Team Potpourri --×-- A Fragrant Batch of Superheroines [indefinite hiatus]
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home page plotlines powerlist potpourri cheat sheet reviews layout credit teresa lawley the need for speed and that night life high.

Teresa was working under a dark orange 2005 Chevrolet Monte Carlo with Lambo doors at Heritage Performance. It was a car workshop that her father owned since before she was even born and inherited from the original owner twenty-something years ago. It was still the best auto workshop that Los Angeles had to offer. Teresa just wish that this prick would go back to his Beverly Hills home and flirt with a bimbo that was actually interested in him there. But no, he had to come to Heritage Performance instead. Anyways, she was currently checking underneath the car for fluid leaks because the idiot owner, who she still thought of as a wannabe car expert that knew nothing about cars except to deck them out to impress people, came in saying something was wrong with his car and he couldn't figure out what it was. There was nothing wrong with the car. The guy just wanted an excuse to talk to Teresa. The said guy always comes in at least once a month hoping that he'll get the chance to pick up Teresa once and for all with every new addition to his car in hopes it would impress Teresa. It never worked. Not because of the car, but because of the dude himself.

"So... Teresa..." The guy, Derek Jeffers, languidly spoke, "Heard about that new movie called Midnight Recovery?"

Teresa ignored him and continued to make herself look like she was busy, when really she was just playing Need For Speed on silent on her cell phone.

Derek continued like Teresa replied back to him. "Well it's about this doctor who discovers that he can go back in time by doing this math equation and can save the lives of his patients if he does it by midnight."

Teresa momentarily stopped playing the game and made a face while rolling her eyes. She would never watch a movie with him. Nor would she watch the movie itself. She hated it already.

"I thought we could, you know, have a dinner and movie, and maybe go joyriding out towards San Francisco and cruise through the Golden Gate Bridge. Just you and me in my Lambo." Derek continued with a devilish look like he was proud of himself for coming up with a planned date that he was sure was gonna lure Teresa right in. "What do you say?"

Teresa finished her game, put her mobile away, and rolled out from under the car. "I say that your undercarriage may have quite a few problems, Mr. Jeffers."

"Mr. Jeffers is my dad, Teresa. I thought we went over this. Derek, or even Honey, was what I told you to refer me by." Derek faltered a bit, thinking that Teresa was going to take him up on his offer.

"Well, Derek, your undercarriage has something going on with its chassis rails. It could be quite expensive to repair depending on what is really wrong with it with further inspection."

"Come again?"

"I'm saying that there's something wrong with your vehicle's frame."

"Like what exactly? I just got my car modified a week ago!"

"Well maybe the people you had modified your car didn't do such a professional job and took it out fo a spin, because I'm not quite sure." Teresa told him with a straight face, although she was enjoying seeing him losing his cool.

"Teresa. C'mon, darling. You're the best mechanic I know, besides your dad and brother. Can't you tell me what's wrong with it? I've been going to you for about two years now." Derek stated as he began to worry about the now added cost of his car and that there was something actually wrong with it, although there actually wasn't none.

Teresa began chewing on her bottom right lip, but it went unnoticed by Derek, and she continued her little charade on the poor guy. "It could be that the shock absorbers are worn-out, or something

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Potpourri: 5th SUPER revealed!~


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Chapter 26: take the time that you need :D
Chapter 26: No! I have been looking so forward to this story. But I understand. I will wait.
Chapter 16: Omg so sorry for not being able to read these all since today ;~;
Chemistry has just been killing me slowly since it started and just super stressed about that
I really like the chapters they're all so cute~ my favourite would have to be Emis so far cuz her as Sehuns conversation was just so adorable <3
Anyways. Great chapters. Loved them and congratulations to the chosen girls. Can't wait to see who's next
Chapter 16: ooooh I like the way u wrote her!!!!
I was actually expecting Cameron HAHA but it's ok!!!
omg ikr I love the f&f series
Chapter 15: it's okay, i like the way you wrote her :D
Chapter 15: now I really can't wait for the rest of the chars to be revealed!!!
Chapter 13: Congratulations to the first two supers <3 <3 I can't wait for the rest :D
Chapter 14: yaaaay u're back (-':