¤[Chapter 6]¤

The Hacker, The Nerd, And Their Story


Holiday finaly came. Happy? Of course. Who in the world that doesn’t like holiday? Free time. No work. No school. No . Yep. Everyone liked it. Some already have gone for a trip. Some still waiting for their trip date to come. While other? Maybe just lazing arround was a good option too.


The last option was choosen by the one and only Im Yoona. She laid back on her bed, rolling side to side occasionaly and do nothing at all. But she enjoying it. Actualy, she already have some schedule on her holidays. One of them will happen tomorrow. She, Yuri and Jessica already promised to go for swimming together remembering it’s summer. But today? Nah, she got no plan.

Out of nowhere, she suddenly missed someone. Someone that younger than her. Someone that smarter than her. Someone that made her happy for the past few months. Yep, she’s no other than Seo Joohyun.

Lazily mixed with excitedly, Yoona rolled and took her phone. She texted with a grin in her face before putted the phone back down and waited for the reply.


Hyunnie… I miss you D: [[From: Yoona Unnie | To: Hyunnie]]


It doesn’t take long for Seohyun to reply.


We texted all day yesterday Unnie [[From: Hyunnie | To:Yoona Unnie]]


Yeah… but I want to see you in person D: Don’t you miss me too? [[From: Yoona Unnie | To: Hyunnie]]


Sure I miss you too kkk :p okay, okay. Let’s meet up? [[From: Hyunnie | To:Yoona Unnie]]


HURRAY! I’ll meet you on the school gate. Don’t you dare to not show up [[From: Yoona Unnie | To: Hyunnie]]


Kay~ I’ll meet you there :D  [[From: Hyunnie | To:Yoona Unnie]


Seohyun’s reply left unread since Yoona dashed off immediately after she sent the text. She changed in the blink of an eye and sprint off. Lucky for her Yuri was on a date with Jessica, if not… she will get laughed.




“Yo Hyunnie!” Yoona shouted when she saw a glimps of familiar shadow. Happily she jogged to the direction and find Seohyun walkin calmly with a smile on her face. Wasting no more time, Yoona pulled Seohyun in a tight hug once she’s on the reach. “I miss you~”

Seohyun smilled upon Yoona’s word, automaticly, she wrapped her arms arround the older one, “Hello Unnie.” The hug doesn’t last long, after it broke Seohyun spoke up again. “So… what should we do now?”

“Oh yeah… Haven’t thought of that,” Yoona grinned while scratching her nape. But then her face changed, her grin grew wider, her eyes sparked millions twinkle. “Let’s go to your house!” Yoona exclaimed happily and suddenly, catching Seohyun off guard slightly.

“Eh… oh Okay.”

Just by that, her two arms were yanked by a half running Yoona. “Woah woah slow down!” Seohyun yelped since she’s litterly dragged by the doe eyes. Yoona stopped immediately and gave a quick appology. “Jeez, what up with you today?” Seohyun asked, totally confused by Yoona’s sudden high spirit.

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s because yesterday I did nothing and the energy build up.” Yoona answered randomly, making Seohyun to giggled.

Finaly, Yoona got calm and they can walked to Seohyun’s house without problem. Even though Yoona had seen Seohyun’s house from the outside, she can’t help it but to admire how big it is all over again.

“Whoa Hyun, your house is huge…” Yoona stated once she entered the gate. She kept on mumbling random stuff she saw on the garden, while the younger one just watched silently and giggled sometimes. But Seohyun’s face changed when she saw a car in the carport and it’s owner.


“Dad!” Seohyun shouted, making the car’s owner jolted. But once he saw that it’s her little baby girl, he smiled warmly. Seohyun approached her dad quickly, leaving Yoona dumbfounded. “How’ve you been, Dad? I thought you’re still busy at work,” Seohyun blurted when she already arrived. Sure she felt so happy, she rarely could meet her dad.

“Hahaha, I just want to relax at home for today. By the way, I think next week we’re free, including your mom, shall we go for a quick vacation?” Mr.Seo asked and got a quick nod for the answer. “And…. Whose that?” he asked while giving an eye sign to Yoona, Seohyun looked to Yoona and back to her dad and smiled.

“She’s Yoona,” Seohyun paused and turned to Yoona. Her hand giving a signal for her to come, so she did. Yoona approached them with a smile on her face. “Dad, this is Yoona Unnie, Unnie, this is my Dad,” Seohyun interdouced quickly the two strangers, Yoona didn’t forget to gave a bow to the oldest one.

“And who are you to Seohyun?” Mr.Seo asked to Yoona. Getting the hint, Yoona answered immediately.

“I’m her friend Mr.Seo,” she answered politely.

Hearing that, Mr.Seo’s warm smile turned wider. He knew that his daugther was shy. He knew that his daugther was hard to socialize. And never in his live Seohyun had brought a friend to their house. Plus, seeing the smile on Seohyun’s face… it’s unexplainable.

“Call me Uncle Seo or just Uncle is fine. Now, you two have fun okay. I’ll be in the backyard if you need me,” Mr.Seo walked off, not forgetting to gave his fartherly smile and hug for Seohyun.

“Wow… You’re farther is handsome, no wonder the daughter is beautiful,” Yoona said after Mr.Seo was gone from their sight. Again, she received a slap from Seohyun in the shoulder. “Okay okay… Anyway, I’ve been wondering, why you went to the library on the first place when you’re house definitely have a library in it?”

After hearing Yoona’s question, Seohyun stayed mum for a while before answering, “Because… I hate it when I’m alone. And yes, I own one mini library at home but still, I’m alone. When I’m at the college’s library, at least there’s the library keeper to keep me company even though just… yeah,” Seohyun answered quite longly. Yoona hummed and nodded.

“But you’re not alone anymore.”

“Yeah… Thanks to you,” Seohyun said, they both giggled at the same time before pulling eachother to a brief hug. “Actualy, either You or me had to be thankful that I came to the library that day, if not, we will never meet,” Seohyun joked.

“That… would be a nightmare,” Yoona returned the joke.

They started to tour arround the house. On the entire tour, Yoona’s mouth constantly agape. Her mind right now was contaminated by Seohyun’s house.

Seohyun’s house itself wasn’t that wow. It just a simple big house with a big backyard. The design is classic with the mix of soft colors. Some cool features like piano and fish pond could be spotted in the house. It’s just… clasic. But clasic is a thing in Seohyun’s house that Yoona admire too.


“Woah, Hyunnie… Your house is awsome,” Yoona said immediately when they arrived on Seohyun’s room on the second floor. Seohyun’s room still simple and neat that gone well with the rest of the design of the house. A twin sized bed in the midle along with two nightstands on the side. A desk that full of things but still organized neatly. And a closet, along with other small features. It aslo had a linked bathroom, unlike Yoona’s room. “You’re room too,” she added.

“Thank you,” Seohyun replied the compliment and sat on her bed, soon to join was Yoona. “Anyway… it’s still 11 am and we got nothing to do, so… what to do?” Yoona shrugged her shoulder.

As she run her fingers trough Seohyun’s book collection she mumbled, “You read all of this?” Seohyun nodded her head.

“Yeah, I like to read.” Yoona turnned her head to Seohyun and nodded also.

“Hey… I think I spot a piano here. You can play piano too?” Yoona asked, again Seohyun nodded her head. “Uwooh, play a song for me!” Yoona pleaded with aegyo, making Seohyun had no power to refuse.

They walked together to the piano. Seohyun sat on the chair and Yoona sat beside her. “What song?”

“I don’t know, I’m no musical genius,” Yoona stated. Seohyun rolled her eyes playfuly before shifting in her seat, trying to find a more comfortable spot.

“Let’s just play the clasic music,” Seohyun stated before stood up and take a partitur in her hand and got back. She focused her gaze on the paper infront of her. After taking a deep breath, her fingers started to dance above the piano keys. Her movement was gentle yet powerful, pressing each tune in a sycn. The rhythm and the melody that mixed well will sooth everone who hear it, not excluding Yoona.

Once again, Yoona’s mouth agape in ammusment. But she closed it immediatley and enjoyed the melody with eyes closed. Without even she realized it, her head already rested on Seohyun’s back. The younger one blushed slightly when she felt a sudden warmth on her back, but she continued her play anyway.

Day by day, Seohyun’s feeling grew more confusing for her. Yeah… she loves Yoona… verry much indeed. But in what way? In a friendship way? Or more than that? Seohyun didn’t know. Many nights that spent by thinking and she still can’t figured out the answer. But oh well… sometimes things better left untold.

Just after the song ended Seohyun called Yoona softly, making the older one jolted from her own thoughts and grinned shyly. “Sorry… you’re just to good.Where did you learn that?”

“Well… I used to have piano lessons, but now I’m otodidak,” Seohyun explained. Yoona hummed again, she turned her gaze to the piano keys and pressed it randomly.

“I wish I could play piano too…” Yoona pouted, making Seohyun laughed slightly.

“Well… I can teach you the basic this summer. Any schedule for the summer?”

“I got plan tomorrow, swimming with Yuri Unnie… wait…. Why don’t you come with us?” Yoona exclaimed suddenly for the second time of the day. “Come on! It’ll be fun,” Yoona tried her best to presuade the younger one.

“Uhm… okay, where?” Seohyun asked hesitately about the too-sudden plan that Yoona made. The words making Yoona silence immediately, maybe she’s thinking.

“Fine I forgot.”

“Unnie!” Seohyun whined. That girl made the plan but forgot the destination. How stupid?

“Then just go to my place, have a sleepover. So when the morning come, we just need to follow Yuri. Wolla~ plan re-made,” Yoona ended with a proud smile. Making a good plan in 2 seconds was definitely something to proud off.

But for Seohyun, it’s rather confusing and too sudden. But she liked it though. “Well… I gotta ask my dad first,” Seohyun said.

“Then… let’s go!” Yoona stood up and helped the latter to stood up also. After the two were ready, they walked together to the backyard led by Seohyun.


“Dad! Can I sleepover at Yoona Unnie’s place?” Seohyun asked when they’re arrived. Mr.Seo that causaly leaned to his chair and enjoying a cup of coffe turned to his daughter.

“Of course! Why not? Just make sure you behave okay,” Mr.Seo simply answered, bringing a bright smile for Yoona. But Seohyun’s face was slightly different, it shows happiness and confuseness.

“Really… I mean this is my first time to sleepover at someone else’s house. I thought the reaction would be different or something. Or should I just stop talking?” Seohyun shut immediately after realising that what she said were awkward.

While Mr.Seo just smiled and nodded, “Have fun!”

“Thanks dad!” Seohyun said before hugging her father breifly and walked with Yoona.


“Wow… your dad is so free,” Yoona commented when they climbed the stairs.

“Yeah. I’m surprised also, it’s actualy my first time asking that you know?”

“Oh really?”


Yoona smiled, feeling special somehow. They still walked together until they reached Seohyun’s room. When Yoona wanted to enter the room, Seohyun blocked her with the door immediately. Automaticly, Yoona tried to pushed the door with her eyes widen.

“No! Don’t!” Seohyun half-shouted through the half closed door.

“Why???” Yoona asked definitely confused.

“Because… You know… I have to pack my undergarments…” Then her face turned red immediately. Because off that Yoona’s hold in the door broke off immediately due to her explosive laughters. She never thought that Seohyun was this innocent, she found it extremly cute.

Seohyun took the chance to shut the door close immediately. Sure her face turns more red because Yoona’s laugh. She packed her things with a fast pace.

“Hey! Don’t forgot to bring your swimwear and laptop just in case!” Seohyun could heard Yoona’s shout, so she did. She took her laptop and place it in her laptop bag, then she searched for her swimwear.

While Seohyun’s busy with packing things, Yoona took the opportunity to stroll arround the house. She went everywhere that her feet took her, she doesn’t even care where she’s going, as long as it’s still at Seohyun’s house. She just stopped when she heard someone called her name.


“Yoona… Come here.”



Hello! Sorry for the late update and the short chapter D: my school just started and I'm not used to it kkk. Thank you for all of you that subscribe, upvote and comment, big love for all of you! Any way sorry for my gramatical errors and typos, I hope you enjoy the chapter~







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[[20/9/2014]] This story is currently on semi hiatus. Thank you


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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 8: -blockers XD !!!
I'll be waiting till you update.
We all saw the spark between them *_____*

Btw good luck with school and everything ^^
Chapter 8: And yulsic should help yoona realize her feelings. Keke
Chapter 8: Awww... This is soooooo cute and sweet. The two is too unware still with their feelings.

Aigoo yoonhyun so innocent. I super love them :)

Thanks for the update ^.~
Chapter 8: waooowwww, they so close each other even Seohyun lean her head in Yoona shoulder & cuddle her also sing a lullaby
Chapter 7: Mr Seo like comfortable tell Seohyun little story to Yoona, wonder every activity is first timd to Seohyun
Chapter 7: Dang. When will Seohyun realize her feelings? Lol

Thanks for the update
YulSicSLTTR #7
Chapter 7: I will keep saying this ...... I love them *---*
Glad you updated:)
Chapter 6: Did u update? Or what?
Chapter 6: it Mr Seo sound, like give a warn or say thank to Yoona being friend of his daugther