Chapter 11

Romeo, romeo, romeo.


Chapter 11


                         They were quiet. Usually, Key would be singing along to his favorite songs while Jonghyun tried to join him. Jonghyun had made a cd mix for Key with all his favorite songs and kept a copy of the cd in the car. It was in the cd player right now, in fact.

                         Jonghyun was concentrating on driving and he didn’t notice when a bored Key reached over and the cd player. Jonghyun’s heart beat a little faster when the first song blasted through the speakers. Key looked surprised to hear his favorite song on Jonghyun’s cd.

                         Key sang along to the song and for a moment, Jonghyun could imagine that they were back together like old times before all this happened. When the second song came on, Key froze. That’s the third time today now, Key thought. He paused the song and clicked the button that ejected the cd out from the player.

                         Key froze for the fourth time that day when he saw what was on that cd. It was a picture of him and Jonghyun together, laughing. A list of songs was printed on the sticker of the picture that was on the cd. The songs on the list were his ultimate favorite songs, and he never actually told anyone about them. Key double checked his memory and wondered if he made this cd himself. Not trusting his memory, he looked up at Jonghyun.

                         While Key was staring at the cd, Jonghyun pulled to a stop. They had arrived at where Jonghyun wanted to bring Key. Jonghyun wasn’t sure even until the last minute whether he should bring Key here. It wasn’t until he saw how Key smiled when he saw the pink roses that he made up his mind to bring Key here.

                         Turning off the engine of the car, Jonghyun looked to Key. Key was staring at him and it caught Jonghyun off guard. Jonghyun looked down at Key’s hands to see what Key was holding. Jonghyun’s heart stopped when he realized that Key was holding the cd that Jonghyun had made him.

                         “Jonghyun, where did you get this cd?” Key asked Jonghyun cautiously.

                         Jonghyun wanted to lie. He didn’t want to overwhelm Key and tell them that they were a couple until a few days ago. He wanted Key to find his own feelings and get back on his feet. But the look in Key’s eyes stopped him. Jonghyun knew then that he could never lie to Key.

                         Jonghyun took a deep breath and looked away. “I made it for you, Kibum.”

                         Key froze for, what, the fifth time that day? What? He made this for me? Key put the cd back in the player and said, “Yeah right, Jonghyun. Nobody knows the exact list of my ultimate favorite songs.” Key tried to brush it off that Jonghyun was just joking. It was the only logical explaination. Key could’ve sworn that when he said those words, pain flashed pass Jonghyun’s expression. It was gone as soon as it came though. I’m probably just imagining things. He said that we’re only friends, after all.

                          For the first time since they arrived, Key looked out the car window. Wow. This scenery is so breathtaking. I’m almost sure that I haven’t been here before, but… somehow this is so familiar. Key was confused. He was confused that he seemed to know the place like how he knows for a fact that there’s a cottage somewhere in the middle of the woods.

                         He turned around to find Jonghyun quietly observing his response. He thought that maybe Jonghyun was hoping for something, but decided that he didn’t get what he was hoping for.

                         Jonghyun smiled and got down from the car. He went over to the other side and opened Key’s car door. Somehow, Key knew to wait for Jonghyun to come over and open his car door for him instead of getting down himself. Jonghyun took his hand and led him into the field of lavender.

                          Jonghyun sat down in the middle of the field. Surprisingly, there was a circle in the middle of the field that had been mowed and was nice and soft to sit on. Key sat down next to him and sighed happily. This is what makes life worth living, Key thought, admiring the scenery.

                          Key closed his eyes and felt the gentle breeze kiss his cheeks. When he opened his eyes, he caught Jonghyun staring at him with the same look in his eyes he always has when he stares at Key. Key was captured by Jonghyun’s eyes and couldn’t look away. Key could see it evidently in Jonghyun’s eyes that Jonghyun had feelings for him. The stare became more and more intense until both of them broke away at the same time.

                         Jonghyun lay down on his back and tried to make the atmosphere more cheerful. Surprisingly, the atmosphere never got weird or awkward between them. Jonghyun pointed up at the sky and said, “I think that cloud looks like you, Kibum.”

                         Key lay down next to him and looked at the cloud that he was pointing at. “Actually, Jonghyun, I think it looks like an elephant. Are you trying to insult me?” Key joked.

                         For a couple of hours, they laughed and talked naturally. Suddenly, dark clouds advanced from the distance and Jonghyun stood up abruptly. “Let’s go.” Jonghyun said, pulling Key up. “It’s going to rain soon.” He explained, catching Key’s confused expression.

                         But instead of heading back to the car, Jonghyun made his way into the woods, not once letting go of Key’s hand. I should be nervous at going into the woods to somewhere I don’t know with a stranger I don’t remember. But somehow I know there’s a cottage further on and somehowI feel really safe when I'm with Jonghyun. Like nothing could ever harm me. And the way we're holding hands right now, it felt natural. Key’s thoughts ran through his mind, trying to find some kind of logic or sense that would bring him back to reality.

                         Jonghyun held Key’s hand as they walked through the woods. Key had been here many times before, but obviously he doesn’t remember anything due to the memory loss that apparently seemed to focus on not remembering Jonghyun. Jonghyun expected Key to fall behind, but he was surprised when he found that Key navigated himself through the woods easily, stepping over where there were small holes that couldn’t be seen. Key’s body was working on its own, avoiding places that held danger the human eye can’t spot.

                         They finally reached the cottage. The cottage belonged to Jonghyun’s parents. They were filthy rich, but liked to have vacations here. Jonghyun looked at the cottage. It brought back a lot of childhood memories and a lot of memories with Key. He sighed softly as he reached into his pocket to get the keys to the cottage, but dismay came across his handsome features when he realized that he left the keys in the car.

                         Key looked at Jonghyun. He saw the dismay the handsome boy displayed on his beautiful features when he realized that he forgot the key. Without knowing what he was saying, words came out of Key’s mouth that shocked both Jonghyun and Key.   

                         “There’s a spare key under the flower pot.” Key said.

                         Jonghyun froze. What? He remembers when I don’t even remember? A sense of hope rose up in him as he turned to look at Key, not knowing what he expected to see. He hoped to see that Key recognized him and remembers everything but instead he was greeted with Key having the same shocked expression on his face.

                         Jonghyun’s heart sank. So he doesn’t remember after all. Jonghyun bent down and took the spare keys from under the flower pot. He unlocked the door and let them into the cottage. Just after he closed the door behind him, the rain came pouring down.

                         The inside of the cottage was not what people would usually expect. On the outside, this just looked like any other cottage. Jonghyun’s parents purposely built the inside of this cottage to be comfortable, though. There was a plasma screen television in the living room, which was complete with a comfy looking couch and air-con. There was a kitchen and three bedrooms. One for Jonghyun’s parents, one for when Key and Jonghyun usually stay over, and the other one as a guest room. Every detail of the interior of the cottage was carefully planned to ensure maximum comfort.

                         “Kibum, just make yourself at home. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this first, but we have to stay here for the night. I had totally no idea it was going to rain.” Jonghyun apologized to Key.

                         Key smiled at Jonghyun. “It’s alright, really. I don’t mind. Can I take a shower, though?”

                         “Yeah, sure. Just use the bathroom in that room.” Jonghyun told Key, pointing to the bedroom on the right.  Jonghyun sat himself down on the couch.

                         “Oh. Well, okay, thanks.”

                         Key walked into the room Jonghyun pointed him to. The bedroom was gorgeous, complete with an attached bathroom. Key walked into the bathroom and found towels hanging there. He stripped off and the tap. He stepped into the hot shower and began to clean himself.

                         After clearing his thoughts and enjoying his hot bath, Key stepped out of the shower and used a towel to dry himself. , Key suddenly realizes. I totally forgot to ask Jonghyun if he had any spare clothes. Not wanting to wear back the same outfit, he wandered into the bedroom with the towel wrapped around his body. He pulled open one of the cupboards and was shocked by what he saw.

                         On one side of the shelf was what he guessed were Jonghyun’s clothes. It was what was stacked on the other side of the shelf that made his breath get caught for a second. They were his clothes. All of the comfortable t-shirts and jeans that he loved. There was even some of his underwear.

                          What? Why are my clothes here? He double checked to make sure they were his clothes. He was sure of it. He almost rushed out into the living room to ask Jonghyun about this, but stopped himself just in time.

                         I’m half . Key blushed at the thought of Jonghyun seeing him half . Thank goodness I stopped just in time, or that would have been embarrassing.

                         He walked back to the closet and hesitantly pulled on the clothes that he was sure was his. After making sure he was fully clothed this time, he walked out into the living room to find Jonghyun carelessly sprawled over the couch, watching some show on the television. It took Key’s breath away again, noting how gorgeous Jonghyun is. He took a deep breath to calm himself before sitting down next to Jonghyun.

                         “Jonghyun? Are these clothes mine?” Key asked Jonghyun.

                         Jonghyun looked up at what Key was wearing. He totally forgot about this. How was he going to explain it? Again, the look in Key’s eyes stopped him from lying. “Yes, they are.”

                         He saw shock register in Key’s eyes and his heart stung slightly. I wish we could just go back to old times, yeobo, but I’ll be there for you if you need me. I won’t ever leave you even if you’ve lost your memory of me.

                         Not being able to stand Key’s eyes boring into his, he stood up and went over to the room Key just came out of. He needed a hot bath to clear his thoughts.

                         How will we get on tonight? Jonghyun wondered, along with a thousand questions that were forming in his mind. He let the hot water rain down on him and tried to collect his thoughts.

                         Suddenly he heard a scream from outside. His heart almost stopped. Key’s scream. His heart turned cold.

-Sorry, this will be a very long author's note. :P-

Author's note : - Okay, first things first. I am not really sure if there are fields of lavender? And somethings might not make sense. Oh well, correct me if I'm wrong. Though when I picutured the scenario in my head, they were just somewhere far away and kinda fantasy like. If you don't get what I mean, its something like in Twilight. Having said that, you guys probably now think that I'm just ripping off Twilight, right? LOL well, maybe the location :P but I was just inspired by it as I just finished rewatching the movie and rereading the book. And the plot is really different, actually. Okay I'm ranting on. Anyway... Remember, comments are appreciated! <3

- This chapter is just about Jongkey, so sorry for the dissapointment, 2min shippers! but oh well, the 2min thing just couldn't flow outta me so I just wrote the parts that came to me (jongkey). hahah. and sorry for the lack of Onew to you MVPs!

-Btw, sorry if there's no ._. I know some readers out there like ;D but hey its not my style of writing, so... but anyways, there are some make-out sessions and some.. uhh.. what do you call it? accidentaly peeking? and a bit of.. stuff. but not exactly full-blown . so, chill yo , people :P and I'm not a for writing those scenes, it just fit well with the story. hahah xD but to satisfy them loving readers, I'll just leave some space for you guys to imagine it out, alright? ;D

P/S. I know you guys will get mad at me for leaving you guys a cliffhanger :P but its getting really late and I'm really tired, since I got up at 7am this morning when I was sick to update the last chapter. I promise I'll update as soon as I can! Thanks for reading <3

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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 15: logic or not. it was fluffy happy sweet and cute!!! how key could not remember but have the feeling that being with jjong was just the right thing hahahaha tht was breathtaking!!! ^_^
SherlocKey #2
@fyi-i-am-awesome ; I replied you already :P<br />
<br />
@shy777 ; ngeheh. thankyou! :D (I shall take that as a compliment)<br />
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@kaylalovesworld ; really?! whoa. (': now I feel like tearing up xD thanks!
^Q^ I teared up a little bit! Not even sure why... But this was good XD
Cute!!!<br />
fyi-i-am-awesome #5
Bloody ! Taemin loves horor movie! LOVES!!! Sorry dudette, just had to say that! Btw, I was expecting more 2min moments=(, but the story was AWESOME!!!<br />
<br />
ps, You locket! Even in 2min scenes you have to say that key is beautiful. I'm speechless...
SherlocKey #6
@bananamilkbubble ; NGAHHHH I TOTALLY LOVE YOU FOR THAT COMMENT! xD thanks and I'll try to (:<br />
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@therest123 ; I was hoping to write more too :P oh well. enjoyed writing it xD and thanks for reading! <3
threst123 #7
:) Awwww~ Hope to read more but or well, enjoyed it;)
SherlocKey #8
@therest123 ; yeap. Just posted the last chapter. Let me know what you think (: