Capture the Flag

To The Top!

Anna awoke to the sound of the music from the stereo. Anna crawled out of bed and turned it off. “It’s too early for that”

Minah pouted “Oh c’mon Anna aren’t you excited for winter break?”

“Winter break can wait until I wake up.”

“I brought you some coffee and a bagel from the cafeteria” Minah was beaming with excitement.

“Thanks” Anna moped over to where her breakfast was. “I still wish you hadn’t have woken me up though.”

Minah came up behind her and gave her a hug. “I’m gonna miss you Anna”



Minah and the boys waited until everyone left. “I think that was the last kid” Ricky shouted.

“Alright, what should we do first?” Niel asked.

“Actually I’m glad you asked that Niel” Sue got up and stood in front of everyone. “As you all know Christmas is coming up and buying gifts for everyone can get pretty pricey. So what Minah and I have decided to do is play secret Santa”

“Sounds cool” L.Joe commented.

“How does it work?” Ricky asked.

“I’m glad you asked that Ricky. Everyone will draw a name from this hat and whoever you draw is the person you’re reasonable for buying a gift for. But remember it’s a secret so don’t tell anyone.” Sue shook up the hat. “Who wants to pick first?”

“I’ll do it” Changjo offered. He pulled a name and chuckled.

“My turn! My turn!” Ricky shouted.

Soon everyone picked a name from the hat. “Who do you have?” Niel asked Minah.

“It’s a secret!” Minah stuck her paper into her pocket.


Next the group decided to play huge game of capture the flag around the sports buildings.

“I wanna be on Minah’s team!” Ricky whined.  

“Let’s draw straws to see who’s on what team” Sue stated.

“Sounds fair to me” Changjo replied.

They drew straws and the teams were Ricky, Niel and Sue against Changjo, L.joe and Minah.

Minah’s team hid their flag in a tree by the soccer field and began the search for the other team's flag.

“Knowing Ricky he probably hid the flag in plain sight” L.joe said.

“Yeah but Sue wouldn’t let him hide it anywhere ridiculous” Minah commented.  

“There they are!” Changjo pointed to Sue and Niel who were lurking around the outside of the pool. “Hide!” Changjo pushed Minah and L.joe behind some bushes.

“Considering how their guarding the pool it’s got to be in there” L.joe said while peeping over the bush. “They probably have Ricky looking for our flag.”

Minah took a deep breath “Okay what’s the plan?”


Changjo took the role of the distraction and shook the bushes. Niel and Sue curiously left their posts to go investigate the bush. When the coast was clear L.Joe and Minah snuck inside. Changjo popped his head out of the bush and when Niel and Sue spotted him he made a run for it.

Inside the pool building Minah and L.joe were busy looking for the flag. “It’s gotta be in here” Minah was walking right behind L.Joe “Maybe it’s in the locker room”

L.Joe stopped in his tracks “There it is” He pointed at the life guard chair and there it was just sitting on top.

“Let’s go get it” Minah took a step forward but L.Joe stopped her.

“This is too easy” L.Joe scanned the building. “I’ll go first just in case”

Minah nodded and let L.joe go get the flag. L.joe was right in front of the life guard chair when suddenly the pile of floatation devices began to shake. Then Ricky’s head popped out.

L.Joe thought fast and led Ricky in the opposite direction from where Minah was.  Minah ran up to the life guard chair and grabbed the flag. “Got It!” She shouted.

L.Joe and Ricky came out from around the corner. “Great job Minah!”

Minah jumped on L.joe’s back and held up the flag “We are victorious!”

Ricky clapped “Okay I’ll go tell the others”

Minah got down from L.Joe’s back. “That was so much fun!”

“Let’s go tell Changjo that his sacrifice wasn’t for nothing”

Minah turned to walk out of the pool area but slipped on the wet floor. She was about to fall into the pool when L.Joe caught her. 

“Thanks” Minah said while still trapped in L.Joe’s arms.

“No problem” 

Minah zoned out in L.Joe’s eyes, were thay always this dark? They looked dark as charcoal but somehow still soft.

“We should go back to the others”

“Huh?” Minah asked.

“I think they’re waiting for us”

Minah quickly snapped herself out of her gaze. “Oh right sorry”

L.joe and Minah then left the pool area to meet up with everyone else. “Our strategy didn’t work” Ricky pouted.

“How about we grab some grub” Niel suggested.

“Sounds good to me” Changjo replied.

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Chapter 18: Cute!!!! Omg nice story!!
Chapter 16: Wtf l.joe who cares if she's has a "boyfriend" just kiss her and make her fall for you!!!!
Lmao it feels like I'm trying to promote cheating which I'm not I just want those two together okay! Cheating is wrong!!!
WonZiGyuMin #3
The plots really good~
Hope you update soon~