. Chapter Nineteen .

I Can See You

|Eunsoo’s POV|

I groan as I look around. Where am I? I examine the place and something caught my eyes. Why is it so bright there? I thought to myself and start to walk towards the light.

Where’s everyone? Why am I here alone?

I keep walking until I meet a door. I turn the knob to meet the most beautiful place I had ever met. This is like heaven. I stare at something from the distance and walk towards it. “Where did this come from?” I mutter as I take the feather on the floor. The feather is white yet so beautiful and pure, just like me. Enough praising yourself, Eunsoo!

“Oh that’s mine, sorry.” I turn to look at the owner of the familiar voice. I raise a brow as I see Kai standing behind me with a smile on his face.

“You like it? I’ll give that to you, keep it.” Kai says as he ruffles my hair. “Thank you!” I squeal lightly. “Kai… why am I here?” Eunsoo asks, hesitating.

“Right now, you are in my house, and my purpose to bring you here is to protect you from Sehun.” He says.

“Where are Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Kris?” “They are still fighting. That’s why I need to take care of you.”

“Anyway Eunsoo, I need to tell you something.” It’s Kai’s time to be hesitant. “What is it?” I ask out of curiosity.

“Chanyeol is becoming a lot weaker than he first came to the Earth.” Eunsoo looks at Kai. “Spill it Kai.”

“You see, Kyungsoo and I are an angel that’s why we can stay in Earth how long we want, but in their case, they are demon. Demon can only go to Earth to take ghosts back to hell but he can’t stay for long. Unless they go back and forth every day, that will not be a problem. But since Chanyeol loves you so much, he rarely goes back to Hell and recharges himself.” Kai explains slowly.

“Eunsoo, you can’t be her wife. Both of you will hurt each other in the end.” I gulp my saliva difficultly. “I love him Kai; I had never loved a man like I love him.”

“You can learn to love Eunsoo, there are many men outside. I’m not saying this to separate you guys but this will be the best for two of you.”

“But I love him so much.” I defend for myself.

“Think Eunsoo, when you get to be Chanyeol’s wife, you will leave your brother to feel sad and guilty all his life, you won’t have anyone, Kris will leave you too, he needs to find a wife, and of course Kyungsoo and I won’t be there for you. Think carefully Eunsoo.”

Eunsoo thinks hard as she keeps quiet. “And you better tell Chanyeol to go back to hell because he had lost most of his powers.”

He suddenly stands up and claps his hand twice. “Now, let’s go back, the fight had ended.”

“Go back to Earth and wake up from your sleep, Eunsoo.”

It goes dark for a while and I found myself waking up. The feather is in my hand and I frown.

What am I going to do?


|Nobody’s POV|

“Eunsoo, you awake already?” Chanyeol asks as he cupped Eunsoo’s face lovingly. “Where’s Kris?” Eunsoo asks. “He had gone back to Hell; he has some works to do.” “Why didn’t you follow him?” Eunsoo asks again to see how Chanyeol reacts. “Why are you asking me questions like that?”

Eunsoo punches Chanyeol’s shoulder lightly but continuously. “Why do you like to hurt yourself because of me? Why can’t you be a selfish person even for a while? Why protect me when you can’t even protect yourself? Why?” Eunsoo screams as she cries.

Chanyeol pulls her into his embrace and pats her back gently. “Don’t cry my Eunsoo; I love you, which are why I sacrifice myself for you.”

“What do I have? I am just an unlucky little girl with crazy supernatural power!”

“Stop blaming yourself again Kim Eunsoo. I know that Kyungsoo had told you everything, but please don’t do this to me.” Chanyeol begs as he wipes Eunsoo’s tears with his thumb.

“You read my mind again?” “Sorry but you are awfully cute when you are worrying about me.” Chanyeol says as he pinches Eunsoo’s cheek.

Chanyeol pulls her into his embrace tighter and kiss her cheek.

“I love you and will love you even when you can’t see me.”

I love you too and I don’t want you to suffer because of me, my dear demon.
























A/N: Heyya! Sorry for the late update. kihkihkih...:D thank you for commenting. keep reading and thank you!

PS: this a/n is literally short coz i dun't knuw whut tu say anymure. kuhkuh...


EDITED [141220]

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and so once again, i'm sorry for all the wait ;(


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Chapter 23: happy new year,author-nim~~~ fuhh... lucky that junmyeon not smart.. hehehe...
EvelynEve #2
Chapter 23: Happy new year to you too author-nim!
N i love your new chapter~
N have a good day ehehehe ^^
Chapter 22: DAMN!! How could you make such a cliffhanger T___T
Love your story!! :D Cant await the next update please hurry T^T
I really like the character of Chanyeol and also Eunsoo great job!
Keep it up!
Your proud subscriber Silentalligator xD
EXORearo #4
Chapter 22: Great!! I just read your whole story and I love it! There's only one problem... I want to edit it so badly... like the sentence structures... but otherwise I loooovvvveeee it! :)
Chapter 22: daebak!!! Junmyeon hear something in Eun soo's room... hohohoho...
EvelynEve #6
Chapter 22: Okey, now i can't wait for the next chapter!
U busted Changyeol! Hahaha
But really...i don't want chanyeol go! He must stay with Eunsoo!! Of course he is..he's the main in here...ahaha (i'm too much talking...ehehe sorry)

Btw, thank u for updating author-nim and update soon~ ^^
AtiQ1810 #7
Chapter 21: uarghh!!!! chanyeol is gone!!! how am i supposed to live??
hahahahaha #dramatic as always....
Chapter 21: Daehyun~~~ ;____;
Chapter 21: sad~~~ chanyeol is gone.. kris also... *crying....
kkaeb_baek #10
authornim! ur story is cool. please update. i'm waiting 4 u:)