The Kim Household

oh Mr. President!

Authors POV


After Minseok, Sehun and Kai along with his other body guards were welcomed home, they were escorted by Suho and some maids to the dining hall.

As Minseok entered the huge room, he saw his mother preparing the table with the help of other maids. It is a fact that his parents were busy with business, but they still did their first duty, and that is being Minseok´s parents. His mother always did her responsibilities as a good wife and loving mother. Minseok has always been thankful that his parents never neglected him for the sake of business.

Minseok smiled at the sight of his mother and called out to her.


“Good evening mom. I´m home”, he said as he approached his mother.

His mother looked to his direction and placed the dish she was holding before meeting her son half way. “Welcome home dear”, she said as she smiled at her son sweetly, hugged him and kissed his cheeks.

Mrs. Kim then lets go of her embrace and looked at the others who just came in along with her precious son. She smiled at them and said, “Welcome home”.

The others who came along with Minseok bowed their heads respectfully before they answered, “We´re home”.

“Dinner is almost done. Please call everyone so we could start eating”, exclaimed Mrs. Kim.


One thing about the Kim household is that everyone that is part of it is treated equally and respectfully. There is no such thing as master and servant relationship because they are a family. It is a fact that each and everyone knew their task and place in the household but Mr. and Mrs. Kim as well as their son Minseok made them feel that they were family and nothing less than that, which made them thankful to the Kim family and loyal to them.

After a few minutes, everyone was already gathered in the dinner hall. There was a huge dining table which was enough to accommodate everyone in the household. When everyone was sited they gave thanks for the food and started eating.

In the middle of their meal, Mr. Kim started the usual conversation, asking his son about school and his day.


 “How was school today son?”, Mr. Kim asked Minseok with a smile gracing his face.

Minseok looked at his father and returned the smile as he answered, “It was fine dad, thanks. How about your day at work?.

Mr. Kim let out a little laugh, “Same as usual …hmm, did anything new happened today Minseok?”. Mr. Kim had a knowing smile and everyone except Minseok laughed at the statement.


Everyone knew that Mr. Kim was teasing his son. There was almost nothing that Minseok did that his parents did not know. Minseok might now say it first, but such matters would still be opened by his parents.

Minseok then signed knowing his father already knew about the morning incident, though he had no idea how. He could only guess somebody sent a word to his dad after the event.

Sehun and Kai were silent and looked at Minseok. They were always aware that Minseok´s father knew everything that was happening to his son, but they also know that Minseok does not tell his parents about such matters because he does not want them to worry, which is why both respects Minseok´s decision and keep their mouth shut and not report about it.


“Well, l might have gotten into a little fight this morning”, Minseok said shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck. He was actually hoping his parents and the others in the household would not know and not cause them to worry for no reason.


And Minseok was right about the others worrying, because after his statement, there were loud gasp and in a second, the house or better said, mansion was sent into havoc.


“What? A fight? Are you okay Minseokie”, Onew asked, concern so evident in his soft voice.

“Who are they? Where are those bastards now?, Heechul asked with pure venom in his voice, “How dare they raise a hand on our angel? They better not cross my path because l will not show mercy”.

“Our poor Minseok, you are not hurt right?”, Narsha exclaimed.

“Yah, Sehun and Kai, what were you doing? How could you let that happen?”, Donghae said.


Everyone were talking at the same time that it was hard to understand what they were saying.  Minseok could only sign and his father then stood up and asked everyone to calm down.


“Alright, that is enough. Everybody calm down”, Mr. Kim said with his firm voice. Everyone obliged and the hall was silent once again.


Sitting back down, Mr. Kim then summarized what was reported to him earlier that day.


“Minseok got into the fight for saving a girl who was cornered by a few boys”, Minseok´s father said while looking at his son with a serious face, “isn´t that right son?”, he continued.


Minseok looked at his father and nodded.

Everyone then cooed with delight at the explanation. They all had a smile gracing their face. They could not help but feel proud and happy at their precious angel.


“My son is such a gentleman. That girl is so lucky you were there to help”, said Mrs. Kim as she looked at her son with adoration in her eyes.

Mr. Kim then nodded before saying, “Indeed. I´m proud of you son”, he ended with a smile.

Minseok then looked down shyly and answered, “I only did what l hold for right. Girls should be treated with respect and nothing less”.


Hearing the young boy’s statement only impressed everyone in the hall more. All thinking that the world would be a better place if everyone was like him.

Mr. Kim was so proud of his son not only for his values but for his bravery as well. But despite all that, as a father he could not help but feel worried and so he still had to remind his son to be careful.


“Minseok, son, l am proud of you for what you did. Now, I am not saying that what you did was wrong, but please don´t engage yourself in fights. You could have waited for Sehun and Kai instead of charging alone”, Mr. Kim said carefully, voice as soft as he could manage.


Minseok knew his father is just concerned and is thinking of his welfare. He is also aware as to why his father and the others are overprotective of him. He did feel bad because he made them worry and Sehun, Kai and his other bodyguards were also blamed, but he also can´t help himself from acting rashly when he sees someone in need of help.


Understanding his father´s point of view, he looked at him and said, “I´m sorry father. My instinct got the best of me and l acted without thinking first.”


Mr. Kim signed. He understands his son but his overprotective side is so strong that he constantly fears that something bad will happen to his son. He also knows that Minseok is strong, but he is a special case and thus he should still be careful and not be reckless.


“It is okay son. I get your point, it is just that your dad does not want you to be hurt”, Mr. Kim said as he stood up and went to his son´s side. He patted and ruffled Minseok´s hair gently with a warm smile.


Minseok nodded and suddenly a loud laugh caught everyone´s attention.


Suho was trying to control his laughter as he said, “ l also heard from Eunhyunk hyung and Kyuhyun hyung that two idiots went ballistic after you suddenly got out of the car and ran away.”


Sehun and Kai´s eyes became wide in disbelief and were about to look at Suho to throw their glare at the man when suddenly Minseok´s giggle caught their attention.

The two said  boys looked at Minseok a little surprised but then their faces turned into tomato red after the cute angelic chubby cheek boy flashed his enchanting gummy smile at them.

Everyone who was watching the scene laughed loudly looking at the red faced Sehun and Kai. They all knew the effect their dear angel Minseok had at the stoic faced Sehun and usually playful Kai.

The dining hall was filled with laughter and a happy aura surrounded the mansion just like any normal night at the Kim household.


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Chapter 9: this is AMAZING
please update this story.. i really like it you know..
mm0923 #3
Chapter 22: looking forward to the next update!
exodaily #4
Chapter 19: Yay!!! I'm so happy you're gonna continue this story
Chapter 19: Can't wait for it.
Chapter 18: I just finished all the chapter in ONE go hahaha
Thank you for writing this...
trishplusmama #7
Chapter 18: kinda miss minseok with the china-line hyungs huhu
Chapter 18: FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good thing they made up and the ending part XD
Thank you for writing <3
Chapter 18: Finally, l have been waiting for an update of this story. And superb as always
xiuminssi #10
Chapter 17: This is really cuuuute though ;;;