¤[Chapter 2]¤

The Hacker, The Nerd, And Their Story

It was early in the morning, a few sounds of bird chirping can be heard despite to the still less crowded road. And there was a girl, she’s walking happily to her college gate. The college area was slightly busier than the road, many students already roaming around the college yard. And a certain doe eye just walked in.


-Yoona’s POV-


Monday… basically the worst day ever, well who wouldn’t say that. I know you all agree with me, Monday…. The kill joy. But today was different. I didn’t know why, but my instings told me that today would be good, and yeah, I’m the kind that follow my heart.

I walked pass the yard and entered the building. Nothing much to say, it’s just a simple college building without fancy accessories. But yeah, it’s quiet big, even myself could get lost in it. Stairs, stairs and stairs… long way to go until I finally reached the floor where my class took place. It’s still early in the morning, so I don’t really have to rush anyway, so I took slow steps.

And guess what? Today is mu lucky day, because I caught two glimps of familiar figure infront of me. “Minhyuk-ssi, Jungshin-ssi,” I called it out loud. The two men turned their head and saw me with a smile plastered in their face. They’re my senior, but they’re really nice and apparently they’re my customer too.

“Oo Yoona, there you are,” Minhyuk said, they both approached me.

I smiled at them and brought out the flashdisk that I kept on my pocket. “Hi! Here’s your game data, I put in some cheats to,” a huge grin appeared in their face once I said cheats. Haha, gamer always like that.

“Whoaa… you’re great. Thanks a lot,” Jungshin commented. He snatched the flashdisk and brought it in front of her face. He kept on mumbling things incorrectly, me and Minhyuk just chuckled at his action. “And drop the honorifics Yoona… We will be your loyal customer if this one is good,” he continued.

I  nodded her head several times lightly, “Ne sun- I mean oppa. See you later!” I said after I checked her watch, I turned my heels to her class direction. After two to three steps, I turned aroun again, “ Oh and for the price… you can pay it later.” Yeah, price… I wasn’t do this for free, I can do it for free, but Minhyuk and Jungshin oppa already promised to pay me and I took a promise quiet seriously. And for Minhyuk and Jungshin, money is not a thing for them, as long as they can play the game, not to mention they came from a wealthy family.

“Uhm.. Okay,” Minhyuk replied shortly before walking with Jonghyun.

A smile appeared in my face, knowing that I will have a loyal customer. Keke, I’m soo good at this thing. I skiped happily to my class, the class it’s still rather empty. Just with some students having a litlle chat or some boys playing mini ball match with crumbled paper.

But my eyes caught something more interesting. A girl, familiar girl to be exact, sitting on the corner back of the class, reading something. It’s her! A wider smile appeared in my face once again. I quickly walked towards her and sat on the chair beside her, to abrubtly maybe, since she jumped lightly from her seat.

She looked at me with wide eyes, guess she still shicked by my appreance. But actualy it’s me that more surprised to see her here. Come on it’s been a half of semester and I just noticed it now that I haave the same class with her in moday morning? Quiet unbelieveable my sense to notice something or her skills to blend with the corner.

“Hi!” I greeted her happily with a grin, a little to happy maybe.

She gave me a small shy smile, “Hi,” she said slowly. Still shy I guess. We stayed like that for a few minutes, none of us wanted to talk or do anything else. She just stayed calm and reah her book… self improvement book to be exact. And I’m just warched her silently. If I talk now, it can be awkward, but oh well it’s awkward enough, but what should I talked about.

Gratefuly the profesor came at the right time. Everybody was busy to got back to their seat, a loud sounds of books bumped at the table can be heard in the class. Me aswell grabbed my textbook and placed it gently in the desk.

“Thanks again for yesterday,” I whispered at her ear right before the profesor started to talk, so she can’t reply me. But I can saw it at the corner of my eyes, she’s blushing slightly. Man… she’s so shy.

“Okay! Let me check who’s abcent here,” the profesor or should I call Dr.Kim spoke. It his custom to called the students’ name before he start the leason. He started to called name one by one and greeted by a hand raised signing that he/she is there. I raised my hand when I heard my name was called, he nodded and starts to call for other name.

“Seo Joohyun,” wait….. who’s that? I don’t remember having a class mate named Seo Joohyun, neither in my other class. Who is she/he. I threw glances to the class, curious who is that Seo Joohyun. And for my surprise, Seohyun raised her hand.

Wait… Joohyun and Seohyun, just same at the hyun part. Well, it’s quiet make sense, remembering that the sure name was Seo. But why she told me her name was Seohyun two days ago.

I turned my head and looked at her quizzicaly. She noticed my glance and giggled slightly. She scootched closer to me, “Seohyun is my nickname, I’m more comfortable if people calling me by that name,” she whispered quietly, not wanting the Dr.Kim to know that we talked to eachother. She pulled away and smiled at me, I smiled back at her and nodded.

The class started, I payed my anttention fully to the profesor, unoticed that the girl beside me already put on her spectacles. After awhile, finally I noticed her.

“Didn’t know you wear spectacles,” I whispered. She stunned a bit by my sudden voice.

“I wear it when I’m studying,” she answered me. My mind started recalling last Saturday, I don’t remember her wearing spectacles, oh well maybe it’s just because of me to serious at cracking.

I knew she’s not the type of people that want to chat when the teacher was explaining something, I could tell by her serious expresion and her hand was keep on writing and writing. I kept mum and followed her, and focusing on the board.

The class finally ended, I grab my bag and placed it on top of the table, waiting for my new friend here. Thankfully, I have no class until after lunch, and after lunch I will have a chemistry class. And that’s it for my Monday schedule, I don’t really pack many stuff at Monday since I’m still at lazy mode.

She’s done with her bag and already carried it at her side, she looked at me confusely. I gestured her with my head to go outside, I tailed her at behind as she made her way out from the class. We started to walked aimlessly, well for me it is, but I don’t know if Seohyun already have destination at her mind.

I’m still tailing her from behind, actually pondering about nothing. I don’t even know we stopped infront of a classroom. I looked up and found her face looking at me.

“Huh?” I said confusely. She giggled again.

“Do we have the same class again?” she asked.

“Huh?” I said again, still don’t get what happening right now. She giggled at me again.

“I’m taking this class, are you?”

Finally I knew what we’re talking about. I shooked my head and blushed in emberasement. She giggled.. again. What’s so funny eish. “Uhm.. okay, I should be going, see you some time,” I said and turned around.

“Wait!” she called, I turned around and saw her walking towards me. I nodded, signing that she can talk again. “Uhm.. are you free for lunch?” She said while scraping her neck, Somehow, I found it cute.

“No, why?” I said with a smile. I predicted for her to asked me for a luch, well that’s a normal thing to ask right?

“Can we go for a lunch together?” Bingo. “My treat,” she said again with a smile. Not to shy again eehh? I chuckled for my own words at my heart. I nodded at her and smiled widely.

“Sure, see you at?” I asked.

“Cafetaria at 12:30, what do you say?” she asked, getting more confident at the time.

“Deal! See you,” I said and waved her a goodbye. Keeping those sweet smile, she waved back at me.

Lunch with Seohyun at 12:30 got it, I noted down it at my head and dashed outside, taking the shortest road to get to my appartement. Well today it’s quiet my lucky day, my instings didn’t let me down this time haha. I slowed down my pace when I entered my apartement area. I opened the door and got to the lift.

Sliding key card, check, shoes, off, key card, already on the table. After done doing the routine, I noticed that there’s an extra shoes at our front door. Well I don’t surprise if Yuri it’s still here, same for me, Yuri also doesn’t pack her Monday schedule densely. I took a quick glance at the living room. Ah.. as guessed, Sica-Unnie.

Sica-Unnie or Jessica Jung or Jung Sooyeon is.. well Yuri’s girlfriend. Yep, Kwon Yuri is a gay and I’m living with a gay. But I don’t care though, beside she and Jessica Unnie were really nice.

“Hello~” I announced happily, both Jessica Unnie and Yuri looked at me and smiled. Oh yeah, if you wonder why I called Jessica Unnie even though she’s at the same age with Yuri and not Yuri, it’s because I’m not really close yet to Jessica Unnie and Yuri sometimes doesn’t act like an Unnie.

Jessica-Unnie, who was leaning comfortably in Yuri’s shoulder greeted me first, “Hello Yoong,” she said. While Yuri just shifted her gaze back at the TV and nodded. I faked a pout at Yuri, Jessica-Unnie noticed me and chuckled lightly, and Yuri neglected me.

“Yah!” I whined playfuly, using my aegyo voice. Jessica giggled more at my action. While Yuri looked at me again with a raised eyebrows. Hmm.. pretending innocent huh? “Don’t ignore me,” I whined again. Yuri gave me a sarcastic chuckle.

“Just go to your new friend,” Yuri said, faking a cold tone. Yep, she knew it, somehow she knew that I met Seohyun again today.

Again, I faked a scoff, “Why can’t you be more sweet like Sica-Unnie?” I said and took a sit beside Jessica-Unnie and pealed her off from Yuri, snatching her girlfriend away. Yuri looked like offended by my action, but we both knew it’s okay, while Jessica just chuckled at our litlle bickering sesion.

“Wait, you got a new friend?” Jessica asked. Same late reaction as ever. I smiled and nodded, ignoring Yuri. Haha revenge. “Well, congrats!” she said again and patted me on the back. I smiled again.

 “Thank you~”  I hugged her, and pulled away quickly. I stuck my tongue out at Yuri which is greeted by a fist that was playfuly lifted up in front of my face. We three laughed, enjoying the moment. It’s mostly like this when we three was combined, me and Yuri were free spirited, while Jessica-Unnie just don’t care too much. “And by the way, I’m going out for lunch.”

Yuri and Jessica-Unnie nodded, then Yuri circled Jessica-Unnie’s waist with one arm, pulling her to a side hug. I guess she just snatching Jessica-Unnie away from me again. “I think you’ll be alone here later, it’s okay?” she asked more to Sica-Unnie.

Jessica nodded her head. Yeah, sometimes Jessica-Unnie stayed at our placed, she said she loved it very much and of course me and Yuri don’t have any problem with that. “Where will you go any way?” Jessica asked me.

“Cafetaria, with Seohyun,” I answered shortly.

“Seohyun? Who’s that?”

“The girl.”

“The new friend?” Yuri asked with a glint of playful jealousy in her tone. Yuri pouted and received a light pinch in the cheek from Jessica. I nodded at Yuri. “Then go. Shoo shoo,” she said with a hand motion. I laughed at her childish act, see what I told you? Yuri doesn’t behave like an Unnie at all. But oh well, that’s maybe one of the factor I can be close to Yuri.

“Fine,” I said firmly and got up. Yuri looked panick instantly at the tone that I use.

“Wait, I’m just joking!” She said as she jumped down and hugged my leg. “Don’t go.” Her arms and legs already circled at my leg, making her clings like a koala. I shook my leg, but useless, she’s not going anywhere.

“Sica-Unnie~,” I whined. Jessica picked up my message and smiled. Well she used to this childish situation.

“Seobang-ah. Why you hug Yoona’s legs but not me?” Jessica pouted, and used her aegyo voice. Oh here is it, the ice princess going to aegyo for her seobang. “You love her legs more than me?” she pouted even more. I laughed immedietaly  when Yuri got up from my leg just as fast as flash and jumped to Jessica’s lap, hugging her tightly.

“Nooo~ it’s not like that Sica,” Yuri said as she flipped their body, so now Jessica was on Yuri’s laps. A soft kiss planted on Jessica’s forehead, before on the nose, the cheek and finally the…

Well okay, I’ve been completely ignored by them, so I decided to left them and gave them privacy. I went to my room, my sweet room. I flew well, jumped to my bed, rolling side to side. Feeling bored, I lied on my stomach and opened my laptop infront of my face.

After checking my notepad file, the file that I use to store my request, it turns out that I’ve already finished all of my request. So I checked my email and got nothing to. I sighed, and puffed my cheek, but then I got an idea.

With my aligator smile, I typed Seo Joohyun at the web. And for my surprise, there was clearly that she don’t have any social media accounts, I only found her data on the college web.

Well, maybe people thought it was weird to check people’s data online instead of asking it directly. Honestly, I’m doing this for fun only, besides, will it be more pleasing if I know some of her information so I can behave well?

Woah, she’s younger than me for one year? I was slightly don’t believe it, she looked mature and taller than me, I thought she’s older or at least at the same age. But appreantly she’s younger by one year.

I continued checking on her data while waiting for our lunch appoitment.





I am done with my preparation 15 minutes before the appoitment time. Well, it’s actually just the right time. I walked out from my room and find Sica-Unnie sleeping peacefully alone. Well, I guess Yuri left already.

I stiffled my laugh when covering Jessica’s body with a blanket. We always prepare a blanket at th living room just in case Jessica fell asleep like this.

Finally, I walked to the college with a smile in my face.




-Seohyun’s POV-


I watched her back as she made her way out from here. The smile that in my face got wider since she agreed to have lunch with me. I waited until her figure vanished behind the corner before turning my heels back to the class.

As soon as I entered the class, I took my usual place. Yep, you guess it right, at the corner back of the class. Even though is phatetic and my vision is actualy blocking due to the un-mannered students, I just can’t change my seat, it’s like I’ve been destined to sit there. And what made it worst is, no one had actually sat beside me except Yoona.

Forever Alone? Maybe hahaha. I gave a bitter chuckled for my own statement.

The class started after a while. And for the first time, my mind wasn’t really focusing on the board even though I knew I must. My mind was actually mingeled far far away, well not really far. I was thinking about my lunch later.

Will she like me?

Will I could hold on a good conversation?

What if she doesn’t like me?

Ugh, I got frustated by my own mind. I scolded myself for that and focused on the profesor. And a smile that rarely spotted appreared in my face.


Im Yoona, let’s be friend



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[[20/9/2014]] This story is currently on semi hiatus. Thank you


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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 8: -blockers XD !!!
I'll be waiting till you update.
We all saw the spark between them *_____*

Btw good luck with school and everything ^^
Chapter 8: And yulsic should help yoona realize her feelings. Keke
Chapter 8: Awww... This is soooooo cute and sweet. The two is too unware still with their feelings.

Aigoo yoonhyun so innocent. I super love them :)

Thanks for the update ^.~
Chapter 8: waooowwww, they so close each other even Seohyun lean her head in Yoona shoulder & cuddle her also sing a lullaby
Chapter 7: Mr Seo like comfortable tell Seohyun little story to Yoona, wonder every activity is first timd to Seohyun
Chapter 7: Dang. When will Seohyun realize her feelings? Lol

Thanks for the update
YulSicSLTTR #7
Chapter 7: I will keep saying this ...... I love them *---*
Glad you updated:)
Chapter 6: Did u update? Or what?
Chapter 6: it Mr Seo sound, like give a warn or say thank to Yoona being friend of his daugther