she said as she strecthed and stood up. Yuri nodded her head as the reply.

“Kay~ Good night.”

“Night,” Yoona said before dissapear to her room not forgetting to grabbed her bag. She walked in to her room and placed the bag there, she took her toweland clothes before heading to the bathroom.

Done washing, she opened her laptop once again. She coppied the data from her pc to a flashdisk. She don’t mind to give her flashdisk away, she still have many in stock. She choosed one flashdisk and coppied the data in, she taped a tiny paper on it and wrote the name of the boy who requested the data to her. After that, she put the flashdisk on her bag and jumped to her bed.

At the moment she lied down her body, her mind recall the girl’s face, the girl’s voice, and the girl’s behaviour. Yoona can’t help it but to put on a smile, she reached her hand and flick the lights off. She whispered goodnight to herself before drifting to the dreamland with a big smile on her face.



Seohyun, closed her front door closely. As expected, the house was empty and dark. No sign if a living things there. A sigh escaped from Seohyun’s mouth, as always, she never found her parrents at home when she got home. She always got greet by an empty living room. All of her helper wasn’t the kind to acompany their bosses too, so Seohyun mostly being alone at home.

Different from Yoona that still laugh with her bestfriend, Seohyun hurried to go upstair and got to her room. Speaking of Yoona, the thought of Yoona still linger on Seohyun’s mind when Seohyun was showering and prepared to sleep. Seohyun can’t help it to feel happy, verry happy to be exact. Maybe Yoona was the first person who greet her like that, maybe Yoona was the first person to walked Seohyun home, maybe Yoona could be her first real friend. Yeah, Seohyun never got a real friend, first she was timid, second no one really care about her presence, third many people just use her smart brain for copying the work or some other stuff. So basicly, Seohyun got no shoulder to lean on when she’s on trouble.

Seohyun changed into her pajamas. She sat on her bed, folding her legs, she reached for her laptop and turned it on. She just want to check if Yoona done something with her laptop, it’s not like she suspectin Yoona or something. She just want to know if Yoona left something on her laptop or not. Thankfully, Yoona left the laptop unscratch, perfectly fine, even Seohyun find out that some of the virus on her laptop already gone. Seohyun mouthed the word wow in amazed.

Finally the laptop was turned off, the room was dark already, and Seohyun already on her bed. A big keroro doll was cuddled by a sleepy human, and the human was ready to sleep in no time. Seohyun putted on a smile again before drifting to the dreamland.




[A/N] Hello, thank you for reading until this point. I'm sorry for my typos and my gramatical errors, I hope you enjoy the first chapter. And big thanks for all of you that subscribe and upvote :). Thanks. -huskylover

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[[20/9/2014]] This story is currently on semi hiatus. Thank you


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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 8: -blockers XD !!!
I'll be waiting till you update.
We all saw the spark between them *_____*

Btw good luck with school and everything ^^
Chapter 8: And yulsic should help yoona realize her feelings. Keke
Chapter 8: Awww... This is soooooo cute and sweet. The two is too unware still with their feelings.

Aigoo yoonhyun so innocent. I super love them :)

Thanks for the update ^.~
Chapter 8: waooowwww, they so close each other even Seohyun lean her head in Yoona shoulder & cuddle her also sing a lullaby
Chapter 7: Mr Seo like comfortable tell Seohyun little story to Yoona, wonder every activity is first timd to Seohyun
Chapter 7: Dang. When will Seohyun realize her feelings? Lol

Thanks for the update
YulSicSLTTR #7
Chapter 7: I will keep saying this ...... I love them *---*
Glad you updated:)
Chapter 6: Did u update? Or what?
Chapter 6: it Mr Seo sound, like give a warn or say thank to Yoona being friend of his daugther