Rocking The Talent Show

To The Top!

Minah’s eyes shot open full of excitement. “Anna! Wake up! Today is the talent show”

Anna rolled over “What makes you think I’m gonna go”

“Changjo will be there!”

Anna pulled the blanket over her head “Fine I’ll go.”


The day went on as usual; Minah went through her boring classes and went to tennis practice. Afterwards everyone met in the practice room one last time before the show.  

Sue rolled in the clothes rack “Okay, who first?”

“I’ll go first” Niel bravely offered. Sue pulled out a leather jacket and black skinny jeans. Niel nodded “That’s actually pretty cool”

Sue smacked his shoulder “What did you expect, full out costumes?”

“Actually yes”

“Whatever just get dressed” Sue pulled out the next outfit. “This one is for Chunji”

Chunji grabbed the gold shirt and sleeve-less leather jacket “Cool”

Sue pulled out two more gold shirts for Changjo and Ricky. “And this one is for Cap”

Cap starred at the suit. “The suit is cool but what’s with the shorts?”

“You have great legs, show them off”

L.Joe looked at his outfit “A pleather shirt and animal print pants”

“Do you not like it?” Minah pouted.

It’s hideous. But I can’t tell her that.

“No it’s great, I love it. Very cool”

“Now were ready to rock!” Sue exclaimed.


They entered the auditorium full of nerves. “What if they throw tomatoes at us?” Ricky asked.

“They might, I think I saw a tomato stand out front.” Changjo teased.

“What!?” Ricky hid behind the curtain.

“Changjo stop teasing him. Ricky come out from behind the curtain” Chunji ordered.

Sue walked around franticly messing with everyone’s hair “It’s almost curtain time people”

When she reached up to touch Niel’s hair he grabbed her hand. “Sue, thank you for all your help”

“Oh it was nothing really”

“Are you busy after the show? Maybe the two of us could get dinner together?”

“Really! I mean yeah that sounds great” Sue turned to Minah.

“I told you” Minah was restlessly looking around “My parents were supposed to come to the show but I don’t see them” She looked around from behind the curtain “I’m going to go down and look. I’ll be back before they go on”

“Alright, good luck”

L.Joe saw Minah leave. Who is she looking for?

“Is Minah looking for her boyfriend?” L.Joe asked.

“Boyfriend? What boyfriend?” Sue looked at L.Joe “Minah broke up with Hajoon a while ago”

She did?!

“How long ago?”

“Christmas I think, she really didn’t tell you”

She was single when she tried to kiss me. I can’t believe I’m so stupid!

Sue waved her hands in front of L.Joe “Earth to L.Joe! You’re the next act!”

Minah ran backstage “I made it!”

L.Joe locked eyes with Minah “Minah”

“No time we have to go on stage now” Niel called.

Niel pulled L.Joe’s arm “Minah, I need to talk to you okay”

Minah nodded “Okay, good luck. I’ll be cheering for you!”

Minah moved into the crowd with Sue so they could watch the show.  To her right in the reserved seating she saw George and Lola. “George, enjoy the show” Minah called out.

George gave Minah a dirty look and the show started.  The announcer introduced the act “This is Teen Top with their original song ‘Rocking’”

Minah and Sue cheered as loud as they could.

They look so cool; Sue and I did great picking out the outfits. Wait, what’s that?

Minah noticed a sweat band on L.Joe’s wrist.

That’s the sweat band I got him for Christmas. He’s actually wearing it!

“Go Teen Top!!!” Minah cheered “L.Joe!!!”

“Go Changjo!” Minah turned her head and saw Anna in the corner cheering her head off.

I’ve never seen her more happy!

The crowd was going wild and all the girls were screaming. George however looked upset and was yelling at Lola and although Minah couldn’t hear them she knew why.

“Let’s have another hand for the newcomers in the music industry Teen Top!” The announcer applauded.


Minah, Sue and Anna headed backstage to congratulate the boys. “You did so great!” Sue hugged Niel around the neck. “Fantastic!”

Anna slowly walked over to Changjo “You came!” he smiled.

She slowly inched over to him and pecked him on the cheek. “Um, good job”

Changjo held his cheek “Thanks”

Minah congratulated L.Joe “You looked so cool”

“What about me Minah?” Ricky stepped in front of L.Joe “was I cool?”

“Very! You and Changjo danced really well” Minah praised Ricky like he was a kid.

Ricky was about to continue talking when he suddenly became distracted. “Who is that?” Ricky pointed at Lola.

“She’s the girl that judged your audition” Minah reminded him.

“She’s beautiful” Ricky left and walked over to her. “You know if you were a booger I’d pick you first”

Lola gave him a disgusted look “Ew, get away from me” and she walked off.

“Wait come back! What’s your name?” Ricky chased after her.

“Well now that he’s gone. Let’s go celebrate” L.Joe said.

“Don’t you want to stay and see if you won?” Minah asked. “There’s prize money involved”

L.Joe grabbed Minah’s hand “I have something more important than money”

“But I thought you didn’t like me”

“That’s because I thought you had a boyfriend, which by the way you should’ve told me you didn’t”

Minah smiled “I’m sorry”

L.Joe leaned in and Minah just stared at him. He opened his eyes “Hey Yo…” He was going to continue talking but Minah leaned in and kissed him. “Now you know how I felt”


Dear, Mom

I know it was hard sending me off to a boarding school so far away from home but I want to tell you that you don’t need to worry.

 I made a lot of great friends, like Sue, she’s captain of the tennis team and when I got here she won a match against me on the first day. But guess what, I just beat her yesterday! Sue is dating my friend Niel; they met all thanks to me and their still going strong.

When I met Niel he was a closet-singer and now he’s double enrolled in music and soccer. Being double enrolled is becoming more popular ever since the talent show, I guess kids are seeing now that the rivalry really was stupid. Even my friend Chunji started playing soccer.

I even warmed up my roommate Anna, who knew all I had to do was introduce her to a guy? And Ricky joined drama. I’m not sure if he really likes acting or if he just likes following around this girl Lola. Oh and Cap and George somehow became friends, yeah I didn’t see that coming either.

And as for me, I met my boyfriend L.Joe. I really want you to meet him; he’s really a great guy. Maybe I can get him to come over during summer break.

Anyway I’ll see you soon!


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Chapter 18: Cute!!!! Omg nice story!!
Chapter 16: Wtf l.joe who cares if she's has a "boyfriend" just kiss her and make her fall for you!!!!
Lmao it feels like I'm trying to promote cheating which I'm not I just want those two together okay! Cheating is wrong!!!
WonZiGyuMin #3
The plots really good~
Hope you update soon~