I Need Your Love


(Amazing gif, cr: magupic.tumblr.com)

I Need Your Love

Wonshik watches.

He loves the way Hakyeon moves. He loves the fluidity, the grace, the elegance, even when it’s been hours and N is ready to collapse in exhaustion.

But he also hates it.

He hates the way Hakyeon pushes well past his limits. He hates the bruising and blisters. He hates the careful steps when Hakyeon’s muscles ache and an ice pack won’t help a thing.

He hates the insecurity that makes Hakyeon dance.

Wonshik sees Hakyeon’s perfection, all his beauty, inside and out. That’s why he loves Hakyeon, unconditionally and always. And Hakyeon loves him back, smile radiant and everlasting when he sees Wonshik, heart blooming with warmth and affection because to him Ravi is perfection, something he aspires to be. He loves Wonshik so much that when they are together he forgets his troubles and he is a part of the perfection.

But when they are apart Hakyeon’s insecurities return, by simple words, criticism or a spiteful remark and they make him push Wonshik away while he scurries back into the dance studio.

Dance is his escape because when he dances he doesn’t think, he feels. He feels the music; the beat, the rhythm and the melody. He feels the pulsing in his blood as he nails each step. He feels the strain in each muscle as he stretches just that bit further. And afterwards when he is lying on the floor, when he feels his heart racing and chest constricting as he gasps for breath, he knows he’s a little bit better and maybe, one day, he will reach everyone’s expectations.

And this is when Wonshik comes in. Strong arms wrap around Hakyeon’s body and the dancer starts trembling. He never tells Wonshik where he’s going, he makes sure the door is locked and the time is late, but Wonshik is always there and he is just what Hakyeon needs.

So Wonshik holds him. He grips Hakyeon tight and whispers in his ear, you’re perfect, because Hakyeon is and he needs to know, and each time this happens Hakyeon starts to believe it just a little bit more.

But until he is ready to accept it Hakyeon keeps dancing alone.

And Wonshik watches.

Waiting for the moment when he must run in and catch N, when he must hold him and hug him and kiss him and love him.

Because Hakyeon is perfect, but he is delicate and he needs to be loved.



Word Count: 411

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jongie231 #1
Chapter 13: Crying a river. This chapter is really sad and scary. I don't want to think if this happened to them irl. Why so angst. And it is unfixable.. TT
jongie231 #2
Chapter 10: It's really interesting to see what happens behind him answering hakyeon phone call. It's a sweet chapter.
jongie231 #3
Chapter 4: I was worry, like,what do neo do here in navi fan fiction. But as I read, I relieved and happy again. Indeed, the number of navi fanfic is much less than other. Thanks for making good navi fanfic <3<3<3
Kokechan #4
Chapter 15: I just realised I never left a comment when I enjoy your drabbles so much! I'm sorry! I really like your writing!
weirdstuff #5
Chapter 7: They are just too cuteeeeee and hongbin just a sassy being there
weirdstuff #6
Chapter 3: I like alpha-omega so muchhh... Thanks 4 writing this!!!!!
weirdstuff #7
Chapter 5: This chapter is so cuteee!!!
Chapter 11: Omg, you made me tear up!!!!
That was so beautiful!!!!
I wish I could write you as good as you!!!!!
Chapter 10: Omg yes!!! I was also waiting for vixx to be on Weekly idol for the loooongest time ever!!!!
That was really cute!!
Chapter 10: Seriously, there are so many question marks when it comes to Hakyeon and Wonshik, aren't there. I really thought a lot about why would Wonshik answer Hakyeon's phone, because it feels so intimate?? I don't really let anybody else pick my calls up, so I don't know, it was surprising for me. So I really, really love your interpretation for it... <3 And also, I agree with you when it comes to cute Hakyeon; I truly believe Wonshik finds him cute when he's spontaneously cute, not intentional. He's adorable either way for me ;; There are so few good navi writers these days, I'm so thankful for you, really <333