Chapter 14

Romeo, romeo, romeo.


Chapter 14


                         Taemin chuckled to himself as he read his umma’s text. Maybe there is hope after all!

                         Minho looked at Taemin curiously. “Whats up?”

                         “Oh, nothing. Just that Key umma likes Jonghyun hyung! But he doesn’t know that they were a couple. And Key umma doesn’t know that Jonghyun hyung has feelings for him too… oh wait, now this situation just got kinda complicated.” Taemin said, suddenly solemn again.

                         “Oh well, they’ll get back together soon enough. You can’t just erase love like that. So anyway, do you want to go anywhere today?” Minho changed the subject, wanting to cheer Taemin up.

                         “Well… it has been a long time since we went to watch a movie and went to the arcade. How about watching a romance film tonight? Or an action movie would be nice.”

                         “What? Taemin, you know I can’t stand romantic movies! Come on, let’s go watch a horror movie instead!” Minho said, smiling.

                         “Hyung! No! You know darn well that I don’t like horror movies! They’re so scary!” Taemin said with a pout.

                         “Of course I do. That’s the point, isn’t it? Anyway I’ll be sitting beside you all the time, so what do you have to be afraid of? This time is my turn to choose the movie, since you chose it last time!” Minho tried to reason with Taemin and get his way.

                         “Ugh! Fine, hyung. But only cause it’s you. If it was anyone else, I wouldn’t even go. Consider yourself lucky!” Taemin finally gave in.

                         Lucky? You couldn’t have been more right. What would I do without you? Oh, right. I’d probably be lost. Minho thought.




                         After finishing breakfast, they decided to watch a movie. “What movie do you want to watch? Just look in the drawer there. We have quite a lot of movies stashed there. Pick any one you like.” Jonghyun said to Key, pointing at the drawer in the living room.

                         Key pulled open the drawer. The first thing he saw was an A Walk to Remember dvd. “Hey! Do you mind if we watched A Walk to Remember? It’s my favorite movie!” Key exclaimed.

                         Jonghyun smiled to himself. Every time they came here, Key always chose to watch A Walk to Remember. No matter how many times they watched it, Key still cried every time. To be honest, Jonghyun almost cried the first few times too. Then he decided to man up and soothe Key instead.

                         “Yeah, sure.” Jonghyun said, getting up to get some snacks from the kitchen.

                         When he walked back into the living room with a handful of snacks, he found Key hugging the pillow, already on the verge of tears. It was only 10 minutes into the movie!

                         Jonghyun set the snacks on the table and sat down next to Key. He wasn’t sure of what he was doing, but he just did what he always does when Key is crying, watching this movie.

                         Jonghyun put his arm around Key and pulled him closer. Key looked at Jonghyun, seemed a bit surprised, but eventually continued watching the movie.

                         By the end of the movie, Key was in tears, crying into Jonghyun’s chest. Jonghyun just gently Key’s back, holding him while he cries. Jonghyun put his hand under Key’s chin and lightly tipped his head up. Jonghyun gently kissed his forehead, his heart beating fast, not knowing how Key will respond.

                         Will he push me away? Jonghyun stopped himself from thinking too much and just did it anyway. Key just smiled and continued softly crying. Jonghyun couldn’t help smiling while he went back to Key’s back.

                         After a few minutes, Key’s sobs slowly subsided. Jonghyun looked down and realized that Key had cried himself to sleep. Jonghyun picked Key up, bridal style, and set him down on the bad in their room. He kissed Key’s forehead again and tucked him in, careful not to wake him up.

                         Now, it’s just me and my thoughts. Jonghyun sighed and stared out the window as he thought about his relationship with Key. Will we ever go back to the way we were?




                         Minho smiled to himself when he saw Taemin cover his eyes. They were in the cinema watching a horror movie, and Taemin kept biting his own lip, trying not to scream when the scary parts came on.

                         Minho froze when during a scary scene in the movie; Taemin clung onto him tightly and buried his head in Minho’s chest. Just when Minho’s arm was about to pull Taemin closer and hold him, Taemin pulled away and continued watching the movie.

                         Minho sighed and wondered if Taemin was playing with his feelings. Then again, Taemin doesn’t know how I feel. Minho sighed again.

                         After the movie, they took a walk in the park. It was past midnight and the shadows kept giving them a fright. Every time they thought a shadow moved, Taemin jumped and held onto Minho’s arm for life. It was always just their imagination, though.

                         The walk through the park was long, and it was getting cold. It was a beautiful night, though. They sat down at a bench and tilted their heads back, looking at the stars above them.

                         “Hyung?” Taemin said. “Thanks for always being there for me. This is really random, but I just wanted to thank you. You’re always protecting me and I really appreciate it.”

                         Minho looked at Taemin. “Taemin?” He leaned closer to Taemin’s face. “I will always be there for you and I will always protect you. Remember that.”

                         Minho leaned in and kissed Taemin before he could stop himself. He pulled away, and before Taemin can react, Minho quickly stood up and apologized. “Taemin… I’m so sorry! I don’t know what came over me! I won’t do that again, I promise!”

                         Taemin was shocked. He didn’t expect Minho to kiss him. Emotions ran through him. He can’t even comprehend what he was feeling. Was it anger? That was my first kiss, after all. But I’m not angry. Was it joy? Wait. Why am I happy? Yeah, I think I’m happy. Oh and my heart is beating a thousand miles per hour. Crap. I think I’m blushing. What the heck? Oh my gosh. I like Minho hyung and I didn’t realize?!

                         Minho was nervous and fidgety, waiting for Taemin to respond. Instead he watched as Taemin’s expression changed from confusion to happiness to disbelief, and then he blushed. Huh? He’s blushing? Is that a good thing?

                         Minho continued rambling on and on. “Taemin? Taemin? I’m so sorry. I promise I won’t do that again. Taemin? Can you give me some reaction, please?”

                         Taemin came out of his thoughts. What? He’s apologizing? So he doesn’t like me, after all? He’s regretting that he kissed me? “Minho hyung, why did you kiss me?” Taemin asked Minho, finally looking up at Minho.

                         “What? W-what? Uhh…” Minho stuttered, not knowing how to answer Taemin’s question.

                         “Just be honest with me, hyung. Why did you kiss me?”

                         “Because… because I like you! I’ve liked you since the day I saw you. I know you don’t feel the same way, so that’s why I never told you. I understand if you don’t want to be friends anymore after this.” Minho finally found the courage to confess to Taemin.

                         Minho was expecting Taemin to get angry. He was even expecting Taemin to slap him, or punch him. Instead, he was taken by surprised as Taemin stood up and smiled at him. He was even more surprised when Taemin put his arms around his neck and kissed him.

                         “Well, hyung. At least it wasn’t a waste of my first kiss.” Taemin smiled at Minho. Minho could've died of happiness. I'm really the luckiest guy ever. They both thought at the same time.

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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 15: logic or not. it was fluffy happy sweet and cute!!! how key could not remember but have the feeling that being with jjong was just the right thing hahahaha tht was breathtaking!!! ^_^
SherlocKey #2
@fyi-i-am-awesome ; I replied you already :P<br />
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@shy777 ; ngeheh. thankyou! :D (I shall take that as a compliment)<br />
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@kaylalovesworld ; really?! whoa. (': now I feel like tearing up xD thanks!
^Q^ I teared up a little bit! Not even sure why... But this was good XD
Cute!!!<br />
fyi-i-am-awesome #5
Bloody ! Taemin loves horor movie! LOVES!!! Sorry dudette, just had to say that! Btw, I was expecting more 2min moments=(, but the story was AWESOME!!!<br />
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ps, You locket! Even in 2min scenes you have to say that key is beautiful. I'm speechless...
SherlocKey #6
@bananamilkbubble ; NGAHHHH I TOTALLY LOVE YOU FOR THAT COMMENT! xD thanks and I'll try to (:<br />
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@therest123 ; I was hoping to write more too :P oh well. enjoyed writing it xD and thanks for reading! <3
threst123 #7
:) Awwww~ Hope to read more but or well, enjoyed it;)
SherlocKey #8
@therest123 ; yeap. Just posted the last chapter. Let me know what you think (: