¤[Chapter 4]¤

The Hacker, The Nerd, And Their Story


Day by day have passed. Weeks and weeks had passed to quickly for them.The two grew even closer each day. Yoona knew Seohyun even better and vice versa. Not to mention a special feeling grew filling the tiny space in Seohyun’s heart. And it’s a new for Seohyun.

Every time Seohyun met Yoona, her heart seemed to beat faster. Every time Seohyun saw Yoona’s smile, she cannot fight the urge to smile also. Every time Seohyun heard Yoona’s voice, it felt like listening to her favourite song, calming and adicting. Every time Yoona held Seohyun’s hand or huged Seohyun, Seohyun would felt like she’s the happiest thing alive. Every single little thing that Yoona did made Seohyun’s day.

Today was Wednesday, you could say it’s the day when Yoona and Seohyun got the most free time together. They always agreed to meet in the library after classes in particular hour, just as plan that made by both Yoona and Seohyun. If not in the library, they would met up in the front gate if they had the same morning class together. Since they had different major, only some of the subject that they have in the same class, but it doesn’t matter to them.

And today, sharp before luch, Seohyun already in the library, waiting for a certain doe eye. As usual Yoona ran late about 2 minutes, so yeah you can’t call that late.


-Seohyun’s POV-


“Hyunnie!” Yeah right, she already made a nickname for me, which is great. I don’t have to turned my head to see who is it, but I did so I can flash my smile and also… see her smile. Her sweet sweet sweet aligator smile that make my heart skipped. This feeling is new yet un-ignore able, I don’t even know if that’s a word. Well yeah, this thing made you crazy for sure. But I’m still questioning myself… what is this?

Was it because she’s my first friend? A real one? Not fake? The first one? Was it? Or was it not? But thinking the logical way, this feeling was because she made me feel special, she made me not a lonely girl anymore. She’s beeing a good friend. Yeah, good friend. She must be just a friend! The best one indeed.

“Unnie!” I greeted her, just as cheerful as she was. I came to her with an arms open, welcoming her for a brief hug. We broke the hug and smiled at each other, “Shall we go?” I asked playuly, grinning ears to ears. My action seems to amuse her since she pinched both of my cheek before noddind.

“Yeah, burger again?” she asked while playfuly raised her eyebrows.

“Yah!” I half-shouted, slapping her arm slightly.

“Kidding, kidding… I will die right?” she chuckled and pulled me lightly in the arm. Yeah, she already knew that I don’t really into junk food and prefer healthier food. And luckily, she eat everything that she saw with her eyes, so it’s not really a problem.

We held hands and walked together to the chosen restaurant. And yeah, we held hands, she used to do it since the first time and yes… I have nothing against it. We enter the restaurant and ordered our food, got a seat, ate the food. Yes, that simple.

“Hyunnie…” she called. I stoped from my meal and looked up to her, expecting another words from her. “Do you want to come over to my appartement?” she asked out of the blue. Well, this is just one thing I like from her, as a friend. She seems like never run out of topic, she can always find the most random topic to talk about, and that’s  cool.

“Huh? Why? I mean.. I loved to, but why now?” I asked completely confused. She smiled to me with her bright aligator smile while her hand palying with the noodle she ordered.

“Remember the first time we ate together? After that you seems pretty determinated to go to my appartement. Plus today Yuri’s at home. So… why not?” she answered innocently, taking a mouthfull of her noodle after that. I couldn’t help it but to smile and nodded.

“Okay,” I stated shortly. I finished my soup fast, faster than usual since I felt exited about coming to her house. She noticed me and started gigling by herself, I looked up and glared at her playfuly. She threw both of her arms in the air innocently as the reply. Eventualy, I gigled along. Surprisingly, she finished first, leaving me behind with a couple of spoons left. That shikshin, she ate faster than a gorilla.




“Kkab Yul! Where are you?” Yoona shouted carelessly from her door as she threw her card key to the table. While Seohyun stood awkwardly behind her Unnie, trying to open her shoes as quiet and as fast as she can. She couldn’t help it but to felt nervous all over again. Meeting new people always been hard for her, even though Yoona said it won’t be a problem since Yuri is outgoing.

Not getting answer from her roomate, Yoona rushed in and peeked her head just to found her roomate was snacking on her favourite snack. So that’s why Yuri didn’t answer Yoona erlier. Yoona was about to interdoucing Seohyun to her roomate, but her mind changed immediately once she knew that her favourite snack was snatched away.

“Yah!” Yoona shouted once again, it’s startled both Yuri and Seohyun. Seohyun was shocked due to Yoona’s sudden loud voice, she never heard it before. The Yoona she knew never actualy shout, yes she’s kinda loud, but she never shout. While Yuri was rather afraid, she knew how much Yoona treasure this kind of snacks, and snatched ot away wasn’t a good idea.


“Give me some of that,” Yoona said after a few tense second while grinning. She lazily slumped her body in the couch and took a mouthful of the snack. Yuri huffed a relieve sigh and smack Yoona on the head playfuly.

“Yah! I thought something bad you would do to me… hey! Who’s that?” Yuri asked when she figured that there’s a petite figure behind the spot that Yoona left. Yuri flashed a charming smile to the girl that stood there with her head hung low.

“Seohyun…” Yoona answered shortly. Yuri’s mouth formed an ‘O’ shape and her head nodded, she stood up from the couch, moving closer to the latter.

“Hello! I’m Yuri, Kwon Yuri!” Yuri introduced herself with a smiling face and an arm extended to shake Seohyun’s hand. While the other one still had her head facing down, she hesitately took Yuri’s hand and mumbled her name slowly, too slow maybe. “Huh?”

“Seo Joohyun,” she repeated louder. Sure, she’s already comfortable with Yoona… but, only with Yoona. She’s still nervous to meet new people, further more, Yuri was a senior with 2 years gap. Even though Yoona already said that Yuri was cool, Seohyun couldn’t help it but to felt nervous all over again.

Yuri’s face clearly showed that she’s confused. Joohyun or Seohyun? She didn’t know. Luckily, Yoona came to the rescue. “Seohyun it’s her nickname,” Yoona explained briefly. Once again Yuri’s mouth formed an ‘O’ shape.

Yoona left her precious snack and stood beside Seohyun, she put her hand on Seohyun’s shoulder, giving a light-encouraging pat. The latter got the hint, she looked up quickly and gave a quick bow before looking down again.

“Nice to meet you Yuri-ssi….” Seohyun mumbled quietly. Yuri smiled and put her hand on Seohyun’s other shoulder, which made Seohyun more nervous.

“Hey… hey… relax okay? Call me Unnie,” Yuri said as she patted the youngest’s back. But only because of Yoona’s soft squeeze on her shoulder, Seohyun’s shoulder dropped down. She braved herself to look up and met Yuri’s brown orbs.

“Okay…” Seohyun said slowly with a small smile. Unknowingly, Yoona smiled too, maybe she felt proud of Seohyun that can over her shyness even though she’s not helping at all. But who cares… she’s happy, they’re happy.

“Now, let’s go to my room… Yuri, say my hi for Jessica Unnie,” Yoona said as she walked lazily towards her room, leaving Seohyun dumbfounded and confused what to do. Seohyun snapped to reality when she felt a tap on her shoulder, when she turned around, she found a smiling Yuri.

“Go with her to her room silly! And don’t be surprised once you’re in it,” Yuri giggled and winked to the younger one. Again, Seohyun was left dumbfounded by Yuri. Yuri got back to her previous spot and finished off Yoona’s snack. Seohyun turned her head to her side and found Yoona smiling to her, she shifted her gaze back to Yuri, definitely confused.

Seohyun still dozed there for a good 2 seconds after that, finally she blinked once and proceed to Yoona’s position. She smiled to Yoona, excited to go to the older’s room, but she’s also curious. What did Yuri mean? Don’t get surprised? What?

Just like she’s seeing through Seohyun’s mind, Yoona giggled. “Ignore what Yul said. Come on!” She pushed the door as Seohyun nodded. But once she enetered. agape slightly, the word shock clearly written in her face.




Cables everywhere…


Seohyun’s eyes landed on a pile of cables at the side of Yoona’s desk. Then her eyes landed on another thing on Yoona’s bookshelf. A weird pyramid thing… with a small blue light beeping on it. Seohyun never saw that before in her life… so she squinted her eyes more in confusion. Yoona.. she seemed to understood Seohyun’s confusion and giggled lightly.

“That thing is a WiFi receptor… it makes the connection a lot more faster,” Yoona explained as she tapped on Seohyun’s shoulder. The latter jolted from her position due to the tap and Yoona’s voice that suddenly explained her curiosity. She looked at Yoona blankly for a second before blinking back to reality.

“Uh.. yes.. I mean, what? Huh?” Seohyun earned the second giggle for the day. She looked down and blushed slightly due to her embarrassment.

“You dozed off pretty often since we got to my place,” Yoona commented as she sat down on her bed, gesturing Seohyun to sit down with her to. The atmosphere seemed awkward for Seohyun, but not for Yoona, she still had those alligator smile painted across her beautiful feature. Once the younger sat on the bed, Yoona continued, “So… you like my place?”

This time, Seohyun looked up with a smile and nodded happily. “Yeah, it’s nice and cozy here,” Seohyun complimeted it. She tossed her glance around, studying Yoona’s room more, then she jumped lightly on the bed, feeling the soft matress against her body, “And I love your bed!” she exclaimed.

Yoona’s smile grew wider because Seohyun’s statement, with a grin she grabbed Seohyun’s upper arm and pulled her down to the bed as she slammed her body across the matress. Of course that acrtion made Seohyun surprised, her body stiffen almost immediately after the pull, but her state buzzed off when she heard a giggling voice beside her, Seohyun turned her head just to watch laughing Yoona.

“You really are an easy target!” Yoona laughed it of and earned a soft slap on the shoulder. Instead of slapping back Yoona pulled Seohyun’s arm again and hugged it tightly, leaning her head on the younger’s shoulder. “If you love my bed, you gotta sleep in it at least once… believe me, the best bed ever!” Yoona exclaimed, and this time she earned a chuckle. Yoona nuzzled her face more to the younger’s shoulder, sending light shiver to Seohyun’s spine. “By the way, I’m sleepy, let me sleep for a moment,” she mumbled against Seohyun’s shoulder.

Seohyun, the girl that once tense because of the skinship, loosed up and smiled. She turned to her side again, placin her hand on Yoona’s shoulder and tapped it lightly, while Yoona snuggles to her more in a cute way.

“Just sleep if you want to… but you don’t have to hug my arm like that,” Seohyun chuckled depesite her heart was beating slightly faster than usual. But Yoona didn’t let go her arm, instead she hug it tighter and shook her head.

“Nooooo, I want to have an arm pillow~ You should sleepover here sometime… you’re arm is comfy,” Yoona said with a pinch of her aegyo voice. All that Seohyun could did was only sighing and nodding her head, giving up to the older’s aegyo.

“Fine fine… nice dream,” Seohyun said as she shifted her position slightly, making Yoona’s head dropped more prefectly on her shoulder. Yoona grined at her own success, she closed her eyes and ready for some brief nap.

While Seohyun in the other hand, tried to control her heartbeat, shae wanted to be calm, and she did. She let out a soft sigh once she done that, her head turned into her left wich was where sleeping Yoona was and smiled. She looked again to the ceiling and close her eyes, enjoying the silence.

Usualy, silence means lonely for Seohyun, but not now. This silence is calming. Without her realising, she already dozed of to the dream land.


Im Yoona… what have you done to me?





[A/N]: Hello~ Thank you for reading the update and thank you for all of you that subscribe, comment and upvote, you're loved <3 By the way, I forgot to tell you that the studying system here is similar to Canadian (Vancouver)'s since I don't know how the study system at korea. Anyway, I'm sorry for my typos and gramatical errors, I hope you enjoy the story :) Thanks. -huskylover

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[[20/9/2014]] This story is currently on semi hiatus. Thank you


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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 8: -blockers XD !!!
I'll be waiting till you update.
We all saw the spark between them *_____*

Btw good luck with school and everything ^^
Chapter 8: And yulsic should help yoona realize her feelings. Keke
Chapter 8: Awww... This is soooooo cute and sweet. The two is too unware still with their feelings.

Aigoo yoonhyun so innocent. I super love them :)

Thanks for the update ^.~
Chapter 8: waooowwww, they so close each other even Seohyun lean her head in Yoona shoulder & cuddle her also sing a lullaby
Chapter 7: Mr Seo like comfortable tell Seohyun little story to Yoona, wonder every activity is first timd to Seohyun
Chapter 7: Dang. When will Seohyun realize her feelings? Lol

Thanks for the update
YulSicSLTTR #7
Chapter 7: I will keep saying this ...... I love them *---*
Glad you updated:)
Chapter 6: Did u update? Or what?
Chapter 6: it Mr Seo sound, like give a warn or say thank to Yoona being friend of his daugther