Christmas End

To The Top!

“Merry Chirstmas!!!!” Ricky shouted. “Wake up you sleepy heads it’s time for presents!”

“Ricky can’t it wait” Sue begged.

“C’mon Sue everyone else is up already” Niel helped Sue up.

“I’ll dish out the presents!” Ricky was about to explode with excitement. “This one is for me!” Ricky opened his gift immediately. “Woah! A Nerf gun!”

“Alright Ricky now you have to guess who got that for you” Sue explained.

Ricky put a finger on his chin. “Hmmm…L.Joe!”

“Nope sorry bro”

“Who was it then?”

Minah stepped forward “It was me Ricky”

“Oh thank you Minah” Ricky gave Minah a big hug.

“Minah’s turn” Changjo said.

Minah received a box of grip tape from Changjo and Changjo got a jersey of his favorite soccer player from L.Joe. L.Joe got a mix tape and a cake pop from Sue who was given a necklace from Niel.

“It’s beautiful! I’ll put it on right now” Sue pulled the necklace out of the box.

“I’ll do it” Niel took the necklace from her and put it on for her. He smiled when he saw how pretty she looked with it on.

“Alright Niel you’re the last one” Changjo handed Niel his present.

Niel opened his box and laughed when he saw the sneakers inside. “Ricky, did you buy these when with me?”

“Never expected it did you?” Ricky applauded himself.

Afterwards everyone pitched in to take down the Christmas decorations. Changjo and Minah carried the decorations to the supply closet.

“Are you sure you don’t need my help?” Minah asked.

“I told you I got it.” Changjo was struggling to carry all the boxes.

Minah opened the door and he set it down. “What gave you the crazy idea to do all this anyway?”

“I don’t know, I guess I realized that being at the school might mean that we wouldn’t have the simple things that make Christmas.”

“Well thanks again. You really saved Christmas”


Minah then went to her room to grab the present she got for L.Joe. I hope he likes this

She looked around but couldn’t find him anywhere. He wasn’t in the gym or the cafeteria. 

She walked out to the field and saw him kicking goals. “L.Joe!” Minah yelled and waved her arms.

L.Joe looked up and saw Minah. “Hey”

Minah approached him “Hey you really were gonna practice”

“I might as well get some practice in” L.Joe noticed the bag in Minah’s hand. “What’s that?”

Minah remembered why she was looking for him “Oh yeah!” she held out the bag. “Merry Christmas!”

L.Joe took the bag and opened it. He pulled out a sweat band from inside.

“Yeah I know it’s kinda lame but I got your initials put on it”

L.Joe put it on his wrist. “It’s not lame at all, it’s perfect”

“How about we put it to use? Let’s have a game right now”

“Are you sure?” he laughed.

Minah picked up a ball “Yeah one on one. You wanted to practice right?”


“Ricky stop playing around and help me set the table” Sue ordered.

“Yum! It smells great in here!” Niel sat down at the table and looked at Sue “What are we eating today Chief Sue?”

Sue put down the last napkin. “Chicken and potatoes”

Changjo and Ricky sat down at the table. “She made me help her, It was child labor I tell ya” Ricky complained.

L.Joe and Minah entered and sat down. “Now that’s everyone” Sue brought out the chicken “Bon apatite!”

“This is delicious Sue!” Changjo complimented.

Niel stood up “I think I want to make a toast”

Everyone raised their glasses. “Our fun weekend is coming to an end. Tomorrow all the students and teachers will come back on campus, but I will never forget this amazing time we had together. Thank you Sue for making sure we had delicious food the whole weekend, and thank you Changjo for making sure it felt like Christmas. So let’s make a toast to us, the coolest kids in town.”

“Cheers!!” everyone clanked their glasses together and enjoyed Christmas dinner. 

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Chapter 18: Cute!!!! Omg nice story!!
Chapter 16: Wtf l.joe who cares if she's has a "boyfriend" just kiss her and make her fall for you!!!!
Lmao it feels like I'm trying to promote cheating which I'm not I just want those two together okay! Cheating is wrong!!!
WonZiGyuMin #3
The plots really good~
Hope you update soon~