. Chapter Nine .

I Can See You

“Do you really have to go?” Eunsoo asks as she throws herself on the sofa. Junmyeon scoots near Eunsoo and hug her tightly. “I’m sorry Eunsoo, it’s just two weeks~” He tries to reason. Eunsoo puff her cheek as she looks away. Why must it be Jeju in many places in the world? Why can’t he go overseas? At least there will be some fancy souvenirs for her. I’m being materialistic right now. She thought to herself.

“Okay, you can go. But I need you to be lots of marshmallow because my marshmallow stocks are decreasing greatly lately.” Eunsoo says. Never mind, there are 2 demons and I have a new cat. That will be okay to accompany me. She thought before kissing her oppa’s cheek. “Goodnight oppa, have a good rest!” She exclaims before running upstairs. She changed into her pyjama and lie on her bed. She finds Bruno, her cat already sleeping beside her and smiles widely. She then turns off the lamp before closing her eyes, drifting to a deep sleep.

Chanyeol looks at the sleeping figure in front of him and let out an amused chuckle. Eunsoo is sleeping with slightly opened. Chanyeol squats beside her and heave a deep sigh. His fingers trail on her cheek slowly.

Eunsoo, you are beautiful. Just the way you are.

With that, Chanyeol kisses her temple and disappear slowly.


“Don’t stay outside past midnight and don’t bring boys into our house, you hear me right?” Junmyeon advices again for the 100th time. Eunsoo sighs in defeat. “I understand big brother, so now can you please go so that you won’t miss your flight?” Junmyeon checks his watch and widen his eyes. “Okay little sister, until I meet you after 2 weeks, takes care!” He screams while getting into his car. He starts his car and speed off to the airport. Eunsoo shook her head and go into her room to change. She wears a comfortable blouse with legging. Her hair neatly tied and she puts some light make up to make sure she doesn’t look pale.

She speeds off to her university using her own car and her routine starts as usual.

After her classes ended, she went to the library. She takes out her laptop and some paper works on the table before she was absorbed in her work. She stops for a while and smiles at the student in front of her.

“Didn’t see you there before, hello, I am Kim Eunsoo.” Eunsoo introduces herself. The boy in front of her smiles sweetly and introduces himself. “I’m Byun Baekhyun.” Eunsoo looks at Baekhyun and find it weird. “Are you new here? I’d never see you here.” Eunsoo asks. Baekhyun lets out a chuckle. “Yeah, I’m new here.” Eunsoo nods in acknowledgement. She searches for Baekhyun and a profile of his come out.

Baekhyun in black suit by baeklash.jpg                        

Name: Byun Baekhyun

Course: Electrical Engineering

Blood: A

Date of Birth: 6th May 1992

Personal Information: Entered the University on March 2010 but found dead for committing suicide on May 2012.

Eunsoo’s head spins in confusion. The profile said that Baekhyun was dead, then who is in front of her right now? Chill runs down her spine. Eunsoo keeps her things nicely before getting ready to run away from ‘Baekhyun’. She walks pass Baekhyun and Baekhyun pulls her wrist. Cold sweats form on her forehead. She closes her eyes and bites her lower lips. “D-Don’t leave m-me.” Baekhyun pleads. His face turns pale white and his pupils turn white. Bloods are everywhere and Eunsoo feels a bit dizzy.

Demon, help me please!

In a swift movement, Eunsoo is in someone’s embrace. She feels the instant safety and warmth. She slowly opens her eyes to see a big black wing in front of her face. She stays quiet. This look familiar.

Chanyeol steps bravely in front of her before circling the smiling Baekhyun.

“Byun Baekhyun. An electrical engineering student. Found dead on 28th May 2012. Was bullied by his friends, left by his father, mother was a e, girlfriend dumped him and-” Chanyeol starts before snapped by Baekhyun.

“Shut up.” It was calm, but Eunsoo feels the library shaking. “Brother was a drug addict and had a pathetic, sadistic life.” Chanyeol finishes. Baekhyun’s eyes fired up and he screams as loud as he can. It was a mess in the library and Eunsoo feels so scared.

“Your life is a wreck so stop dragging people into your life.” Chanyeol says while smirking.

“I want her.” Baekhyun says while pointing towards Eunsoo. Chanyeol stands protectively in front of him and chuckle.

“Wrong move, you are going to go to hell.” Chanyeol’s eyes turns red and red glows appear around him.

Eunsoo is shrieking loudly behind Chanyeol and it makes Chanyeol loses his focus. He tries hard, he swears.

“Go back to hell, and never come back.” He said it while being dragged by Kris.

“Chanyeol, we need to go back, this place is going to crash soon.”

“I know! But Baekhyun is missing!”


A/N : Finally! An update! Hmm.. So, how's this chapter? okay? please says okay. :D This one week is my busy week because of Hari Raya celebration. I'm so sorry because of the late update. *bows until reached floor* and.. I'm so happy looking at the amount of subscribers! *jumps* thank you so so so somuch because supporting my not-so-cool fanfic. *wipes my tears away* Thank you,guys. oh! Thank you for who is subscribing, upvoting and commenting this fic. I appreciate that. The ten's chappie will be update soon. please wait. :D

PS: Please comment about this new chapter. I want to know what you think. Thank you.


EDITED [140917]










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and so once again, i'm sorry for all the wait ;(


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Chapter 23: happy new year,author-nim~~~ fuhh... lucky that junmyeon not smart.. hehehe...
EvelynEve #2
Chapter 23: Happy new year to you too author-nim!
N i love your new chapter~
N have a good day ehehehe ^^
Chapter 22: DAMN!! How could you make such a cliffhanger T___T
Love your story!! :D Cant await the next update please hurry T^T
I really like the character of Chanyeol and also Eunsoo great job!
Keep it up!
Your proud subscriber Silentalligator xD
EXORearo #4
Chapter 22: Great!! I just read your whole story and I love it! There's only one problem... I want to edit it so badly... like the sentence structures... but otherwise I loooovvvveeee it! :)
Chapter 22: daebak!!! Junmyeon hear something in Eun soo's room... hohohoho...
EvelynEve #6
Chapter 22: Okey, now i can't wait for the next chapter!
U busted Changyeol! Hahaha
But really...i don't want chanyeol go! He must stay with Eunsoo!! Of course he is..he's the main in here...ahaha (i'm too much talking...ehehe sorry)

Btw, thank u for updating author-nim and update soon~ ^^
AtiQ1810 #7
Chapter 21: uarghh!!!! chanyeol is gone!!! how am i supposed to live??
hahahahaha #dramatic as always....
Chapter 21: Daehyun~~~ ;____;
Chapter 21: sad~~~ chanyeol is gone.. kris also... *crying....
kkaeb_baek #10
authornim! ur story is cool. please update. i'm waiting 4 u:)