. Chapter Seven .

I Can See You


Chen and Luhan cry together. “We were abandoned noona, can’t you see?” Eunsoo looks at them and the once refreshing and mesmerizing little faces had changed with naughty, messy looking kids. “Noona you don’t understand.”

Eunsoo takes a step back to look at them. They have no feet. It terrified her so much.

Chanyeol, I need you.

Luhan tugs the hem of Eunsoo’s dress as he lets out a short giggle. “Noona, let’s play together~” He whines. They freak her out but Eunsoo is curious about them. So instead of playing with them, Eunsoo takes them to a nearby park and buy them 2 waffles. (I know ghost can’t eat but let’s pretend they can for a while okay.)

They sit on the grass together. Luhan sits on Eunsoo’s lap while eating his waffle. Chen then starts to talk.

|Flashback: 2013|

“Really Omma, I will get a little brother?” The cute little kid asks his mom. Kim Hyera, his mom nods. She pats her son’s head. “And he is about to arrive. You need to look handsome and stunning.” Hyera lets out a big sigh. “Omma, why are you sighing? Are you sad?” Hyera shook his head. “Omma is not sad. Omma-”

Her words were snapped when Jaejoong comes in with a boy in his arm. “Chen, he is your new brother, Luhan.” Hyera sighs again before heading towards her husband, wearing the fakest smile she can. Chen grins widely to see a blonde haired little boy standing beside him. “I’m your new hyung, Kim Jongdae.”

Chen pulls his hand out and the smaller boy shook his hand vigorously. “Luhan, go greet your mom.” Jaejoong pushes Luhan towards Hyera. Hyera rolls her eyes. She was disgusted with Luhan so much. Luhan doesn’t understand so he smiled back politely making Hyera felt more disgusted with Luhan. Jaejoong then picked both of them with her strong pair of arm. “Let’s go to sleep!” Jaejoong exclaimed.

Hyera felt her heart stabbed with so much sharp things in the same time. She swore she hated Luhan and will continue on hating him.

She needs a talk with Jaejoong right now.

“Chen-ah, Luhan-ah, appa is going to sleep now, sleep tight my sons.” Jaejoong kissed them both on their forehead. He went out from the room and head straight into his room.

“Jaejoong, we need to talk.” Jaejoong lets out a big sigh before asking her to continue.

“I don’t like Luhan. He is your ex-girlfriend’s son so what? Send him to the orphan or anywhere else besides our place. I don’t like him, you know that.”

“But he doesn’t have anyone else.” Jaejoong defends. “Who told you to cheat on me, if you didn’t cheat; there won’t be that blonde haired boy!” Hyera looked away and huffed while crossing her arm.

“Now, it’s up to you. Choose over that blonde freak or me!” Hyera says before throwing herself on the bed.


Chen closed his parent’s bedroom door. “That’s why…” Chen pats Luhan’s shoulder. He had fallen asleep while spying on their parents. “It’s okay Luhan, I know Omma was joking.”

Sunday comes and Hyera was making breakfast. Chen and Luhan had woken up early and went to kitchen to take a look on what Hyera was cooking. Hyera glares at Luhan before rolling her eyes.

“Luhan, go up right now. No breakfast for you.” Hyera says. She smirks evilly. “Why Omma, will Chen get breakfast?” Chen asked. “For my little lovely, everything you need, I will surely prepare it for you.” Luhan was upstairs. He waited for a little before Chen came back with a bowl of fried rice. “Eat; you don’t want to starve right?” Luhan eats it hungrily. “Hyung, thank you.”


|Flashback: 2014|

Hyera still treated Luhan roughly. Luhan still doesn’t understand what he had done wrong and he remembered what his hyung said to him, “Omma loves us very much.” And he trusted it. Chen is a very caring and protective hyung, Luhan loves Chen so much. One day, Hyera brings Luhan and Chen to stationery.

She knew that kids love stationery. It was their heaven.

“Guys, I will be leaving. Stay here and chose as much as you want, mom will come back.”

They nod and Hyera leaves them there. 2 hours passed and Chen felt worried. “Where is Omma?” He wonders. Luhan rested his head on Chen’s shoulder. “I’m tired and starving.”

“Be patient, they will come.” Chen assured. He brightens up to see his Omma nearby so he decided to take a step there and ask his Omma. “Omma, when will we go back?” “Right now, but only you.” Chen widen his eyes. “But Luhan-”

“Chen you don’t understand. I don’t like him at all. I can’t force myself to like and love Luhan as my own son.” “I don’t want to leave Luhan alone!” “Then don’t bother going back with me! Stay here until you die. I don’t care!” Hyera dragged Chen and Luhan into a store. It was not used and looks rather messy.

“Hyung~ I am scared.” Luhan whines as he realized what is happening now. “Don’t be, because hyung is scared too.”

|End of flashback|

Eunsoo’s tears rolls down her cheek. It doesn’t make sense how their parents can act so selfishly just like that. I wish they rot in hell! She pulls them into a tight hug like she knows how it feels.

“Noona, can you bring our body out?” Luhan pleads. “Of course noona will. Now, let’s go.”

They thank Eunsoo so much. On their way to the stationery, Eunsoo hears a loud scream.

“Eunsoo, stay away from those kids!” In a blink of eye, she is in Chanyeol’s embrace. She turns to look at Chanyeol and she saw the red blackish glow surrounding him. “Go back to hell and-”



A/N: Heyya! Good Morning! It's morning in Malaysia. Now, 5.31 AM. I've got another an hour to go to school. :D so, this is the seven's chapter. This chapter is about Chen and Luhan. How they died. Oh, by the way.. I'm so sorry for the cliffhanger. Kehkehkeh... Thank you for subscribing, reading, commenting and upvotes. I really appriciate that. Let me hug you all. XD okay. tata.

PS: please wait for the next chapter.


EDITED [140914]

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and so once again, i'm sorry for all the wait ;(


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Chapter 23: happy new year,author-nim~~~ fuhh... lucky that junmyeon not smart.. hehehe...
EvelynEve #2
Chapter 23: Happy new year to you too author-nim!
N i love your new chapter~
N have a good day ehehehe ^^
Chapter 22: DAMN!! How could you make such a cliffhanger T___T
Love your story!! :D Cant await the next update please hurry T^T
I really like the character of Chanyeol and also Eunsoo great job!
Keep it up!
Your proud subscriber Silentalligator xD
EXORearo #4
Chapter 22: Great!! I just read your whole story and I love it! There's only one problem... I want to edit it so badly... like the sentence structures... but otherwise I loooovvvveeee it! :)
Chapter 22: daebak!!! Junmyeon hear something in Eun soo's room... hohohoho...
EvelynEve #6
Chapter 22: Okey, now i can't wait for the next chapter!
U busted Changyeol! Hahaha
But really...i don't want chanyeol go! He must stay with Eunsoo!! Of course he is..he's the main in here...ahaha (i'm too much talking...ehehe sorry)

Btw, thank u for updating author-nim and update soon~ ^^
AtiQ1810 #7
Chapter 21: uarghh!!!! chanyeol is gone!!! how am i supposed to live??
hahahahaha #dramatic as always....
Chapter 21: Daehyun~~~ ;____;
Chapter 21: sad~~~ chanyeol is gone.. kris also... *crying....
kkaeb_baek #10
authornim! ur story is cool. please update. i'm waiting 4 u:)