¤[Chapter 5]¤

The Hacker, The Nerd, And Their Story

The silence of the library broke down by a soft ringing phone. However, it’s been left unnoticed by it’s surrounding even it’s owner. The owner was to engrosed by the bright screen in front of her, staring into uncountable data and numbers. Then she reached the point where her eyes grew tired and her brain shouting for a rest, so she did, leaned back to her chair and diverted her eyes to her phone.

“Omo!” she half-shouted, quickly she grabbed her phone and picked up the call. “Sorry Hyunnie! I was busy… why you call me?”

Yoona could hear that Seohyun in the other line was sighing, “Unnie! I’ve tried to call since 15 minutes ago, where are you?”

“At the library.” Yoona answered shortly.

“Oohh… come on, let’s eat, I’m starving,” Seohyun said on the other line. Now, Yoona could imagine that Seohyun was probably pouting there. But then her mind snapped, she focused her eyes on the screen and looking to the small clock in the corner of her screen.

“Wait… it’s lunch already?”


Yoona sighed, her works haven’t done yet. It’s not that she can’t leave the work and eat lunch with Seohyun, it’s more to she didn’t want to. If she leave her work, there’s more likely for her to forget what she already collected.

“Sorry Hyunnie… I don’t think I can leave now. You know.. projects,” Yoona said, sounded really sorry. She heard Seohyun’s sigh once. “Sorry…” she apologized once more.

“You haven’t eaten right?”


“And you have no class after this right, since almost all of your class now dismissed and just gave projects.”

“Yeah… bunch of projects to be exact,” Yoona’s smile started to creep around her face after a brief talk with Seohyun.

“Then, I’ll buy food for you. And we’ll eat together later, okay?” Seohyun asked softly.

Unconsciously, Yoona shook her head on the other line, “No. It’s fine, I don’t want to be bothersome.”

While Seohyun in the other hand, wanted to eat with Yoona. She treaseured her so much since the first meal that she had together with her friends was with her, and she disliked the idea of eating alone again.

“Please… I don’t want to eat alone again,” Seohyun half whined half doing aegyo to her friend, hoping that it’ll works.


Jackpot! After a second Yoona finaly agree with her. Seohyun punched to the thin air once the call ended, congratulated herself for what she did.

With a big grin plastered, Seohyun’s off to search for food.


In the library, Yoona sinked to the chair with her cheek puffed. The end of semester was inching in and she still got a bunch of projects in her hand. Her major, computer doesn’t require much of class in the end of semester, instead they gave her a tons of work. The only class she got was the class she’s in with Seohyun and 2 more class.

Resting her eyes, she diverted her attention to her phone and scrolled blankly. Suddenly her stomach growled making her sigh. She put her phone down and stared at the screen again, but her mind didn’t focus this time since her attention now was on her stomach.

She tapped on the side of her laptop with her right hand while the other hand was supporting her chin and rested on the edge of the table. A frown was clearly painted on her face.

Seohyunnie… be fast please…




Seohyun jogged happily arround the street, her eyes were wondering around to see of there is some good pick-up restaurant for her and Yoona. A healthy food… definitely hard to carry around, beside she had to make it fast. Why? Because she knew Yoona would be starving right now. Come on! We all know Yoona had bigger appetite than Seohyun.

Finally, she decided to go with the easiest opstion. Pizza. She ordered the big size one and carried it in one hand. She jogged again lightly to the college yard and made her way to the library.

Since Yoona came to her life, Seohyun had became more lively. Her steps were lighter, her face was brighter, her tone went higher sometime. She became happier. Although she’s still extremely shy around new people, but at least she opened up to Yuri and some of her professors.

Once she got there, she pushed the library door slightly and peeked inside. She found Yoona pouting as she staring at the screen, her hand was on her stomach and the other one on her mouse. Seohyun giggled lightly at the view, sure Yoona looked so cute in her position. Slowly, Seohyun walked towards Yoona.

“Hey,” Seohyun called slowly, causing Yoona to looked up. When theit eyes met, Yoona’s face brighten immediately.

“Finally you’re here… Oh my God, I’m soooooo starving,” Yoona whined as she packed her things real fast. She even forgot the greet Seohyun back, but her stomach doesn’t care anymore. While the younger one could only giggled silently, her decision to make it fast didn’t wrong base on Yoona’s reaction just now. “What did you get?” Yoona asked.


“Oh yeah! Man, I love you Hyunnie!” Yoona cheered without thinking anymore. Seohyun was surprised slightly, but shrug it off immediately. She just nodded absentmindly with a smile. “Now let’s go!”

They both exited the library and went to the college yard, where benches were spreaded all around the yard. They took a seat at the quiet once since Seohyun doesn’t really like it to be in a busy place. They started to ate quietly until Seohyun opened up a conversation.

“So… how was your project,” Seohyun started as she bit her pizza. Yoona looked at Seohyun blankly before answering.

“Okay… I think.”

“You think?” Seohyun asked again, she turned her head so she could see Yoona shrugging.

“I don’t know… It’s just like a tons of project Hyunnie… I don’t know if I can finish it before the semester end,” Yoona sighed while pouting slightly. Seeing Yoona like that, Seohyun couldn’t help it but to feel bad, her Unnie in a problem is a big no no for Seohyun. And being a good dongseng and friend, she will cheer her up… scratch that, she must cheer her up.

“Unnie~” Seohyun half-aegyo-ed , that’s enough to caught Yoona’s attention. “Who said she’s really good at computer and consider herself as the best cracker in the school?” Seohyun joked, making Yoona laughed. Seohyun smilled automaticly when she heard Yoona’s laugh, more further, Yoona laugh because of her. “You can do it Unnie!”

“Aww… thanks Hyunnie. You’re the best!” Yoona said as she moved closer to Seohyun. “Come here! Let me give you a hug!”

“Eww no! You’re hands are dirty,” Seohyun said with a fake disgust face. But she laughed immediately because Yoona’s pouting. “Fine, fine,”  Seohyun pulled Yoona for a brief hug, before retreated. “Have faith of yourself okay?”

“I don’t know Hyunnie… sometimes I doubt myself a bit to much,” Yoona said with a sigh, she leaned to the bench and staring blankly at the horizon. Seohyun’s face also changed, she leaned on the bench too.

“Well… me too,” Seohyun confessed, focusing her gaze on the landscape too. This time was Yoona’s turn to looked at Seohyun, asking for further explaination. “Sometimes, I really doubt myself. Specialy my social skills…” she ended with her head hung low.

“But you’re talkative with me.” Yoona snickered playfuly. Seohyun looked up immediately, her mind trying to think of an answer.

“That’s because….”

“Because of what??” Yoona rasied an eyebrow teasingly to Seohyun with a goofy grin.

“Because…… you is you?” Seohyun asked unsurely which made Yoona chuckled. Yoona patted on Seohyun’s head twice as if she was a little puppy.

“Then, pretend everyone is me. That way you can talk to anyone,” Yoona grimed at her own idea, thinking it’s a good one. How ever, Seohyun caught the idea differently, she caught it weird and scary. So she shook her head immediately.

“No! It would be scary…” Seohyun’s statement made Yoona raised her eyebrows more. Not in a michivious way, but curious way. So, Seohyun continued quickly. “I mean.. wouldn’t it be scary if there’s Im Yoona every where. Besides, you’re one of the kind.” This time was Seohyun’s turn to grinned.

Seohyun earned a light smack from Yoona before they started to clean up. They decided to sat on the same bench again and enjoy the afternoon since they got no schedule afterward.

Now, Yoona was casually leaned her head on Seohyun’s shoulder and just simply enjoying the warmth that the younger gave. While the latter could only smile and enjoying it too. They both lost at their own thought until some one spoke up.

“So… how was your class?” this time was Yoona’s turn to start a conversatition. Seohyun stopped at her daydreaming and looked down to Yoona’s face, nodding her head slightly.

“It’s okay. I’m doing well.”

“Of course, for a really smart nerd… You have to do well!” Yoona laughed when Seohyun pushed her away lightly with a smack in the shoulder. “Okay, okay! You aren’t. You’re just an overly smart people that’s overly shy too…. And overly cute too,” Yoona teased again. Man she will never be tired of teasing the younger girl. She liked it the way Seohyun reacted to her teasing, it’s either she’s blushing or do physical violent. And the reaction she got here was the blushing one.

Seohyun ducked her head, bitting her lower lip. Yoona chuckled again and poked Seohyun’s cheeck, “See what I mean?” Seeing no rection from Seohyun, Yoona stopped and leaned back to the bench. “You know, Yuri also at Biology major. Maybe you can ask her stuff.”

“I know,” Seohyun answered shortly.

“Oh really? When?” Yoona asked surprised. All she knew was Seohyun still shy arround Yuri and doesn’t talk much to her.

“When you’re to busy with your laptop,” Seohyun answered shortly again. Yoona nodded and hummed as the answer. They stayed silence until a few seconds until Seohyun spoke again. “By the way, why you never called Yuri Unnie ‘Unnie’?” Seohyun asked.

“Uhm… I called her Unnie once… but now, I don’t think it’s necessary.”

“But it’s not polite,” Seohyun said, now she seemed like a mother that scolding the latter softly. That fact made Yoona laughed. “What?” Seohyun said with her eyebrows raised.

“Nothing… it’s just funny, you looked like an Unnie for me now,” Yoona laughed soon Seohyun joined. “Okay I’ll call her ‘Unnie’ from now.”

“Good,” Seohyun patted on Yoona’s head playfuly, making Yoona smiled cutely. “Anyway, don’t you want to continue your project?”

Yoona’s eyes widden a bit, “Oh yeah… I still got project to do.”

“What… you forgot about it?”

“Yeah hehe,” Yoona grinned at her own stuppidness. She grabbed her laptop and got up. “Come,” she beckoned Seohyun’s hand so she can hold it with her other hand. After their hands were one, they walked together to the library.

Once they got there, Yoona opened her laptop immediately and started her work. While Seohyun fished out her notebook and her pencil case. But she doesn’t start her work immediately like Yoona, she took her time to observed Yoona for a while.

Seohyun liked it when Yoona’s serious. The way she squinted her eyes if she meet problems. The way she would automaticly smiled or grinned when the problem was solved. The way she mumbled random words that Seohyun couldn’t understand even a bit. Even when Yoona doesn’t aware for her surrounding when she’s serious was a plus point from Seohyun.

She didn’t know why she’s really liked everything that Yoona did. It’s seems interesting at the same time unique.

After a few minutes, Seohyun finaly looked down to her book and started what she wanted to do in the first place.

The two didn’t move from their spot, they only do a small chat before going back to do what they do before. Just until it’s time for Seohyun’s class, she left.

At first, Seohyun want to went alone, but Yoona insited to compan her since she felt bad that Seohyun had to went alone to search food earlier. Had no power above Yoona, Seohyun agreed. They walked hand in hand again.

“Oh yeah, Hyunnie…” Yoona called when in they’re in the middle of the way.


“I’ve been wondering… Can I come to your house sometime? I’m curious,” Yoona asked with a goofy.

For Seohyun, the answer was obviously a yes, so she said it. “Yup, why not?” The answer made Yoona grinned.

“After the semester ended?”

“Sounds good!” By the time Seohyun answered, they’re already arrived. So, they bid goodbye to eachother. With a smile, they both walked away.




[A/N] Hey, another update :). Thank you for all of you that read, subscribe, upvote and comment, you all are loved <3 I hope you enjoy the update, and sorry for all of my typos and gramatical errors and the short chapter... I'll try to write longer next time.


And............... What day is today?

Yep! Happy Birthday our Tiffany <3

Best wishes for our eye smilling queen!

Thanks again. -huskylover

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[[20/9/2014]] This story is currently on semi hiatus. Thank you


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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 8: -blockers XD !!!
I'll be waiting till you update.
We all saw the spark between them *_____*

Btw good luck with school and everything ^^
Chapter 8: And yulsic should help yoona realize her feelings. Keke
Chapter 8: Awww... This is soooooo cute and sweet. The two is too unware still with their feelings.

Aigoo yoonhyun so innocent. I super love them :)

Thanks for the update ^.~
Chapter 8: waooowwww, they so close each other even Seohyun lean her head in Yoona shoulder & cuddle her also sing a lullaby
Chapter 7: Mr Seo like comfortable tell Seohyun little story to Yoona, wonder every activity is first timd to Seohyun
Chapter 7: Dang. When will Seohyun realize her feelings? Lol

Thanks for the update
YulSicSLTTR #7
Chapter 7: I will keep saying this ...... I love them *---*
Glad you updated:)
Chapter 6: Did u update? Or what?
Chapter 6: it Mr Seo sound, like give a warn or say thank to Yoona being friend of his daugther