¤[Chapter 8]¤

The Hacker, The Nerd, And Their Story

A two beautiful looking girls could be spotted walking hand in hand towards a park. One was leading their way while the latter was busy admiring the surroundings.

“Hyunnie!” The shorter yet the older called. They were walking in a small stone path that lead to Yoona’s favourite place at the park. The swing. Every time Yoona sits on the swing, even the smallest movement from her feet makes her feel like flying to the sky. Indeed it’s childish, but Yoona couldn’t care much more than her own satisfaction. This time, she want to share the feelings with Seohyun.

“Hmmm?” Seohyun answered at the same time she turned her head to saw grinning chidlishly Yoona. By that time, Yoona already seated comfortably at the swing and beckoned Seohyun to sit at the second swing.

“It’s my favourite place when I’m down,” Yoona started, a little bit gloomy tone could be heard at her voice, but there’s a small smile at her face to assured that everything was fine. While Seohyun gazed at Yoona with full concertation, it’s definitely something to note down in her heart.

“Just look at this place!” Yoona spreaded her arm and rotated it playfuly, making the younger one giggled. “It’s nice and cozy. Plus it’s somehow hidden and secretive!” Yoona exclaimed with a grin.

Eventualy, Seohyun threw her glances over the place. Bushes that surrounded them looked like their hugging them in a circle. The branches grew so much until it could cover Seohyun’s top head. Not to mention many beautiful flower that grew across the patch, making their place seems like a secret paradise.

Seohyun turned her head to face Yoona once again and gave an approval nod. The same reaction was showed by the deer face before she stood up. “Here let me push you~”

Happy laughters mixed with chatters soon invaded the air. They played any random game that came to their mind. They shared some more embarassing childhood story. Or just sitting there and do nothing, just enjoying the moment.

Before they knew it, the sky already turned orange. Soon, only a quarter if the sun that visible to them.

“Also… the sunset here is nice,” Yoona complimented the scenery. They’re sitting on both side of the swing, hands holding eachother loosely hanging above the ground. Their head leaning on eachother, just separated by a pole in the midlle of them. The younger one hummed once as the agreement.

They stayed like that until the sun complety vanished from the sight. The darkness of the night started to creept to fill up the sky. Young night breeze slowly blowing against their skin. Yet warm silence occupied the air until Yoona stood up and tugged lighlty on Seohyun’s arm.

“Let’s go!” Yoona said. Lazily, Seohyun stood up and walked ahaed. In her head, there was only Yoona and their brief moment. Just if Yoona knew how happy she was… it would be great. Very great.

With full confident, Seohyun walked first. She already knew that there’s another way around to get out from that place based on Yoona’s story. What she didn’t knew is, there was some thing there.

Noticing that Seohyun didn’t really paid attention to her path, Yoona quickly warned, “Hyunnie, watch out! There’s a…”


“Pole over there….” Yoona finished her sentence desperately. She’s to late, Seohyun’s left stomach already hit the small enough to hide yet tall enough to hurt someone. Quickly, Yoona rushed to Seohyun’s side and checked the wincing girl. “Are you okay?” Yoona said as she bent down to look staightly at Seohyun’s eyes.

“Uhm… yeah. I’m okay,” Seohyun manage to uttered. Yoona squinted her eyes supiciously, but still letting Seohyun go this time.

“Fine… That pole is really cursed,” Yoona mumbled while pulling Seohyun to a side hug before started to walk to her home. Her hand was slightly rubbing the spot that hitted, trying to sooth it away. At least it works for Seohyun.

A slight smile of satisfaction formed on the younger’s lips, instantly Seohyun wrapped her arm arround Yoona’s petite waist. Their position didn’t change until Yoona had to open her apartement door and pressed the lift’s number. Seohyun pouted a bit when Yoona’s hand slipped out from her waist. Yes, it’s summer. But Seohyun couldn’t wipe the urge to feel the wramth of Yoona’s hug once again.

Once again, as the eldest, Yoona lead their way to her appartement, while Seohyun followed quietly behind her. As usual, Yoona threw the key into the same place and opened her shoes. Again, Seohyun followed the lead. It’s became a habbit of her now to opened her shoes right after Yoona threw the key. Yoona walked first to check if Yuri was there or not.

What she saw is half un-believeable and half so-believeable. Indeed she believe that the scene infront of her is something that could be happening anytime. But the part that she didn’t want to believe it was the fact Seohyun’s going to see this soon. Nope… nope… unoticed by her, her body stiffen up by itself.

Noticing the suddenly-froze Yoona, quickly she rushed to Yoona’s side. Seohyun’s eyes widen drasticly due to the scene she’s seeing right now.


It was Yuri, hovering on top an unknown girl for Seohyun, kissing her hungryly. The scene indeed to mature content for the Baby Hyun. Seohyun’s body stiffened instantly, her troath became dry as her mind didn’t know how to react. Lucky for her, Yoona took a quick action. The older one placed her hand on top of Seohyun’s eyes before conforting the couple.

“Ehem! We got an innocent baby here…” Yoona said, breaking the session between the couple. Clearly, Yuri hadn’t hear the sound of clicking door and have no idea that Yoona entered the room. You can tell that by her jump of shock and eventualy landed on the floor. Jessica was also shocked, she sat up quickly with her eyes widen.

With a single shook of Yoona’s head, she gestured for the couple to get out from the frame for a momment. Because she knew, it wouldn’t be the best if they stayed there, Seohyun needs to recover from her shock.

Both Yuri and Jessica grinned apologetically after they realized the situation. They moved quickly from the living room to Yuri’s room. Yoona released her hand from Seohyun’s face once their alone.

“Sorry for that…” Yoona said. Instead of answerin, Seohyun just simply nodded her head as the sign that she’s okay. But her face was still shocked, it’s her first time since forever for watching scene like that. Silence quickly invaded the air between the two until Yoona giggled.

“What??” Seohyun spoke her first word in the house with her eyebrows raised. Always… it’s either Yoona or Seohyun that giggled out of the blue. This time was Yoona’s turn, but after getting a response from the younger one, her giggled became bigger. “What???” Seohyun asked again.

Seohyun’s confuseness added when Yoona suddenly hugged her with a light sequeal. “Huh?? What is it??” Seohyun asked half furstated.

“Nothing… it’s just you’re such a baby~” Yoona said as she pecked Seohyun’s side head playfuly before ruffling Seohyun’s hair. A light shade of pink showed on Seohyun’s cheeck, quickly she pushed Yoona lightly and fixed her hair with a pout.

“Aww sorry. Now Baby Hyun… you can go to my room now, I want to grab something first,” Yoona grinned as she pushed Seohyun lightly towards her room direction. Seohyun nodded before processing to Yoona’s room.

Once she’s on Yoona’s room, Seohyun jumped immediately to the bed. She burried her face inside Yoona’s soft pillow and exhale it deeply. The sweet scent of Yoona made Seohyun smiled whole heartly. The scent that always lingered on her mind. The scent that could make her crazy. The scent that she loved the most. She’ll never get enough of it, how much she like it by the idea she will sleep with that scent later at night.

Her smile widen instantly by the thought of that. She started to roll randomly on the bed to prevent her for sequaling out of happiness. After she heard footsteps inching closer, she gained her composure back and sat up normaly.

Yoona came in with the scene of Seohyun sitting neatly on the edge of her bed. But soon, Seohyun’s eyes squinted towards the unknown plastic container that Yoona held. It seems like a medication stuff… the stuff that heal wound by spreading to it. Seohyun took a good 2 second to finally understood Yoona’s intention of bringing ointment to her.

Knowing Seohyun’s atentiveness, Yoona could catch that Seohyun already knew what she going to do. So, she choose the most frontal way to do it.

“Lift up your shrit!” Yoona commanded as she inched closer to the bed. Seohyun was in a complete taken a back when she heard that, she thought maybe Yoona would give the ointment to her and let her heal her wound by herself. Never in her mind that the idea of Yoona that the one who would smear it to her.

“W-What?? Why should I?” Seohyun asked, in a panick mode pherhaps. Her fists were clutching on the bed sheet and her eyes were shoting Yoona a confused glare.

“I know it’s still hurt. Don’t lie to Yoongie~” Yoona said. In a quick hop, Yoona easily captured Seohyun between her arms and hovered on top of her.

“Yah yah yah!! What are you doing??” Seohyun said. Her panick-meter already reached the top when Yoona placed her hand on the tip of Seohyun’s shirt, trying to lift it up. “Nope! Nope! You can’t do that!” Seohyun half-screamed while her hand attempted to stop Yoona’s hand by holding to it tightly.

In the other side, Yoona had those michivious grin on her face. Sure… she’s enjoying this to much maybe, putting aside the fact that their awkward position.

After a few strugles and yelps from Seohyun, finally Yoona only could manage to smear a tiny tiny bit of the ointment on Seohyun’s stomach before got a push from the little innocent baby.

“Fine fine Baby Hyun~” Yoona said as she crawled back down from her ious position and sat normaly. Seohyun also got up, but with a mesy hair and a blush that really visible at her face. Quickly, Seohyun fixed her hair with a pout. She still couldn’t believe how childish Yoona was then.

Once her hair was fixed, Seohyun pointed out her forefinger and made a circular motion with it. “What?” Yoona asked with her eyebrows raised. Actualy, she knew that Seohyun was trying to tell her to turn around so she can put the ointment freely. But somehow, today… Yoona wanted to tease the younger one as many as she could.

“Turn around, Unnie,” Seohyun pleaded.                                 

“Why should I do that?” Yoona tried to mimick Seohyun’s tone earlier which brought frown to the younger one.

“Unnie…” Seohyun whined. Cutely, she stomped her feet on the floor and shaking her whole body in protest. Yoona melted instantly at the cute scene, her lips broke into a small chuckle, her eyes crease to a small shaped moon. An urge to ruffle the younger’s girl came again to her, but eventualy got wiped of since she doesn’t want to seem over-reacted.

“Fine fine,” Yoona said as she put her hands up playfuly before turning around. A little giggle could be heard by Yoona as soon as her back that was facing the gigling girl. “Anyway, may I borrow your laptop?” Yoona asked.

“Hmm? Sure~ What for?” Seohyun replied. She  also turned around for extra preparation just in case if Yoona suddenly jumped to face her. Carefuly she aplied the ointment into her body and litsent to Yoona’s next words.

“I just need it to get something. Thanks by the way.” In a swoop, Yoona already got two laptops on her desk, connected and … ready for the job. As usual, Yoona’s full attetion was diverted to the bright screen infront of her and almost forgotten about Seohyun’s presence.

After Seohyun’s done with her healing process, she turned around. She brought her legs up and crossed it above the bed. With two elbows resting on each knees, Seohyun was supporting her head with her two opened palm. Like always, her eyes were shooting a million of sparks in it, watching Yoona’s movement hapily.

At some point, curiousity invaded Seohyun. It’s not very Yoona-likely to play computer when there’s a playtime between them. Yeah… Yoona loved gadgets very much, but usualy she puts her friends in front of it. But then, she remembered what Yoona told her this evening. Curiousity mixed with confuseness perfectly. Yoona said that it’s a sweat, but she had to borrow Seohyun’s laptop? Finally, Seohyun decided to find out herself.

“Whatcha doin’?” Seohyun asked playfuly. She rested her head at Yoona’s left shoulder while her arms wraped around Yoona’s waist from behind. Her eyes were scaning rows of numbers mixed with words that she couldn’t understand even a bit.

Clearly, Yoona was slightly surprised by Seohyun’s sudden action. Also, she was glad that Seohyun did that since she’s already tired and need some refreshment. Yoona threw her head back so she could lean more into Seohyun’s shoulder. She turned her head slightly just to found Seohyun squinting at the data infront of her.

“What is that….”  Seohyun half asked half stated. Yes, she is smart, but this is definitely not her profesion. No mater how much she stared at it, she wouldn’t understand.

Hearin Seohyun’s statement, Yoona let out a small laugh, “This is what we called firewall, my job is to break in to it,” Yoona said with a grin. She leaned out from Seohyun’s shoulder and started to type things again. In a split second, the display on the screen changed. From the un-readable data to a more structural data.

“And this is where I’ll steal a data,” Yoona explained. Again, she performed the copying process perfectly before clicking the option paste on a file. “And done~” Yoona said with a grin as she clapped her hands once.

While Seohyun still have those blank expresion since she really didn’t catch what Yoona just done. “I didn’t know what just happen!” Seohyun said after she heard Yoona’s clap.

“You don’t have to know it~” Yoona replied as she stood up and closed all of the laptop. She lead Seohyun to bed and sat down together.

“Anyway, why are you suddenly cracking together with my laptop? I thought it was a sweat,” Seohyun asked to satisfied her curiousity.

“To make it faster,” Yoona simply replied.

“Hmm…” That’s all Seohyun could replied to the computer freak. Suddenly Yoona stood up and took her pillow with her, her feet seems like moving towards the door. “Wait.. what are you doing?” Seohyun said again as she reached out to held Yoona’s hand.

“Hmm? It’s late, you and I need to sleep.” Yoona explained but got a raised eyebrows from Seohyun. “I’m sleeping at the couch…” Yoona added. With that extra information, Seohyun finally knew what was Yoona’s ittention.

“Noo!!” Seohyun said it with a glint of childish tone. “Sleep here,” she added again. She pulled Yoona so Yoona sat down again at her previous position. Because of that, Yoona let out a small chuckle before nodding her head.

“Okay okay~” In a swift movement, the two bodies already covered with a warm sheet. With Yoona at the outer site of the bed. After the two already positioning themselve in a confortable position wich is cuddling with each other, since Yoona’s bed is not really big. Suddenly, Yoona spoke up, “Sing me a lulaby~”

“What??” Seohyun asked and got replied with a playful glare. “I mean… why should I?”

“Nothing, I just want to hear your singing voice,” Yoona said with a grin.

“Aish… No!”



“Pwease??” Yoona attemtped with full aegyo wich made Seohyun flinched and rolled her eyes.

“Seriously?” Seohyun asked desperately. Yoona bobbed her head once as the answer. Looking to Yoona’s big puppy eyes, Seohyun couldn’t think of a way to run from this request. “Geez… I wonder how random are you sometime.”

“So are you gonna sing or not?”

“Fine fine… Just this time okay?” Seohyun finally surrender at Yoona’s power. Yoona smiled widely immediately after she heard that. She snuggled more into Seohyun’s confortale hug and closed her eyes, ready to sleep anytime.

Seohyun let out a mixed gigle with a sigh before started to sang. Her voice was soft and soothing. Just as her piano skills, it would draw anyone’s attention to her. Her calming voice suits perfectly with the lulaby that she sang. Well… it’s not really an oficial lulaby, but it’s a part of a song that she like.

The smile on Yoona’s face grew instantly by Seohyun’s voice. She was actualy quite shocked with the fact of Seohyun’s voice was increbidly amazing. In no time, Yoona drifted to sleep without her even knowing it.




Meanwhile, on the other room, there’s a similar scene also. Two girls cuddling with eachother. One was taller and darker while the other one was resting her head confortably on the taller’s shoulder. They both are gigling  by some topics.

“Yuri-yah~” Jessica called sweetly. After the two were caught by the duo baby, they’re actualy embarased once they entered Yuri’s room. But soon their laughters englufed the room remembering how stupid their action was. Now, they’re just laying down and enjoying eachother company.


“Did you… saw the spark?” Jessica said. Yuri’s eyes widen instantly, she diverted her gaze into her lover’s eyes unbelieveably.

“You saw it too?” Yuri got a cute nod from Jessica as the replied. Soon, Jessica’s smile also spreaded on Yuri’s lips. “I knew it!”

“It’s about time Yoona got that love spark on her eyes. She can’t love her laptop for the rest of her life right?” Jessica said.

“Uh-huh!” Yuri agreed. “But what should we do??”  Yuri asked. Jessica shut for a second before answerin with a teasing smile.


“Just standback, and let the love story begins~”

Hello! Sorry for the late update! I'll have my mid test soon (wish me luck kkk!). I'm really extremly sorry for the super late update, idk it's almost a month I haven't updated. Anyway, as I said on the subscriber feed, I will go on a semi hiatus on this story. I hope some of you willing to wait for my update. Well, I hope you enjoy the chapter. And I'm sorry for my typos and gramatical error. Thank you! -huskylover
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[[20/9/2014]] This story is currently on semi hiatus. Thank you


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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 8: -blockers XD !!!
I'll be waiting till you update.
We all saw the spark between them *_____*

Btw good luck with school and everything ^^
Chapter 8: And yulsic should help yoona realize her feelings. Keke
Chapter 8: Awww... This is soooooo cute and sweet. The two is too unware still with their feelings.

Aigoo yoonhyun so innocent. I super love them :)

Thanks for the update ^.~
Chapter 8: waooowwww, they so close each other even Seohyun lean her head in Yoona shoulder & cuddle her also sing a lullaby
Chapter 7: Mr Seo like comfortable tell Seohyun little story to Yoona, wonder every activity is first timd to Seohyun
Chapter 7: Dang. When will Seohyun realize her feelings? Lol

Thanks for the update
YulSicSLTTR #7
Chapter 7: I will keep saying this ...... I love them *---*
Glad you updated:)
Chapter 6: Did u update? Or what?
Chapter 6: it Mr Seo sound, like give a warn or say thank to Yoona being friend of his daugther