The Other Man

To The Top!

“That pasta was delicious!” Sue beamed. “You should be a chief Minah”

“I’m glad you liked it” Minah and Sue were heading back to their dorms.

“Minah, you should come and sleepover in my room” Sue offered. “It’ll be weird if I sleep there alone.”

“Okay sounds good to me”


Sue’s room had the same layout as Minah’s.

“Who are all these posters of?” Minah asked.

“This band my roommate likes. I let her keep them up when I moved it” Sue sat down in one of the bean bags and motioned for Minah to sit next to her.  Sue opened a bag of chips “Want some?”

“I thought we weren’t allowed to eat in here”

“More for me” Sue grabbed a handful and led it to .

Minah gave in “Fine, I’ll take one”

“Hey Minah, there’s something I wanted to ask you”

Minah replied with full of chips “What”

“Do you..You don’t ...You wouldn’t happen to like someone here would you?”

What happened at the pool entered Minah’s mind. “What do you mean?”

Sue sat up straight “I think I like Niel”

Minah immediately felt relieved “That’s great!”

“So you think I have a chance?”

“Of course! You two would make a great couple!”


The next day Minah woke up in Sue’s room. “Rise and shine sleepy head! Day two of our fabulous adventure is just beginning”

Minah slid out of bed. “Good morning Sue” Minah looked at herself in the mirror; she had the worst bed head. “I think I’m going to go take a shower back in my dorm”

“Alright, hey I brought you a banana if you want it”


Sue took a walk around court yard. She stopped when she noticed someone lurking around the academic building. “Who is that?”

Niel spotted her and gave her an attack hug from behind “Morning Sue!”

Sue laughed and brushed him off “Niel look over there” She pointed to the guy she spotted.

Niel squinted his eyes “Who is that?”

“That’s what I said”

“Doesn’t he know everyone is on break” Niel started walking towards him. “Let’s go investigate”


Niel and Sue approached the man. “Hello, are you lost?” Niel asked.

The man cleared his throat “No I don’t think so, this is M.A.E correct?”

Niel and Sue exchanged a glance “The school in on break right now so no one is around.”

The man looked them in the eyes “Maybe you two can help me, I’m looking for a girl named Minah”


After taking a shower and getting dressed Minah met up with Changjo, L.Joe and Ricky in the gym. “Hey guys, where’s Sue and Niel?” Minah asked.

“I think they went off on their own” Changjo replied.

Minah sat down next to L.Joe on the bleachers. “Should we play some basketball?” Minah asked.

“Don’t cry when you lose!” Ricky yelled.

Then the gym doors opened and Sue and Niel came in.

“There you guys are do you want to pla...” Minah’s voice trailed off when she noticed the person following them. “Hajoon”

He stopped in front of the bleachers “Hey Minah”

L.Joe nudged Minah “Who’s this guy?”

“He’s my boyfriend”

Ricky whistled “Didn’t see that one coming”

L.joe put on a fake smile but inside he felt as if someone just punched him in the gut.

Changjo spoke up “Well we were about to play basketball, Hajoon do you want to join?”

“No thanks I don’t play games” He then walked out of the building.

Once he was gone Sue climbed up the bleachers and smacked Minah’s arm. “Why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend?”

Minah hung her head in shame. “Excuse me” she then ran out the door and followed Hajoon.

Niel attempted to break the tension. “Horse anyone?”


When it was time for lunch everyone gathered in the cafeteria.

“Winner’s get first pick!” Ricky yelled.

“You only won because we were down a team member” Changjo repented.

Minah grabbed a piece of pizza from the box. “Sorry about that Changjo.”

“It’s okay Minah”

Minah sat down at the end of the table. Usually L.Joe would sit next to her but instead he sat a few seats down.

Ricky plotted himself down where L.Joe usually sat. “I finally get to sit next to Minah!”

Minah gave a half-hearted smile.

Sue sat in front of Minah. “So where did mister tall and handsome go?”

“Yeah what did he want anyway?” Niel asked.

Minah swallowed the food in before speaking “He went home”

“It’s kinda pointless to come all the way over here just to say hi” Changjo pointed out.

“He just wanted to see me I guess”

“Yeah well he didn’t look to happy to see you” Changjo replied.

Minah shrugged.

Sue put down her pizza “How about tonight we have a bonfire”

Ricky smiled “Will there be s’mores?”


“Sounds good to me!” Ricky exclaimed.


L.joe walked back to his dorm by himself. When he got inside he opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out an already wrapped present. The tag read “Merry X-mas Minah”.

So what if she has a boyfriend he was still going to enjoy his time with her.

And with that thought he put the gift back in the drawer, put on his coat and headed out to the bonfire with the others.

At the bonfire everyone was already toasting marshmallows and eating s’mores. L.Joe sat down on a log and rubbed his hands together.

Minah spotted him and walked over. “Here” She handed him the already put together s’more. “I hope you like it.”

L.joe took a big bite and then looked up at Minah. Her face was full of anticipation “It’s delicious”

Minah squealed “really! I’ll make you another one.”

 It didn’t matter to L.Joe that Minah had a boyfriend anymore because he realized he wanted to be in her life anyway, because to him it was better to be around her as a friend then not at all.

Minah came back with a marshmallow on a stick. “Come roast it yourself, that way you don’t catch a cold.” L.Joe grinned and followed her to the fire.

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Chapter 18: Cute!!!! Omg nice story!!
Chapter 16: Wtf l.joe who cares if she's has a "boyfriend" just kiss her and make her fall for you!!!!
Lmao it feels like I'm trying to promote cheating which I'm not I just want those two together okay! Cheating is wrong!!!
WonZiGyuMin #3
The plots really good~
Hope you update soon~