. Chapter Twenty-Two .

I Can See You


“Wait, I am going to wash my face first.” Eunsoo says. Junmyeon looks at Eunsoo’s face weirdly. What is she hiding? Junmyeon thinks to himself. Junmyeon was about to turn around when he heard a cough. “Where did that come from?”

Eunsoo blinks her eyes. “That is my phone. Message’s tone!” She said quickly and Junmyeon eyed his sister. Eunsoo gulps down, hoping that her brother would not suspect anything.

“You know what, sis? You better change the tone because it sounds so real and scary too. Like a real man.” Junmyeon chuckles and Eunsoo let out a fake smiles. Then, Junmyeon walks away.

Eunso closed the door and sighs in relief. She walks to her bed and pulls down the comforter harshly. “Yaah! Pabo! Stupid demon! Get up!” She begins to hit Chanyeol with a pillow.

Chanyeol coughs and sit on the bed while looking at EUnsoo with a clueless face. “Why are you hitting me?”

Eunsoo sighs when looking the sick face and throw the pillow on the bed. “Junmyeon oppa heard your coughs just now.” She dropped herself on the floor.

Chanyeol blinks his eyes. Eunsoo clenched her teeth. “Don’t make that innocent face! I have to lie my brother about that.”


“Yes! I told him that your coughs was my message’s tone and it’s kind of relief when my bro believes that.” Eunsoo watches Chanyeol as the demon starts to chuckles. “Yeah. Funny.” She get up. “I’m going to take a bath.” She walks into her bathroom leaving Chanyeol alone on the bed.

When Eunsoo done bathing, she found that Chanyeol is already sleep on her bed.


After eating breakfast together, Eunsoo joins Junmyeon and Lay infront of the tv. “Oppa. I want to go shopping. It’s been a long time since I went to a mall for shopping.” Eunsoo pouts.

“You don’t have any classes today?”

Eunsoo rolls her eyes. “Semester’s break.”

Junmyeon nods. “Ohhh.. Okay. Just go.”

Eunsoo smiles widely. She get up and heading to her room. But, Junmyeon’s voice stops her legs. “Please bring Kyungsoo with you.” Eunsoo sighs and rolls her eyes. “Yes, oppa.” She runs to her room and Junmyeon smiles.

Eunsoo closed the door and turns back. Chanyeol is on her bed, sleeping.  Eunsoo let ou smiles and stops beside Chanyeol. She shooks Chanyeol’s body. “Demon.... Wake up.”

Chanyeol yawns and opens his eyelids. “What?”

“I’m going to go shopping with Kyungsoo. Do you want to follow me?”

Chanyeol quickly sit up. “Of course I will follow you.” Eunsoo chuckles. “Go wash your face and wait for me inside my car.” Chanyeol stood up and went inside the bathroom.



Now, Eunsoo and Chanyeol already in the shoppin mall. They’re waiting for Kyungsoo at Big Apple. After a few minutes waiting, someone calls out Eunsoo’s name. She turns and Chanyeol turns to while drinking Americano.

“Eunsoo!” Kyungsoo smiles widely at Eunsoo and blinks his owl eyes at Chanyeol. Chanyeol was too tired to fight with him and just stay quiet.

“Hey, Kyungsoo!” Eunsoo waves at him happily and stands up. She looks at Chanyeol and Kyungsoo and smiles widely. “Let’s shopping!”

Chanyeol sighs and Kyungsoo gives Eunsoo a question look. “Shopping?”

“Yes. Shopping!”

“You didn’t said anything about shopping in the message. I tought we just wanna eat and have a talk.” Kyungsoo said while blinking his eyes at Eunsoo.

“Nope. You two, please help me carry the things! Let’s go!” She pulls Kyungsoo’s and Chanyeol’s wrist. Kyungsoo groans and Chanyeol just follows his lover.  They’re heading to the girls clothes shop and when the three of them reached there, all of the woman and teenagers girls in that shop look at them. Correction. They look at the two handsome men besides Eunsoo.

They throw weird looks and the two men just acted normal. Eunsoo ignores the glares and ask them about the dress that she’s holding. “Is it nice?”

Chanyeol just nods and smiles while Kyungsoo shooks his head. Eunsoo frowns. “Whoa. Which one?”

“It’s not suitable for you, Eunsoo.” Kyungsoo said honestly while Chanyeol glaring at him. “That dress suits her, angel.”

Eunsoo shooks her head and put back the dress at the rack. “Let’s look for another dress.” Eunsoo walks to another rack and the two men follows her from behind.

“I know that you really love her but... That dress is really not suits her.” Kyungsoo said to Chanyeol and the demon gives him a death glare.

“You shouldn’t follow us.”

“Well.. Eunsoo asks me so.. I go.”

Before Chanyeol could reply back, Eunsoo turns with another dress in her hand. “This one?”

Chanyeol smiles and Kyungsoo makes a thumb up. Eunsoo looks at them in surprise. “Really? I’m going to try it now!” Then, she disappear into the fixing room.

Chanyeol and KyungsooWaited for Eunsoo and not long after that, Eunsoo came out from the fixing room. Chanyeol blinks his eyes at Eunsoo while Kyungsoo just smiles. That pink dress really suits her and Chanyeol can’t take his eyes off of Eunsoo. Eunsoo makes a peace sign at Kyungsoo and when she turns to the froze Chanyeol, she frowns. “Why? Something’s wrong?”

Chanyeol shooks his head slowly. “Nothing’s wrong. You’re so pretty.”

Eunsoo’s cheeks flushed. “Err.. Okay. I’m going to.. Buy this dress. Erh.” She went back to the fixing room. After change into her casual clothes, she brought the dress to the counter and make a pay. The three of them went out from the shop. Then, Eunsoo saw shoes shop and runs into the shop. Then, they went to another shop and another shop. The two men already tired, holding shopping bags for Eunsoo.

“Guys, I wanna go to the toilet. So, wait at Mc Donald’s.” Eunsoo announce happily.

“Are you gonna continue shopping after that?” Kyungsoo asked and Eunsoo shooks her head. “Nope. You two are really tired, right?”

Both men nodded their head. Eunsoo grins. “Kyungsoo, bring Chanyeol to Mc Donald’s, okay? Bye~~” She turns back and heading to the toilet.

Kyungsoo looks at Chanyeol and Chanyeol looks at him. “Well... Let’s go.” Kyungsoo walks away and Chanyeol follows him from behind.


Eunsoo enters the toilet and found that there are no peoples there. She just shrugged it off and walks to the sink. She washes her face and exhales. She looks at her face on the mirror. Suddenly, she saw one of the toilet door was open. Oh. There’s another person here. Eunsoo tied up her hair and found that there was nobody walk out from the toilet.

She frowns. She walks slowly to the toilet and enters it. There’s nobody in it. Maybe, it’s just wind. She was about to turn back to the door but it was slammed shut. Eunsoo gasps and begins to panick. She tried to open the door but failed.  Her hands starts to bang the door loudly. “Help! Help! Chan- Mpfh.”

Suddenly, someone closed from behind. “Shut up or you will die.”

Eunsoo gulps down and shut .


Chanyeol picks up one of onion rings. “What is this?” He asks Kyungsoo while frowning.

Kyungsoo sighs. “That’s onion ring. Eat it. It’s tasty.”

Chanyeol gives a suspicious looks at Kyungsoo and that innocent onion ring. Then, slowly he eats it.  “Hmm. Good.” He said and took another into his mouth.

Kyungsoo just shooks his head. “Where are your lover? It’s already fifteen minutes.”

Chanyeol stops eating and looks at Kyungsoo. “I don’t know? She’s not calling my name. So, she’s safe now.”


“What? You didn’t believe me? She always call my name is she’s in danger.”

Kyungsoo shut his mouth and waits for Eunsoo.


A/N: Yeay! Chapter Twenty-Two already out! Are you happy, guys? There will be another EXO's members appears and this story will ending soon. So, thank you. I'm so thankful that all of you read I Can See You. Thank you very much dear readers and upvoters. Commenters. I don't know wha to say.. but.. your comments gives me courage to still making this story. Thank you guys. Let this exostands hugs you all~ Oh. By the way, Happy New Year! Hope all of you get want you want in year 2015. :D

PS: Co-author-nim. Thank you very much for editing previous chapter. Komapta. *bows*



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and so once again, i'm sorry for all the wait ;(


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Chapter 23: happy new year,author-nim~~~ fuhh... lucky that junmyeon not smart.. hehehe...
EvelynEve #2
Chapter 23: Happy new year to you too author-nim!
N i love your new chapter~
N have a good day ehehehe ^^
Chapter 22: DAMN!! How could you make such a cliffhanger T___T
Love your story!! :D Cant await the next update please hurry T^T
I really like the character of Chanyeol and also Eunsoo great job!
Keep it up!
Your proud subscriber Silentalligator xD
EXORearo #4
Chapter 22: Great!! I just read your whole story and I love it! There's only one problem... I want to edit it so badly... like the sentence structures... but otherwise I loooovvvveeee it! :)
Chapter 22: daebak!!! Junmyeon hear something in Eun soo's room... hohohoho...
EvelynEve #6
Chapter 22: Okey, now i can't wait for the next chapter!
U busted Changyeol! Hahaha
But really...i don't want chanyeol go! He must stay with Eunsoo!! Of course he is..he's the main in here...ahaha (i'm too much talking...ehehe sorry)

Btw, thank u for updating author-nim and update soon~ ^^
AtiQ1810 #7
Chapter 21: uarghh!!!! chanyeol is gone!!! how am i supposed to live??
hahahahaha #dramatic as always....
Chapter 21: Daehyun~~~ ;____;
Chapter 21: sad~~~ chanyeol is gone.. kris also... *crying....
kkaeb_baek #10
authornim! ur story is cool. please update. i'm waiting 4 u:)