Chapter 9

Romeo, romeo, romeo.

 Author's note : - Some of you might have noticed, and some of might not, but the words in Italic are the character's thoughts (:

Chapter 9


                         Key woke up to unfamiliar surroundings. He looked around him and realized that he was in a hospital room. He felt something on his shoulder and looked down. He was surprised to see a guy sleeping on his shoulder. Who is he? He wondered.

                         Key couldn’t resist the urge to the guy’s hair. It felt normal and right to do that even though he doesn’t know who he is. The guy stirred from his sleep and woke up.

                         “Hey baby.” The guy greeted him when he saw that Key was awake. What? Why is he calling me baby? Is that what we normally do? Who is he? Key had so many questions running through his head.

                         “Umm… hey. Sorry, but I can’t seem to remember this. Who are you?” Key asked the guy. Key also noted that the guy was holding his hand tightly.

                         Jonghyun’s body went numb when he realized what Key had just said. He doesn’t remember me?! Jonghyun didn’t want to believe what he had just heard but something in Key’s expression and eyes told him that Key really didn’t remember who he is.

                         Jonghyun quickly let go of Key’s hand. “You… you really don’t remember? I’m your friend, Jonghyun.” Jonghyun slowly said to Key. It hurt to get the words out of his mouth. I’M YOUR BOYFRIEND! He wanted to yell, but he couldn’t. Key looked at Jonghyun, slightly confused. Key looked as though he was trying to remember Jonghyun, but couldn’t. Key’s face suddenly crumpled in pain and he clutched his head in his hands.

                         Jonghyun wanted to hold Key in his arms and soothe his pain, but Jonghyun knew that now, he has no right to do that anymore.

                         “I’ll go get the doctor. Hold on.” Jonghyun walked out of the room and told a passing nurse to get the doctor. This gave him a moment to keep his emotions in check. He didn’t want to freak Key out by being too emotional.

                         When the doctor finally arrived, he did some examinations and asked Key a few questions like what date it was and his age. All this while, Jonghyun wanted so badly to be next to Key holding his hand, but he knew that he can’t. He wanted to tell Key who he really is, but he couldn’t find it in him to tell Key that way. Key will either fall for me again or remember who I am. At the very worst, we would remain friends and Key would find someone else.

                          The doctor walked out of Key’s room and looked at Jonghyun. “The patient is having some memory loss at the moment. It might not be permanent, but we never know. It seems that he has lost a couple of years of memory so he might still remember his parents and childhood friends. I suggest to not let anything give him too much of a shock. Don’t pressure him to remember things if he can’t. Hopefully, in time he will retrieve his memories, but we can’t guarantee anything.” The doctor told Jonghyun matter-of-factly.

                         Jonghyun didn’t know how to face this. When he faced challenges, he knew he can conquer anything because Key had always been by his side. Now though, he had to face this alone and he wasn’t sure if he could cope. He walked back into Key’s room and put a forced smile on his face. It felt like Key was on the verge of being taken away from him, and then he was rescued. Now that Key is safe, Jonghyun has lost him in a way. When can I have him in my arms again? Jonghyun asked himself as he tried not to break down and cry.

                         “Hey, umm… Jonghyun, do you know who’s Taemin? If you do, could you please call him for me?” Key asked Jonghyun. It felt weird to say Jonghyun’s name. It felt like his name rolled off his tongue a lot of times before, but he doesn’t remember who Jonghyun is. Jonghyun nodded and took out his phone. He dialed Taemin’s phone number.

                         “Hey hyung, how’s Key umma?” Taemin immediately asked when he picked up Jonghyun’s call. “He wants to see you.” Jonghyun replies. He can hear Minho’s voice in the background. Suddenly, he misses his former best friend. “Oh, and could you please ask Minho to come as well? I’ll be waiting outside the hospital for you guys.” Jonghyun added. “Okay. We’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” Taemin said and hung up.

                         Jonghyun walked around Key’s room. Key looked at him all the while he was pacing. Jonghyun finally got the courage to look at Key. He could see in Key’s eyes that he was confused. Confused about what, I really don’t know. Jonghyun thought tiredly.

                         Key was confused. Very confused. He had to urge to kiss Jonghyun. He has a longing for Jonghyun to hold him in his arms and tell him that everything would be alright. Could it be because Jonghyun’s so good looking? But this feels different somehow. Key’s confused thoughts ran through his head. It felt wrong that Jonghyun was pacing the room, not looking at him. It felt wrong that they were so apart from each other. It felt so right when Jonghyun was holding his hand this morning. It felt right when Jonghyun woke up and looked at me with all that affection in his eyes. It feels so wrong that I don’t remember who he is.

                         Key was left alone with his thoughts when Jonghyun announced that he was going to the hospital entrance to meet up with Taemin. Key felt a sting in his heart when he could obviously see that Jonghyun was trying to hide his pain.


                         Taemin and Minho woke up to the sound of Taemin’s phone ringing. Minho had slept with Taemin last night, holding the younger while he cried himself to sleep. Waking up with Taemin in his arms was what made Minho happy, but he knew that Taemin doesn’t feel the same way.

                         After washing up and dressing up, they rushed to the hospital. Jonghyun was already waiting at the entrance of the hospital for them. Jonghyun told Taemin where Key’s room is and turned to Minho. “Hey, Minho, can we talk?” Jonghyun asked Minho.

                         Minho nodded. Too many years of alienation from both of them had cause both of them too much pain. They knew that nothing could change the past, but somehow, now they were ready to forgive. Minho could see that his best friend needs him now.

                         They sat down on a bench outside the hospital. Minho waited. He knows Jonghyun too well. Minho waited silently. Finally he saw Jonghyun’s face crumple and he started to cry. Minho gently rested Jonghyun’s head on his shoulder, and silently waited till Jonghyun finished crying.

                         “Key… he lost his memory. He doesn’t remember who I am.” Jonghyun finally told Minho. Minho sat there quietly, just listening. He knows that all Jonghyun needs is someone to listen to him and a shoulder to cry on right now. After Jonghyun poured out everything to Minho, Minho finally started to speak.

                          “Can I explain now? I never got the chance since all those years ago.” Minho asked. He didn’t wait for a reply because he knows what Jonghyun would say. “She was hurt. She broke her leg and she asked me for help. I was carrying her to the hospital when I bumped into you. And I was in Key’s room because I was teaching Key how to rap. So, Key didn’t lie when he said he was having lessons. He just didn’t mention that he was having rapping lessons with me because he knew you wouldn’t like it. I told Key about what happened all those years ago with that girl and Key didn’t even judge you. He just smiled and called you a silly dino. He didn’t even get jealous of the girl because you used to like her. All the way through our rapping lesson, he couldn’t stop talking about you. Even when I accidentally touched his hand when I passed him something, he always pulls his hands away. I see the way he looks at you, and I have no idea why you would ever question his love for you.” Minho finished, slightly out of breath.

                         Minho looked at Jonghyun while Jonghyun started to cry again, this time out of regret more than hurt. Minho put his arm around Jonghyun and waited until he was done.

                         “Why do you still sit here with me after all that I have done? I can’t even forgive myself and you’ve forgiven me already.” Jonghyun asked Minho.

                         Minho just smiled silently and answered, “Because that’s what it takes to be Kim Jonghyun’s best friend. Because I learned to let go.”

                         “Well, I know now that I can never forgive myself for what I did to you and Key.” Jonghyun said.

                         “Try. Who knows, someday you might.” Minho said to Jonghyun, smiling. He was glad to have his best friend back and he knows Jonghyun felt the same way too.



P/S. Sorry, I know the Onew parts are like, super little :\

I'll see what I can do about it but I can't guarantee that he will appear more :P

And, as always, thanks a lot for reading! <3 :D

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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 15: logic or not. it was fluffy happy sweet and cute!!! how key could not remember but have the feeling that being with jjong was just the right thing hahahaha tht was breathtaking!!! ^_^
SherlocKey #2
@fyi-i-am-awesome ; I replied you already :P<br />
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@shy777 ; ngeheh. thankyou! :D (I shall take that as a compliment)<br />
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@kaylalovesworld ; really?! whoa. (': now I feel like tearing up xD thanks!
^Q^ I teared up a little bit! Not even sure why... But this was good XD
Cute!!!<br />
fyi-i-am-awesome #5
Bloody ! Taemin loves horor movie! LOVES!!! Sorry dudette, just had to say that! Btw, I was expecting more 2min moments=(, but the story was AWESOME!!!<br />
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ps, You locket! Even in 2min scenes you have to say that key is beautiful. I'm speechless...
SherlocKey #6
@bananamilkbubble ; NGAHHHH I TOTALLY LOVE YOU FOR THAT COMMENT! xD thanks and I'll try to (:<br />
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@therest123 ; I was hoping to write more too :P oh well. enjoyed writing it xD and thanks for reading! <3
threst123 #7
:) Awwww~ Hope to read more but or well, enjoyed it;)
SherlocKey #8
@therest123 ; yeap. Just posted the last chapter. Let me know what you think (: